VPN start even if connected in trusted network.
Hi, I'm newby with Fsecure Total, so maybe I just missing something. On Android phone, I set Automatic Wifi protection ON and killswitch ON, but when I start my smartphone, VPN start even if connected to a trusted network. Is this normal behavior? Thank You.
F-Secure password autofill no longer available for Safari on macOS
My suite of F-Secure apps (SAFE, ID PROTECTION, FREEDOME) was recently update to F-Secure, which bundles them into one app. Unfortunately, there is apparently no F-Secure extension for Safari on macOS that allows me to use the autofill feature after this upgrade. Also, when I received the message about the upgrade, there…
Subscription code or not
Hello! I have renewed my subscription and as I understand it should be all fine. But F-secure still ask me to type in my subscription code. I have tried to find it in the confirmation mail. Do I need it? Where do i find it? 😀
How to limit Google search window wathching of YouTube videos?
If my child does a Google seach for a video from the android phone start screen default Google seach box and starts the video from the search result browser window, with out going to Youtube, he can watch Youtube videos endlessly without any time limit restrictions. How to prevent this? It makes F-secure ""Daily time…
and other net::ERR timeouts are happening on my Safe Browser. It has become unusable and I continually have to hit 'ok'.
F-Secure Total.
Hey all I wonder how i get the program after reinstalled my computer, i have the license
Total VPN.
Recently upgraded to Total in the UK. However the VPN doesn't seem to be active in a nearby country re TV reception. Obviously I can select the country I am in so I assume it should be working?
Poser 13 - Software-Update blocked because of TR/AD.Amadey.nvgep in sqlite_x64Release.dll
Ladies and Gentlemen, one week ago, I installed the Poser 13-Update (Software from Renderosity) successfully on my Computer and was able to start it and use it. Some days later F-Secure blocked th program with the remark : "blocked because of TR/AD.Amadey.nvgep in sqlite_x64Release.dll". The dll was sent to the quarentine.…
Aktivace zakoupené ochrany proti virům v prodejně
Přeji pěkný den.Měla jsem aktivovanou ochranu na měsíc zdarma.Během této doby jsem zakoupila v prodejně na rok pro 3 zařízení ochranu proti virům ve které je aktivační kód .Bezplatna verze mi již vypršela a nemůžu nikde najít jak můžu aktivovat kód z koupené verze. Děkuji za jakoukoliv radu
F-Secure Total VPN after MacOS 13.3 update not connecting
Hi, I updated my MacBook Air M2 to Ventura 13.3, and now my F-Secure Total VNP does not work, the VPN connection does not go active. What can I do to use the VPN connection?(before the update vpn worked normally.)
Which group my account belongs after my free trial is expired?
Hi, I used the free trial of F-secure and it expired a while ago. For some reasons, F-secure required me to leave a 'group' when I am being added as a sub-user, and I couldn't find any 'group' to leave in my profile page. What should I do now? Thank you! Best regard, Dao N
F-Secure Total for ARM based tablets and smartphones?
Hi, I am using F-Secure Internet security on my Windows PC and F-Secure VPN on my Android tablet and smartphone for many years. Great products, work very well! Now I thought it's time to upgrade to F-Secure Total. But the system requirements tell me: "ARM-based tablets are not supported". So I can not use F-Secure Total on…
F-Secure for Android
Hello! I have a question. Can I install F-Secure on my Android smartphone? I frequently use social media on it and sometimes use unfamiliar websites to search for information, so it would be good to have protection against viruses and hacks.
F-Secure, Total without any Capricorn updates, since the 24/3 2023.... AGAIN! NOW, 3 days!!!!!!!!
Why hasn't that been better? We are paying for this! Perhaps, I should use AVG free, instead.......... When this still is absolutely the same. Do something!
kein update möglich
Welchen Port muss ich einrichten, um updates zu erhalten
New versio F Secure Total
how that is it possible after the new version of F secure, spam mail comes in as much as possible, excuse me!, but have used f- secure over 10 years and this is the worst version in f-secure's history. The VPN is active when it feels like it and shuts down every few minutes. F-secure support says that have small problems…
still can not quarantine the virus ...
