F-Secure Total on Windows 11 Outlook emails.
I have just purchased and installed F-Secure Total on my Windows 11 PC. Now I cannot get pictures or links to show in my emails. The Help search facility is poor and by the look of the dates on some of the posts need to be verified as still valid as I would question if advice given in 2013 is still valid in 2023.
Windows (10): full load at (almost) every wake-up after sleep / stand-by
Hi there, it's been troubling me for years, now I've got tired of it: My Windows 10 Laptop (DELL Inspiron 15-5578) mostly spends inactive times in sleep/standy-by, (Of course, I reboot it once a month after the regular Windows OS updates...) But almost every time I wake it up in the morning, it is so busy, with near 100%…
error message since yesterday
Since yesterday I get almost every hour this message. The restart that is requested does not change a thing!
Help How do i delete this account?
As title I was renewing my subscription and somehow i accidentally made this account on this forum. How do i delete it? I have checked profile and only notification settings. Please help!
Updates are delayed after waking Windows from Sleep/Hypernate mode
F-Secure (currently using version 19.0) is not updating right away after waking Windows (currently Windows 11) from Sleep or Hypernate mode. Usually F-Secure updates automatically right away after turning on/reboots. In cases when Windows wakes from Sleep or Hypernate mode, F-Secure takes about 1 hour to trigger the search…
Hittar ingen produktnyckel. Finns inte med i bekräftelsen. Har tittat även i skärpposten
Var finner jag min produktnyckel. Har betalat via mastercard idag men har inte fått någon produktnyckel i samband med bekräftelsen.
The New F-Secure Total app
Hello to all F-Secure users! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product, the F-Secure Total app, on February 14, 2023. This app is designed to provide you with comprehensive, all-in-one security for all your devices. F-Secure Total is a comprehensive security suite that provides complete protection for…