Convert Product possibility?

Hello allo.
I Hope that someone here can help me out. My ISP has their own rebrand of F-Secure Internet security ( KPN Veilig ). I wanted to know if I can use the activation key ( that is shown it the installer packkage ) can also be used for the activation for the official F-Secure installer?
thanks in advance for the help
best regards from the Netherlands.
Previously was words that this is not possible to use "subscription/license/activation key" from branded (or other) solution under direct F-Secure solution; OR direct F-Secure AV/IS/SAFE subscription do not work for 'rebrand' version;
But maybe you able to re-try it (what if 'not designed' trick) - if there is any reasonable points to try it.
Or you able to ask direct F-Secure Support Channels (or your ISP) under chat/phone: (home_global); (Holland);
thanks for your replay , all though I am not quite sure what you exactly mean with that trick you where talking about
. I do hope that f-secure will fix the installer issues in the near future meaning that during install it comes across several "incompattable" programms , when in fact they are supposed to work without any issues alongside f-secure.
@JasonVoorhees wrote:thanks for your replay , all though I am not quite sure what you exactly mean with that trick you where talking about
Sorry for my replies. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions);
"By trick" I talking about potential steps:--> We have subscription/activation code/license for branded F-Secure Internet Security solution;
As example, ISP provided "Bundle Secure" as their own security package;
Installer can be with filename like "BundleSecureNetworkInstaller_licenceKey_.exe";
--> We do install F-Secure Internet Security; Or we download official F-Secure Internet Security installer;
And call it as "F-SecureNetworkInstaller_licenseKeyfromBundleSecure_exe"; Launch installation and it completed; We able to use F-Secure Internet Security with subscription/license from ISP package (Bundle Secure);
I able to think that such steps is not designed; But if works -> I call it as "trick".
And why you able to try it -> because -> as example, you are owner of valid license/subscription, but ISP able to provide 'outdated' package of F-Secure IS and you want to use latest available official F-Secure IS build; ISP denied your ask for 'up-to-dated' branded package; But possible to use such "trick" and use latest F-Secure IS with your valid subscription;
But as I noted previously -> probably this is not work. Official statements was with related meanings (previously);
I do hope that f-secure will fix the installer issues in the near future meaning that during install it comes across several "incompattable" programms , when in fact they are supposed to work without any issues alongside f-secure.
Do you talk about any certain examples? Maybe it possible to report about this situation and it will be fixed? What software marked as incompatible with F-Secure at installation?
Mainly "compatibility" check can be designed feature/process.
Hi JasonVoorhees,
The ISP version of the F-Secure product installer (in your case, KPN Veilig) is customized and the license which you got from the ISP works only with the ISP installer. You cannot use the ISP installer activation key for the F-Secure installer.
Regarding the compatibility, are you referring to other AV products installed on your computer? If yes, please have a look at this article for a detailed explanation. It is recommended to have only one Anti-Virus on your computer.
Thanks guys for the replies. the programs I am talking about are : spywareblaster ( this only ads blacklisted adresses , ips , malicious scripts and so on to the hosts file ) , zemana anti malware : this is supossed to work alongside most of the av solutions out there ( even f-secure should be compatible according zemana's website ) and peerblock ( adds rules to peer to peer clients , like malicious ip adresses and so on ). this is one of f-secure's major pressure points , the installers bombardes their users with " incompattible" programs , during install.
@JasonVoorhees wrote:Thanks guys for the replies. the programs I am talking about are : spywareblaster ( this only ads blacklisted adresses , ips , malicious scripts and so on to the hosts file ) , zemana anti malware : this is supossed to work alongside most of the av solutions out there ( even f-secure should be compatible according zemana's website ) and peerblock ( adds rules to peer to peer clients , like malicious ip adresses and so on ). this is one of f-secure's major pressure points , the installers bombardes their users with " incompattible" programs , during install.
forgot to mention that I do have the realtime protection for zemana disabled , as well as the starting drivers and services. I do have the premium version of this program , but only use it as an on demand scanner ocassionally.
Good reply was there (from F-Secure Team):
As explanation for current design/situation and meanings around;
OR such reply:
But if we talk about your examples: I read about troubles with proper F-Secure software work and installed spywareblaster/zemana; Some topics was under F-Secure Community too;
And I able to think that noted "compatible list from zemana's website" can be about meanings: ""that Zemana will not crash if F-Secure solution also installed; But they do not provide anything for sure that F-Secure will work properly""; But I have experience about more 'larger' incompatible software with F-Secure under one system; So, it possible to configure and tweak certain situations, of course;
Most likely -> for such situation possible to use next workaround:
--> If F-Secure ask to remove/uninstall incompatible software - so... do that;
--> If you able to configure it for proper work and 'incompatible' software can be OK - so... maybe possible to install/reinstall after F-Secure installation-process is completed; On current time -> F-Secure do not re-run compatible checks (?!); At least, before next large upgrade/update;
Sorry for my words. Probably good to read official answers from F-Secure team and not only my unofficial suggestions;