[MacOS 12.6.6] Total v19.2 (51879) Bug with Security Cloud
Hi, My F-secure Total installation on my Mac M1 got updated from v 19.0 to v19.2 a couple of days back and it seemingly broke the browsing/banking protection or so I thought... No more search results ratings, no banking site notifications and the test domains were not caught (https://unsafe.fstestdomain.com/ for example).…
Higher TOTAL price if you alrdy have trial account going on - why?
Hello, So, I am currently testing out F-Secure TOTAL with it's free 30 days trial. Feels like I'd like the product and so on I was about to replace my McAfee LiveSafe with F-Secure. I went to an online store and saw that there was 49,99€ discount price for 5 devices protection. Price seemed reasonable and I was about to…
Hello !
Hello ! I am answering to a feedback that I had this morning at o9:27 into my mailbox.org. You ask me if : ----o9:27 into my mailbox.org---- Further to your request, we would like to know if the recommendations in our previous email were helpful to you. The answer is yes ! As I explained before, I could not installed…
I had FSecure on my desk but the image diseapears
Hello, I had Fsecure Safe payed good until 18 october 2023 BUT the image 'FSecure' it's diseapears from my desk and I can't click on ! So I tryed to reinstall it. Someone could help me, please ? Thank you clairette
Subscription Code
Renewed in Feb 2023, Reference Number xxxxxxxxx. Now it is asking for Subscription Code but it was not sent to me. How do I get it? Edit: PII removed
🌟 Join the F-Secure Quiz Challenge on June 15th, 2023. Win Exciting Prizes🏆
📣 Attention F-Secure Users. Join our exciting online quiz session starting from June 15th, 2023, at 11:00 AM EEST and stand a chance to win prizes. We're excited to announce a fun quiz event about the new F-Secure Total that will give you a chance to win fantastic prizes. Get ready for a daily dose of quiz excitement.…
Legit updates or all good?
Hi, last night I saw that my f-secure updated with Oneclient SAFE 5.2.2668 but didn't want to install until I restarted the computer and F-secure wanted me to turned off my VP and it was installed and after that bunch of other updates starting with the names WhitSecure which different from previous updates that started…
I recently bought a new Android device and want to transfer my password vault contents
My passwords are stored in ID Protection. The option to sync from old device to new device is grayed out - do I need to purchase an additional license just to move my passwords across? Even though I intend to retire the old device? How easy is it to just add ID Protection for an extra device, or do I need to buy the whole…
Has anyone tried running F-Secure on an Intel Evo laptop? How has your experience been so far?
Hi everyone, I recently purchased an Intel Evo laptop and I'm wondering if anyone has tried running F-Secure on it. I'm curious to know how your experience has been so far. Have you encountered any issues or has it been running smoothly? I'm looking for suggestions and recommendations on how to optimize my experience with…
Hur byter man namn på profilen
Var ändrar man namnet på användare?
Since the 3/6, Again again again again - No Capricorn-updates!!
Have you left the building? Should I use Windows Defrnder? Should I use AVG Free? Do something!
Wifi Hotspot doesn't work on Android
Hello, I have an F-Secure Total subscription, and the app is installed among other things on my daughter's Android phone. After installing the app, sharing WIFI has not been possible. When trying to make the phone a WiFi hotspot, nothing happens. What can be done, except for uninstalling the app? Caye
F-Secure ne fonctionne pas et demande à chaque fois un redémarrage
Bonjour, Je suis toujours sous Windows 7 et je viens d'acheter une nouvelle licence F-Secure. L'installation fonctionne et l'abonnement indique bien 366 jour. Mais impossible de faire fonctionner le logiciel. Ce message apparaît (voir images) et j'ai tenté à plusieurs reprises de redémarrer l'ordinateur, rien n'y fait.…
F-secure blocking internet connection to the game Genshin
Hi! F-Secure seems to block the internet connection to the game Genshin on Windows on my son's computer. My son (13 years) has he's own child account in f-secure). If I temporarily disable f-secure everything seems to work fine. Hence my conclusion that the issue is with f-secure and not the windows firewall. I have tried…
Is F-secure Freedome not a part of F-secure-Total. I think it was some time ago
Is F-secure Freedome not a part of F-secure-Total. I think it was some time ago I can't find where to install it from my f-Secure Total
Hello, I suddenly had a mhelper program on my taskbar. That must have been something with SEO background. Have it uninstalled. Could this have been a threat?
