Ultralight SDK
I previously have F-Secure Safe installed and when the subscription ended I purchased it again. When trying to install it I get a notice about uninstalling F-Secure Ultralight SDK. I have uninstalled the previous version of F-secure and find no Ultralight file on my computer but yet I get the same notice. I also tried…
Have forgotten my f secure password
Please help as I need to unlock my phone. Have tried all the #unlock# and reset command. But none of them working. Please suggest an alternative way
Optimization Technology
Dear F-secure users, I ve heard that F-secure products use Bitdefender engine with other in-house made engines. I would like to know whether this includes the photon optimization technology too. I ask this just because i feel f-secure safe pretty heavy on my machine and there seem to be no option to tweak f-secure safe in…
F-Secure Antivirus Renewal - wrong version
I have used F-Secure Antivirus on my IMac for several years. When my account (supscription?) expired last week, F-Secure asked if I want to continue using F-Secure and if I wish to renew..... I pressed "Renew", followed the instructions and payed Dkr 249,- and now I'm the owner of a useless Windows-version of your…
"Client needs to be upgraded to support Family Rules"
How do i upgrade to support FAMILY RULES?
SAFE fails to delete Trojan downloader
Hi, F-Secure SAFE fails to delete something apparently called W97M.Downloader. It does however delete malignant files, ALMOST all of them, that's about 150-200, 2-4 per minute. Once that is done I get about an hour of working freely with the computer before the process, which takes a couple of hours, starts all over. I've…
Finder Detects SIM Change - what does that mean?
My phone recently received a text message that read, "Finder has detected SIM change." The phone has not left my possession. It is a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 with Android 7 software. It has F-Secure FREEDOME, SAFE, and Safe Browser on it. Should I be concerned? Should I block that text message/number? Thanks!
Cannot re-activate F-Secure on Mac OS
Thanks for thinking along! Issue: we have F-Secure on an iMac. Normally works fine on all our other Apple notebooks. And this iMac. Yes, we do have enough licenses for all... After downloading an update, the software is being properly installed. However.... the software does not activate itself after logging in with our…
[[Watch]]LIVE//vikings vs seahawks live stream free Learn how to Watch Online for Free
[[Watch]]LIVE//vikings vs seahawks live stream free Learn how to Watch Online for Free Thomas Rawls is the current starter, and although he sat out the first preseason sport, he’s off the PUP checklist and ready to apply after spending the offseason rehabbing a broken ankle. Online Streaming Online Streaming Online…
The correctness of Russian translation
In the russian translation of the program after 100% completion of operations for full or custom scan (computer, folder, file) in the program window the message "Scan stopped" replace with "Scan completed" or "Scan completed successfully". It would be more correct, because the scanning process was completed independently…
Adding F-Secure Easy to a new Desktop computer
I have a valid licence of F-Secre Easy for 3 computers sommencing 1 April 2017 for two years. How I can add F-Secure to new Desktop? It is required Kampanjakoodi and Tilauskoodi, I have only Lisenssinumero. Br Ajankierto
Time Limitations fail with Duel Screens
On a machine with Duel Monitors, 'Device use limits' and 'bedtime' limitaitons lockout only protects one sceeen. A user can still use the second screen with no limitations. Environment: FSecure SAFE 17.0 framework 2.93 build 166 Windows 10 Pro ADM Radeon R7 200 series 17.6.2
subscription key how do I find it
I renewed my subscription, but never received a subscription key. Please advise. Reference No. xxxxxx Invoice No. xxxxxx Tracy Hansen
F-Secure SAFE
I have been disappointed that the parental control for stopping my childs use of individual apps has disappeared in a recent upgrade. This was the most important parental control for us and is forcing us to look elsewhere for better parental control software - very disappointing F-Secure.
F-SECURE Cancelled
I’ve reieved a message ‘You have cancelled your F-Secure” !!! I’ve never cancelled my F-Secure, could re- open my F-Secure SAFE. Many Thanks. Bernard REINIE
[ CRITICAL ] Anti-malware for Mac firewall not working with Ethernet connection
Hi, I downloaded the Antivirus for Mac to give it a spin and found that the built-in firewall does actually nothing: Firewall Once all the traffic has been supposedly blocked I still can access any website, ping any site from the terminal and well, check that the TCP and UDP traffic is happily flowing. I also tried…
Re: Bill was charged twice
Hi. I keep getting reminders to renew my F-Secure SAFE licence however I have gone back over my bank account details and see that I have in fact paid two subscriptions in December 2016. One I thought was for F-Secure SAFE. Have tried both the chat line and telephone line but I may as well have been trying to get through to…
Can I use anti-virus license for Windows and Mac PCs?
I haven't used one license of Anti-virus. I have used two others for Windows-PC. Is it possible to use this third lisence, bought at the same time than two others, for Mac PC?
Remove Riskware:Osx/Installcore
I'm running MacOS Sierra with F-Secure Safe 2017_08_12_02 database. My F-Secure detected today at 8/11 at 5:53am when I logged into my computer, and showed a file modification time of 8/10/17 at 12:53pm (which I wasn't even home on my computer at that time). I completed a scan of the system which reported no infections. I…
Installation issue "This is embarrassing" - Ticket number xxxxx pls check
Hi support team ! could you pls help to check my ticket number xxxxx, how's the process now, when can we install F-Secure SAFE normally ? current when we install software always display error This is embarrassing message. Thank you very much !
Can not open some webpages
When i try to open webpages i visit almost every day i get a message from F secure This happens after the new update 2017-08-11 "This site contains limited content. Access to this kind of content has been blocked." What can i do ?
F-Secure SAFE removes files automatically that the user want to keep.
Hello, When I wanted to use a file, F-Secure SAFE removed it automatically and created problems for me. How can I get in control of what the program shall remove or not. Previous versions of F-secure had a function where the user could decide what to do. I can't find where I can tell F-Secure SAFE that I want to decide…
Bill was charged twice
I got a notification on my computer saying I had only a couple of days left in F-secure and I should buy it again. We tried to log in through the old account, but got the robot-thing over and over again so we finally gave up and logged in through my Facebook account and paid for the product and installed it. Now we have…
To download F secure safe when you already have a licens.
If you have purchased "f secure safe" and want to take down the program again, it´s not possible. You have to change your routine. Tommy Grünbaum
Finder does not locate/lock
I have gps on, wifi, mobiledata -on . I have "on green" the find, lock, alarm on SAFE app. I go onto mysafe.com and choose the android icon, click locate, and round the circle goes until it says perhaps the phone is "turned off" (it's not).
Hi, I've been using F-Secure for 5 years and had no problem until now. When I start a virus scan after 5 seconds it freezes. I have to restart my computer when this happens. When it freezes it's doing svchost.exe. What could be the problem?
What is purpose of MACROS? h7
activation key
I have installed F-Secure on a 30 day trial, liked it, bought a activation key but I’m dammed if I can find a way to put the activation key in. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Anti virus scan facility
Why does the antivirus scanning icon only appear on 1 of my 5 devices under my subscription. Therefore I can only scan that one device which happens to be my mobile phone. Does this icon only go on to the first device loaded with the f-secure software?
Protection Malfunction
I'm having an issue where f-secure isnt updating properly and i'm recieving this 'Protection malfunction' it tells me i have to restart my computer but i have dont that 3 times already and i know it isnt helping. i really need a solution ASAP