I had FSecure on my desk but the image diseapears

clairette Posts: 23 Enthusiast
edited December 2023 in F-Secure Total


I had Fsecure Safe payed good until 18 october 2023

BUT the image 'FSecure' it's diseapears from my desk and I can't click on !

So I tryed to reinstall it.

Someone could help me, please ?

Thank you


Accepted Answer


  • clairette
    clairette Posts: 23 Enthusiast

    Hello !

    Now I have got Fsecure TOTAL pay : BUT HOW CAN I INSTALL IT ?

    ON my Fsecure they said : This computer (your computer, that you are using now) is protect ! ! !

    BUT how can I click on to make analyse ! ! !

    HOW can I install ?

    Thank you !!!!!

  • clairette
    clairette Posts: 23 Enthusiast

    Hello Firmy !

    Thank you to answer !

    I reset all my computer because I did not manage to deleted Fsecure Safe

    it writed to me ; ---FSecure can not desinstall because the file do not run---

    So I made an analys with Panda (another antivirus) and I do not know why

    but I musted to reset all ! So I did it today.

    And I install Fsecure TOTAL ; now all it's ok ; an all analys about my pc

    is running at this time 18:53.

    Against, Thank to you !


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