I have an ethernet connection for F-SECURE which reads "Ian ethernet". Should the connection read as this or am I connected to someone else's computer?
Does Windows 10 update turn F-Secure IS off?
Does Windows 10 update turn F-Secure IS off? This is somewhat similar to the thread Windows 7 Action Centre Reports F-Secure is Turned Off but not exact as it only happens during updating. I have this eecPC 900 with Windows 10 home and use is maybe once a month. It is so slow that I have to start is a day early so that it…
F-Secure SAFE for Mac: Checking for updates failed message
I have been recieving a message from F-Secure saying checking for updates failed. Cannot connect to server. I have tried manually as well but did not work. Is there a problem with F-Secure server side? Thanks in advance.
Malware into my Smartphone android
Noble Friends, The F-Secure Safe detect the unwanted file, but it reapears every time after F-Secure Safe delete it. Information of detection at F-Secure Safe: com.vsy.ball.game@2_5.apk /storage/emulated/0/.adslib/com.vsy.ball.game@2_5.apk Android/Generica9e7d5f946!Oline Size 3622,7 KB Please, help me! E-mail: xxxx@xxx.com…
Subscription transitions
I have some questions on renewing Internet Security. If I buy a new subscription for Internet Security, does the clock start on that day or when I install it? I assume the former is true. My current subscription started pestering me to renew more than 40 days before expiration, which was really annoying; every single day,…
Banking Protection on false site
Hello! I use F-Secure SAFE 17.0 on my Windows 10 PRO-64 system. If i surf via EDGE to "http://winfuture.de/news/ticker/" the banking protection activate! But the site isn't a Online-banking Homepage! What can i do, that the protection don't activate automatical on this site? Thank You, René
My Subscription
Belmar tried to sort out my problem with your product by taking over my computer but failed saying the problem was at F-Secure's end and that he would get back to me via email later that day...............nothing. I will give you one more chance to sort this problem out and if not iI will expect my money back so that I can…
Replacing BrowsingProtection by web browser's default feature related to dangerous site blocking.
Question A: Can I replace BrowsingProtection of F-secure SAFE by the default site blocking system provided by some majour browsers? Question B: Why F-secure shows the user big alert at control window and task tray icon of F-secure SAFE when the user turnd off only BrowsingProtection, and even if the all of feature except…
Windows 10 app / storeapp.
Hey! Im wondering if you'll bring this service to the windows store? I personally would like a win10 S device for my household but I dont want to be without the Safe, Freedome and Key manager. (on a S device, I might be able to be without the safe, but its mainly your other services i want)
F-Secure app Required mines gone?
F-Secure app Required mines gone? How can I get it back.
My and my husband phone been hanked he get all my stuff and I get all his stuff how to stop it
Enter another device
Trying to add another device on my f secure free safe app , you are supposed to get 5 free devices , I add another device it sends it over by email to new device , I click on link and it takes me to App Store and asks me to put password in to buy it, surely this can't be right , tried several times with same outcome…
Wrongly Blocked Site
Hi, I have a website that I have recently developed being blocked by F-Secure. I've read all the articles on getting a site unblocked and clicked the links to log a request to review and unblock the site, but none of the links worked either. Could someone please review this site and unbloc from F-Secure - also could you…
Will there be any problem, if i install F-Seucre SAFE on a Windows 10pro, and either Reborn Card og
Hi. will there be any problem, if i install F-Seucre PSB on a Windows 10pro, and either Reborn Card og Deep Freeze.. I regned i have to enable a virtuel drive ie. V: and then install SAFE in that drive. and only let Reborn Card og Deep Freeze on boot and C: drive. - Dokcument and maybe Profile on dreive ie D: dreive...…
Subscription problems
I have repeatedly received messsages that my subscription is about to expire. I checked this and found that I have valid subscription until 2019. My policy, through Virginmedia, supposedly covers 5 devices. A few months ago, my partner received these messages on her phone and decided to renew independently. Now, according…
Slow startup scan
Win10 x64 Pro, i7, 24gb RAM ,9tb HDDs After Windows start, F-Secure takes over an hour to scan my system during which time it hogs resources to a very significant extent. I can find no option to influence this behaviour. How can I retain protection without such a major interference with productivity?
windows Encrypt
I have a new windows 8, HP. I want to encrypt a admin password for it. I wonder if I can get a free Password Manager App to create one for me. I noticed that some products of F-SECURE need to paid and expensive. I google that here is several way for me to set my windows password:…
Bought Total in US but am getting emails in German
I bought my F-Secure Total in the US, but my emails are coming in another lanquage; German.
When I should renew my subscription it cost 945 SEK. If I buy a new one it cost only 849 SEK! It´s a bad way to cheat old customers. When I renew I expect to get the lowest price. It´s a bad bussines maner to try to cheat old customers. To me it´s a matter of credibility and I now has to reconsider to get an other provider.
F-Secure BSOD crash Windows 10
Hi, The file fsgk.sys is failing driver verification at boot and gives an IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Blue Screen. This is using I/O verification, Force pending I/O requests & IRP Logging enabled in driver verifier. I have reproduced this error on two PCs both running Windows 10 x64 version 1607. Is this a known issue? Thanks…
Protection malfunction
F-secure protection malfunction keeps popping up. I need to restart my computer many times.
Internet Security Key management
Hi, On a 3 licences key i have 2 computers associated ( A and B ) and one free . The B computer is now out of service, i'm going to buy an other one for replace it When i'll install Internet security on the new computer, i want internet security to use the licence of the broken one. I don't want internet security to use…
Synology Surveillance Station Live View not working when F-Secure is installed
Hello, I have a current Synology NAS System used as Surveillance Station with the Synology Surveillance Station app in Version 7.2.4 or 8.0.0. The Live View is a browser plugin executable. C:\Program Files (x86)\Synology\SurveillancePlugin\\SurveillancePlugin.exe It is not possible to view the live image of the…
Problem : Redeem code not working.
Hello everyone. Sorry to post here but the expert chat and support isn't working. Here is my problem, i got a 1 year subscription via a box which instructed me to go on www.f-secure.com/totalbox , but this link exist anymore and when i try to add the redeem code, it's not working either. Does anyone know how to contact a…
after several failed attempts to install F-secure Safe,all my lisences are gone and my computer is still unprotected
How do I scan a network drive
Hi, I have a home nextwork which inlcudes a network drive and how do I include this drive in any security/vireus scan? rgds
F-Secure SAFE call blocker for unlisted numbers.
Is it possible to block unlisted numbers with F-Secure's call blocker on Android? If so, how, and if not, will this ever be a feature?
Virgin Media
I downloaded f-secure safe, on the 24/5 and was informed that my trial period was to end on the 26/6, On the Virgin Media web page it states a free twelve month trial period, Have tried the chat room but no luck their maybe this message will be answered before I uninstall f-secure.
How can I scann my mobile to find viruses ?