VPN in Romania
Hello, Do you have any plans on adding Romania as a new location the VPN? I noticed for several locations you are working with Anexia Datacenters and as far as I know, they have such a datacenter in Bucharest, Romania as well. Thank you!
Using FSecure Total VPN solves my issue with Apple Devices app (Win 11).
Bought new iPhone 16. Opens it, it demands update, connects to Win 11 PC with Apple Devices app and tries to update iPhone 16 with it. Update gets stuck and fails. After 12 hours of intense work solving the issue the Apple Devices app is NOT working I bump into a post the suggests to try put VPN on. Opens FSecure, puts VPN…
Why does VPN not work?
i tried it both on my laptop and mobile but it just blocks my wifi connection. i cant get it to work and i have tride with both wifi and data roaming. Afther i switch the VPN button on it just loads forever, block my wifi connection and does not work. is there any solution to this? something else i have to activate? some…
Hello. If this message happens to be picked up by Belmar. I wish to inform you that that our conversation was disrupted midway. And this is exactly what I was describing to you but you started asking unnecessary questions regarding why I believe the VPN is duped! F-secure VPN has been disfunctioning for the past 2 months.…
What to do if my VPN breaks down every now and then
my VPN breaks down without any signal. Resulting in no access to the internet. What can I do to get rid of these interuptions. I have a Mac/iPad/iPhone and the cut off happens with Safari, Chrome, Firefox etc. Thanks for a suggestion.
VPN too laggy/slow to use
VPN has been extremely slow for the past days. I have to load most pages at least twice before the website loads at all, videos are impossible to watch. I can basically only use internet when I turn VPN off. Is there anything I can do?
VPN usability
Hi, I assume that you are aware of the VPN service's problems regarding the trouble-free operation of the internet connection. Today, in the Chat conversation with your support, I gained a new understanding in this regard. If the problems with the VPN service (or some of them) are related to the protocol used, then I…
add a vpn location of india
I request to add india vpn location into f-secure total app,meanwhile,I wonder when india server will be added?
iOS - Issues with Website Security and Feature Suggestions for FS Protection
Dear F-Secure team, I hope this message finds you well. While browsing websites using the internal secure browser of FS Protection, I noticed that it opens a new window in Safari, causing the page to load outside the secure environment. I’m currently using iOS 18.1 beta 7 and do not experience this issue with the public…
Exclude SMB (or other services) from the VPN
Because I need to access externally via SMB, I cannot do this while F-Secure VPN is on. Unfortunately, I can't just exclude it like that. Therefore, it would be cool if you could exclude ports or domains from the VPN, or alternatively, instead of "exclude apps", you could set it to "only these apps", as I only need this…
Maintain the french server ?
Hello, I am having real trouble using the french server for VPN... Could you do something ? While testing speed (Network Speed Test, from Microsoft, v1.0.0.23) : I have a download speed of 23Mbps (!!!) while using the french location, and, at least, 126Mbps using the finland one ! And my connection is, without the vpn on,…
When is Sydney, AU being added as IP address
I was wondering when Sydney is going to be added as a VPN location for Australian users?
New VPN app works really bad
Hi, i updated recently to the new VPN app and it's been really unstable. More often than not I have to turn it off and back on to be able to go online. Often i just have to turn it completely off to be able to browse interent. Is this a known issue? Freedome was much more stable, although I had to turn it off/on every now…
VPN Server in Finland slow
What ISDN connection is that Finnish VPN server behind, as the connections are stuttering so badly. When you switch to, for example, a Swedish server, it works much better. Get those cables sorted out there!
Version 3.5.0.x worst than ever
I really hoped the new release would solve all the (dis)connections problems already reported by me and other users, but it's not at all! The app is disconnecting several times a day, sometimes even when I'm using the internet and this is very annoying especially if I'm for example sending a form. Or it is just…
Unable To View A Page On My Website ...
Dear F-Secure ... I am and have been, a fan of F-Secure for many years. I even have the very first installment of the F-Secure Router and I am using it even now. Before purchasing the F-Secure Router, I was using F-Secure's VPN and loved it. That is until about two (2) years ago. All of a sudden, I could no longer view a…
Unable to connect to websites.
Hi folks, Since yesterday I have been receiving this error 'This site can’t provide a secure connection www.gumtree.com uses an unsupported protocol.ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH' when trying to connect to websites. I can get Freedom to work but I have to jump connections around first to find one that will work. See a…
An experience with a virus
My computer (Acer) had like a strange little WINDOWS warning on "data encryption". It didn't let me do anything, I thought it was an error, so I just ignored it. Then the Wi-Fi stopped working on my computer two days. As in, the Wi-Fi was ON, on my computer, but the list of routers was EMPTY i.e. my router which was still…
Server numbers
Does anybody know how many servers F-Secure owns and operates? Thanks!
Changing the DNS and the server in Southeast Europe for the VPN
I'm a little frustrated that using a VPN doesn't give me the option to use DNS-level ad and tracker blocking. Could you add a feature to change the DNS to a custom one in the settings? I would also like to ask to add a server in Southeast Europe, ideally in Bulgaria or Albania, the server in Prague creates lag in ping for…