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Päivittäin käytössä oleva salasanaholvi (ios 17.6.1) oli kirjautunut ulos tai hukannut kaiken. Nyt kun käynnistin sovelluksen ilmoitteli vain, että oltko uusi käyttäjä vai haluatko siirtää tietoja. En voi siirtää mistään kun kaikki oli puhelimessa! Miten saan salasanat takaisin?
F-Secure Total(win 11) päivittyi versioon 19.6,julkaisutietoja versiosta ei ole..
These questions have been answered recently.
Mainosten esto näyttää olevan liian tehokas, koska se ilmeisesti estää myös telsun, telkun, yms. ohjelmaoppaiden ohjelmien lisätietojen näkymisen. Voisiko jotenkin f-securelle opettaa, että nämä eivät ole mainoksia? Vai ovatko telsu, telkku yms. tahallaan jotenkin luokitelleet ne mainoksiksi (salaliittoteoria), jotta…
Hello. On 13.09.24 there was a major program update for all engines and OneClient. After this update, my FireFox instances automatically lost the Password Manager authorization which has happened in the past too. This time, however, copying the new Autofill code didn't work - it fails with a message "Invalid authorization…
Omassa sekä puolison Iphonessa (molemmissa IOS 17.6) on käytössä F-Secure sovellus (versio 24.7.302912). Molemmissa puhelimissa VPN jumiutuu ja katkaisee tällöin yhteyden verkkoon (sama tapahtuu WiFi sekä mobiiliverkossa). Ongelman ilmentyessä pikaviestisovellusten viestit eivät tule läpi eikä nettisivut lataudu. VPN jää…
Hello :) It's been about a week since 19.6 for Windows was rolled out. Could we update this page with the summery information you usually include, please. I keep another forum up to speed regarding F-Secure and would like to update that thread as well. What's new in the F-Secure app - F-Secure Community Thank you :)
Additional features to the F-Secure installation program include the detection, guidance and possible removal of conflicting programs.
I have an interesting and annoying problem. Just ONE site I often use ( keeps blocking me and says 'turn off ad blocker'. Currently there is no way to allow an exception to the ad blocker. Perhaps this could be added to the suggestions 'box'. Kind regards Martin
I have F-Secure installed and mostly it is great BUT: when I am browsing and do a Google search I keep getting a pop-up over the links that are offered, mostly saying things like "this site is highly trusted" or other messages. The problem is the pop-up covers up the actual link AND THEN NEVER GOES AWAY!!!! If I want to…
Hi it is 2 weeks that I have lost my connection to F Scure . when ever I want to start it comes to check internet connection which my laptop is conneted to wifi !!! I have internet connection and can surf and connect to all other progam and all site I need. I have checked my connection to internet and it seems ok. but…
Hi, I was wanting to try the "Call support" feature as I've only used the "Live text chat" before. However, I can't find the phone number to call? I'm looking at this: Any help would be appreciated!
Hi I think f-secure total should have an addition of integrated file shredder in future versions . F-secure licenses are pricier than some and I think a total security suite isn’t complete without one as I still use it.
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure ID Protection reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure Freedome VPN reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Hello F-Secure Community, We've recently received a report regarding an issue with activating the Safari Browser extension on iOS 17.4.1. A customer has reported that after clicking on "set up" in the F-Secure app and following the on-screen instructions, they are unable to proceed past the point where they need to "Tap…
We are now making changes on the beta community and feedback handling for your benefit. We do not have any more portal after first of August. Feedback wont be requested separately until in form of new survey. Please file bugs by sending email to or posting a comment here at our…
Hello F-Secure users, We are sad to announce that the legacy F-Secure Internet Security (which was available on Windows only and activated via subscription code) and Anti-Virus is reaching their end of life. What does this means? These products will no longer receive any updates after Dec 1st, 2023. We know this may be…