Hi F Secure ~ I am just a End user from Taiwan. have a question hope ur team can give me a solution. I bought F-Secure "Total" , and try to protect my laptop avoid virus~ I just wondering know , how to handle this problem as beow: after I install the software than scan my laptop and harddisk it shows has a virus here and…
Abo Abgelaufen
Hallo , sobald ich meinen Computer starte - erscheint F Secure abgelaufen ???? meine Ref Nr. xxxxxxxxx gültig bis 10. 2023 ich verstehe das nicht, bitte um Klärung Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gxxxxx Kxxxxxx Edit: PII removed
Mac installation file not recognized, says no app found
I have downloaded the file multiple times, and it says no app found. when I search the app store it says the app is not currently available in my region or country (Canada). but I had no problem putting the app on my iPhone?
Renewal has lost previous paid for license period
Hi, I paid & renewed today several weeks ahead of my expiration as solicited by my software but instead of setting my new start date to when my existing license expired, the system has set my renewal date to today so I have lost the license period I have previously legitimately paid for. This is grossly unfair.
Uninstall FREEDOME on Mac
Now I have the new F-secure TOTAL installed on my MacBook. But the prior installation of FREEDOME is also starting up independently from TOTAL. If I close this FREEDOM the VPN on TOTAL is also closing. How to uninstall FREEDOME?
F-Secure (Total) not opening after various installs MacBook Pro M1 (2020)
Hi, I've been a F-secure client for years. Now my F-Secure (Total) is not opening after various installs MacBook Pro M1 (2020). I can find the app with new logo after install but it doesn't open. Any help here, cheers. -Jaakko
Automatic wifi protection setting changes by itself
Im having trouble with new F-secure Total app. I use automatic wifi protection setting in VPN. How ever this setting wont stay on. It goes off by itself daily. Im using Samsung s23 ultra with latest updates. Is this known issue that will be fixed in next update?
Privacy VPN will not connect
Privacy VPN will not connect. If you try to connect, the app closes after a while What to do?
Trubble Renewing subscription no useful blog help
Renewing license not straightforward for "Total". Wanted 10 licenses not 15, wanted all new software release from 14/02/23 onward. not recycled old stuff and price per license was double that advertised on site!! as renewal = times are tough value for money is essential . So I purchased off site with different E Mail…
Skimpy with discount to old customers
I now know that F-Secure overcharge all old customers. If you can give new customes almost 30% discount, then I'm overcharged.
FREEDOME vs Confidentialité VPN
Bonjour, il y a quelque temps une mise à jour de F-SECURE TOTAL a installé Confidentialité VPN. Je possède déjà FREEDOME. Faut il désinstaller FREEDOME ? Et si oui comment et quel impact sur ma facturation ? Une copie écran montrant les 2 VPN Merci de votre réponse Cdt.
Failed reduce the number of licenses
I had 5 licenses for my last subscribtion. I tried to follow the step by step instruction to reduce to 3 licenses, but it simply didn't work. Now i've payed for 5, and i want the money for the unused licenses back. Also: Please improve the usabilty of your website and kill the popups.
F-Secure blocks extensions to Google Chrome and Edge
Our customer uses a smart card to log into internet banking. The smart card needs a browser extension to communicate. (Rozšíření internetového prohlížeče se nepodařilo ověřit. Kontaktujte Helpdesk (Kód chyby 4).)= =(The Internet browser extension could not be verified. Contact the Helpdesk (Error Code 4).)
F-Secure , Android, I keep signed off against my knowledgeable and will
Version = 20.0.0022681 Android 13 and newest Android security update. My user keeps signed off on a regular basis (daily/ every second day). This seems to have started after the newest update. By the looks of it happens around the same time when there used to be automatic scan. During the night/early in the morning/late in…