Security policy restriction on wallpaper settings
A friend of mine was playing with my Samsung galaxy tab note 7 and mistakenly set wallpaper restrictions and we don't know how to remove that security. The message that's always appearing each time we try to set wallpaper is 'security policy restrict wallpaper setting'. Please I need help/assistant. Thanks
a Youtuber claimed ( 2months ago ) that F-Secure SAFE Bypassed!
Hi. someone just gave me this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E4fuuzVa5g what does F-Secure think about that? Thank You!
How do I allow a blocked site
I want to know How to allow a blocked site? I used to just hit the allow website button on the page but that doesn't work for some reason. When I attemp to press it nothing happens, it is as if the link is dead. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
nokia E7 anti
the nokia had a anti theft code and i cant brock with hard reset help please
Re: F Secure Safe new version install
I will never buy this product again. It seems to be too hard to install. The instructions are clear; if opnly they worked!!! I get the message that the product has already been installed. I hate F-secure!
F-Secure seems blocked (Win 10)
Hi! I installed F-Secure SAFE on my brand new ASUS FX502V with Win 10. The program doesn't wan to run. Could it be that Windows Defender blocks it? I tried adding F-Secure to the accepted programs for the Firewall but to no avail. Any suggestions? Or do you need more info? Many thanks!
Replacing the taskbar with the F-Secure one
Please, I have somehow picked up Iminent even though we have F-Secure and I'm trying to replace their taskbar with the one before which I think was F-Secure one. Can someone teach me how to do this please? I've tried removing Iminent but it isn't in my programmes etc to remove it. Thanks
F Secure Safe new version install
My F secure Safe upgraded in the back ground yesterday 26th July. It kep asking me to restrt my PC after checking compatibility. After restart it gives the same message, after that restart the same thing and it keeps going in that loop. I uninstalled F secure and reinstalled but am still in the same loop. Any ideas?
cannot uninstall F Secure , using windows 10
Trying to re install after stopped working on my laptop BUT cannot uninstall the older version. Tried several times and waited for something to happen for over an hour! Help required please.
Deleting files wihtout quarantine (false positive)
A while ago I lost an older application that I purchased a while ago because FSecure deleted the file wihtout confirmation or putting it into the quarantine first. I was also unable to use the backup, because the file was deleted from the backup disk, too. O.K. put it to the list of lost stuff, but I was not happy. But now…
F-secure Search activation reminder on every startup
This Search Activation reminder pops up after every startup of my PC. How can I deactivate it? "activate" or "later" buttons seems not to work properly.
How to stop F secure pop UP!
Hello i do not want F secure on my internet browser and it keeps pop up every time i start my pc. Please make it stop, its not a freeware i use i do not want to keep telling no every day. Best regards
Problems with subscription renewal
I have paid for subscription renewal by using Paypal. Money was transferred from my bank account several days ago. However, the subscription was not activated. Shall I just wait for more days or there is an issue? Thanks.
F Secure Safe extend virus scan
How do I extend the virus scan past my C drive so that it scans my D and M drives?
Does F-Secure SAFE protect against Fruitfly virus
There is a new Mac virus called FruitFly (http://money.cnn.com/2017/07/24/technology/mac-fruitfly-malware-spying/index.html?iid=ob_homepage_tech_pool). Does F-Secure SAFE protect against this one?
F-secure last scan 42000 days ago..
F-secure says the last scan has been performed 42000 days ago. Any idea how this is possible? My pc time seems to show the correct time and year so that is not the cause. I am worried this has an effect on my security.
Advice pleae
F-Secure is not working on my computer despite being valid until next year. Virgin media tech staff have been unable to help or advise. Any one any ideas. Can't get through to anyone on the phone.
How to Change F-Secure LogIn-Mail Adress?
Hey, when registring for F-Secure Internet Security I chose an email adress I now 'd like to change... but found no option for that: Neither Software-setting nor homepage... Can someone help me..? Thanks, securediver
Locked out of nokia n8 series
Hi ive forgotten my code and have tried upteen times to unlock it. I cant remember the ph no. So cant send sms. Would formating work? Or do I have another choice? (I gave up and ph has been in a draw for 6-12mon. Hope someone can help. Its an awesome ph despite its age.:)
F Secure Safe No internet connection
By mistake I released the licence on on my PC. I have tried to re install it but just get the message, No Internet connection . Could not connect to the server. Check that your internet connection is working and try again. Connection to the internet is working fine. Any idea's anyone. Thanks
Set up fails
My setup fails with the message "setup cannot continue because some importanr files are missing". This is on a new HP laptop after I have downloaded the set up application ,exe
upgrade reset everything
just so you are aware, when my computer upgraded to 17.0 it reset EVERYTHING. I had turned off most of the "features" they were slowing down my computer and making it impossible to work. When 17 downloaded, it turned on Windows firewall (even on private network), turned Internet and browsing settings back on and turned…
Campaign name?
What is it campaign name?
Dialogs off screen when using scaling
I'm using F-Secure Internet Security on a Surface Pro 4 running Windows 10. The default Windows setting is set to apply a scaling factor of 200%. I noticed that the Banking Protection dialog (the bar at the top containing a button to end the Banking Protection mode) is centered as if the scaling factor was 100%, so half of…
F-Secure SAFE and Windows 10 - cannot restrict profiles
Hi I have dowloaded today my F-secure on my new computer which has Windows 10 I don't seem to be able to apply parental controls and browsing restrictions for my children as I can only see one profile, mine and I am the admin Instead, I have no problems on my laptop which has Windows 7 What do I need to do please? Many…
Lost my activation code
I lost my activation code because a new phone stupid) Hom can i get that back? Paid and all... Just cant find it.. proble lost in sms on old phone! ?????? PLEASE HELP ME?????
How can I disable resubscription reminders?
I find it very objectionable that I, and all my family's computers, start receiving alerts to renew our subscription one month in advance of it's expiration. It seems the only way to turn this off is to actually renew. That effectively lops off one month of what I paid for last year. If this sounds familiar it's because I…
Download of files on to my laptop failed
I am trying to load F-Secure on my laptop after also loading it onto my phone and ipad successfully. I keep receiving the message that the download failed and suggested i check my internet access is ok (which it definitely is). I was previously a Kaspersky user but my subscription was due to end in a few days so I decided…
Protection malfunction
Hi, For the last couple of days my F-Secure Safe is telling me to restart my computer as there has been a protection malfunction. When shutting down it takes ages and when started again I get the same error, but no error code! Looking at the updates I can see multiple files that have downloaded buy not updated (inc Hydra,…
F-Secure is running out
My Frontier Secure is sayin that my trial period will be over on 8-10. I pay $10 a month for my subscrption. How can it be running out?