Pop Ups.
Security Pop Ups. Windows 11 MS Edge F-Secure security. Windows Firewall is also active, All up to date. After installing a Samsung USB driver from the Samsung site. Have removed the driver. Many pop ups as per the two examples:- Scans with FS say all is clear! Advice Please.
Problem installing on 2nd device
I renewed my sub for Total, and 3 devices. Installs fine in first device. Install on 2nd device (laptop, windows 7) appears to work. but does not really conclude, and when I click on the f-secure icon the f-secure screen outline flashes on the screen but does not display. Tried this twice. What is up?
ID Protection does a lackluster job of synchronizing the Vault
ID Protection does a lackluster job of synchronizing the Vault, specifically between devices such as my Windows 11 & my iOS 16 device. This issue has been ongoing since my subscription started months ago. Last night when I made a Cloaked.app username+password credential and saved it, it did not synchronize properly and…
DeepGuard blocks installation of KeePassXC. How to solve this?
An agency I work for recommend strongly that those working for them use an app called KeePassXC to save their password in a safe way. They have tested it out and found that it is totally safe. The problem is that when I try to install KeePassXC, DeepGuard blocks it because it believes it is a malware. So how do I go about…
Pricing for renewal is $60 higher than if I purchase on a new account
Why is it more expensive to renew my subscription than if I start up a new purchase?
CNN Videos no longer playing
In the last couple of weeks, all my browsers are not able to play any videos on CNN. If I open an incognito window in Chrome or Edge so that my FSecure extension is no longer active everything works.
How can I buy F-Secure Total for 1 device fot 24 months?
Hello I've got a problem. In 30 days my 'F-Secure Save' for 2 devices for 2 years will expire. I want to continue with F-Secure, but for 1 device for 2 years. When I log in, however, I don't get the choice I want, namely 'F-Secure Total' for 2 years for only 1 device (€ 79.99). I can only choose between 'F-Secure Internet…
I want to import my passwords from Chrome but it refuses to do so
After chosing for the import it displays: invalid file format
F-Secure extremely slow scanning on Android phone
I used to have F-Secure installed on my phone. Then I uninstalled it and tried another product for a while. Now I reinstalled it and it is much slower than it used to be. When I previously used it, it started to scan automatically when I rebooted my phone. It took a few minutes. Now, ever since the reinstall it takes about…
Anzeige nach der Einschaltung vom Dektop wie folgt
Meine Fritz Box meldet kein Internetzugriff FSVpnSDKVPNConnektion Internetzugriff ja Frage:"Ist das richtig so, oder habe ich eine falsche Einstellung?" Vielen Dank im voraus rathoL
Subscription question
Hello, I accidentally purchased a new F-Secure subscription outside my account instead of renewing my existing My F-Secure account. I only have access to an android smartphone how can I delete my account so that I can change over to the account that I paid for? The only option in android seems to be to log out of the…
F-Secure Total
Are F-secure Freedome not a part of F-Secure Total?
An experience with a virus
My computer (Acer) had like a strange little WINDOWS warning on "data encryption". It didn't let me do anything, I thought it was an error, so I just ignored it. Then the Wi-Fi stopped working on my computer two days. As in, the Wi-Fi was ON, on my computer, but the list of routers was EMPTY i.e. my router which was still…
F-Secure modifies hosts file and states that it can be restored but it's not possible
I'm on windows and after installing f-secure just found that the hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts got replaced by F-Secure. There's this message at the top of the file now: # # Copyright (c) 2007 F-Secure Corporation # # This is a HOSTS file created during malware removal. # # Your original HOSTS file…