Green banner ?

Hello everybody,
All is ok on my pc :
-Cleaner, done
-Complete Analyse, done
-Settings, check and done
BUT the green banner with Fsecure total on websites bank doesn't appears.
Someone have the solution ?
(I note that i am regulary hack by i think, -----they are hiding behind equipment------
by old or young people in training militaries just because my boyfriend's father
was one of them and he he apparently worked in boat repair, so manipulated electronic,
knows lot of, lot of, people like him and do not likes me.)
Thank you.
Accepted Answer
Hello @clairette
Note that this could be an issue with the bank URL or the browsing protection extension. I would suggest looking into the link below in order to confirm which of the two is causing the issue:,to%20activate%20the%20program%20again.
Hello !
I thank to you Marmab.
BUT now it's worse ! ! ! !
They take hold of on my pc : I explain.
The green banner appears AND when I am connect on the bank page, it disappears.
They put it back when I contact Fsecure support.
When I click on the button enter on keyboard, the page I am consulting then goes up.
I am not kidding !
They really do it.
I appreciate the description with what you are currently experiencing. I'd suggest that you submit the URL sample for our labs to further analyse the site block:
- Access the site at:
- Click on submit URL
- Click on "I want to give more details..." to describe the issue and get feedback on the findings.