Fsecure not working help please?
When I open Fsecure safe it says "Your computer is not protected" "Turn on",, but when I clik turn on nothing happens, it will also not let me clik on the tools section, can not run a scan! Help please
trojan horse
Have a trojan horse slipped through the security. Have done a deep scan. The security found the harmful file but could not get rid of it. Not much of a security system then. Anybody any ideas as no one at talktalk can help me. It's a batch file, dc62.bat location; C:\Users\Ace\AppData\Local\33d0\dc62.bat. Can't delete file…
F Secure IS- Pre-install USB 3.0 HD question?
I have tried several IS AV's, and have been unhappy with them! I am looking at FSIS?- I do my Macrium Reflect system backups to a 1TB USB 3.0 External HD. I have several hundred MB of backups, from 2 computers on this HD, and if FS has to scan it first this could take quite some time...! My other AV's had an option to skip…
Virgin media renewal
Hi my 12 month free with virgin media is coming to an end can I pay to renew for another 12 months in installments as I'm unemployed and can't afford to pay it in one payment
MalwareBytes and F-Secure No Longer Compatible?
According to a post from June 2015, [https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Compatibility-of-Malwarebytes/td-p/69987], MalwareBytes [MWB] and F-Secure got along like the proverbial "two peas in a pod" I'm guessing that is no longer the case? Currently, as I can see from other postings in the F-Secure forum, this…
Browser extension is not installed or is turned off
After installing SAFE on a recently rebuilt W-7 system, a message appears on the dashboard, "Browser extension is not installed or is turned off." But when I look at Settings -> Browser extensions, "Keep the extensions turned on" is checked. Why is this setting out-of-sync?
Whoscall, a VERY useful app for blocking SPAM phone calls and SPAM messages
F-Secure SAFE REPEATEDLY flags this excellent app as 'undesirable' AND then the company acknowledes that this a 'false positive.' So they promise to fix it and after a while the problem goes away. Then, after a while it comes back AGAIN AND AGAIN! This is VERY annoying and very bad service!
Subscription code
Code used maximum of times, what do Ido to carry on?
Auto-scan USB flash drives
I did not see an option to turn on/off auto-scanning of USB flash drives when they are inserted. Does F-Secure do this automatically?
F-secure on Acer Chromebook
Hi im looking to download f-secure onto my chromebook but when i select download to android it takes me to the app store where it tells me i have no device?? Can anyone help me Thanks
F-SIS Turn off all security features not working
If I try the 'Turn off all security features' option, it appears to work but the progress bar never completes and all features remain on. Windows 7 SP1 home FS-IS 16.5
Login in Russian
I'm a Freedome user but today I logged into Safe, I had forgotten my password and when I returned my login text was in Russian. Marketing or something else?
Unlock my nokia
xxxx EDIT: Remove personal identifying information
Windows XP and subscription renewal
My PC uses XP and I am not in a position to update it. I renewed my Fsecure subscription but it refused to accept the new key. I have been told that this is because of the lack of Microsoft support for XP - yet there are still daily virus updates being downloded from Fsecure !!! What will happen when my subscription…
delete account
i would like to delete my accounts in order to have one currand account under one email that i can use. thanks dan
Uninstalling F-Secure SAFE
Hello, I have joined TalkTalk, they advise me to download their "SuperSafe" powered by F-Secure. Do I just do that or will it conflict with the F-secure I already have? If I have to uninstall F-Secure SAFE do I just "uninstall" from programs? Thanks
Verwijderen f-secure mac
Ik probeer f-secure te verwijderen van mijn mac. Vind een pagina met daarop het script (tool) . echter downloaden lijkt via FTP te gaan waar voor een account nodig is. Hoe download ik dit script??
installing the anti virus for my system and phones
i'm a virgin customer and would like to install anti virus device on my systems and lap top
I have an ethernet connection for F-SECURE which reads "Ian ethernet". Should the connection read as this or am I connected to someone else's computer?
Does Windows 10 update turn F-Secure IS off?
Does Windows 10 update turn F-Secure IS off? This is somewhat similar to the thread Windows 7 Action Centre Reports F-Secure is Turned Off but not exact as it only happens during updating. I have this eecPC 900 with Windows 10 home and use is maybe once a month. It is so slow that I have to start is a day early so that it…
F-Secure SAFE for Mac: Checking for updates failed message
I have been recieving a message from F-Secure saying checking for updates failed. Cannot connect to server. I have tried manually as well but did not work. Is there a problem with F-Secure server side? Thanks in advance.
Malware into my Smartphone android
Noble Friends, The F-Secure Safe detect the unwanted file, but it reapears every time after F-Secure Safe delete it. Information of detection at F-Secure Safe: com.vsy.ball.game@2_5.apk /storage/emulated/0/.adslib/com.vsy.ball.game@2_5.apk Android/Generica9e7d5f946!Oline Size 3622,7 KB Please, help me! E-mail: xxxx@xxx.com…
Subscription transitions
I have some questions on renewing Internet Security. If I buy a new subscription for Internet Security, does the clock start on that day or when I install it? I assume the former is true. My current subscription started pestering me to renew more than 40 days before expiration, which was really annoying; every single day,…
Banking Protection on false site
Hello! I use F-Secure SAFE 17.0 on my Windows 10 PRO-64 system. If i surf via EDGE to "http://winfuture.de/news/ticker/" the banking protection activate! But the site isn't a Online-banking Homepage! What can i do, that the protection don't activate automatical on this site? Thank You, René
My Subscription
Belmar tried to sort out my problem with your product by taking over my computer but failed saying the problem was at F-Secure's end and that he would get back to me via email later that day...............nothing. I will give you one more chance to sort this problem out and if not iI will expect my money back so that I can…
Replacing BrowsingProtection by web browser's default feature related to dangerous site blocking.
Question A: Can I replace BrowsingProtection of F-secure SAFE by the default site blocking system provided by some majour browsers? Question B: Why F-secure shows the user big alert at control window and task tray icon of F-secure SAFE when the user turnd off only BrowsingProtection, and even if the all of feature except…
Windows 10 app / storeapp.
Hey! Im wondering if you'll bring this service to the windows store? I personally would like a win10 S device for my household but I dont want to be without the Safe, Freedome and Key manager. (on a S device, I might be able to be without the safe, but its mainly your other services i want)
F-Secure app Required mines gone?
F-Secure app Required mines gone? How can I get it back.
My and my husband phone been hanked he get all my stuff and I get all his stuff how to stop it
Enter another device
Trying to add another device on my f secure free safe app , you are supposed to get 5 free devices , I add another device it sends it over by email to new device , I click on link and it takes me to App Store and asks me to put password in to buy it, surely this can't be right , tried several times with same outcome…