Convert Product possibility?

Hello allo.


I Hope that someone here can help me out. My ISP has their own rebrand of F-Secure Internet security ( KPN Veilig ). I wanted to know if I can use the activation key ( that is shown it the installer packkage ) can also be used for the activation for the official F-Secure installer? 

thanks in advance for the help Smiley Wink 


best regards from the Netherlands.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser



    Previously was words that this is not possible to use "subscription/license/activation key" from branded (or other) solution under direct F-Secure solution; OR direct F-Secure AV/IS/SAFE subscription do not work for 'rebrand' version;

    But maybe you able to re-try it (what if 'not designed' trick) - if there is any reasonable points to try it. :)


    Or you able to ask direct F-Secure Support Channels (or your ISP) under chat/phone: (home_global); (Holland); 





  • JasonVoorhees
    JasonVoorhees Posts: 7 Observer

    thanks for your replay , all though I am not quite sure what you exactly mean with that trick you where talking about Smiley Tongue. I do hope that f-secure will fix the installer issues in the near future meaning that during install it comes across several "incompattable" programms , when in fact they are supposed to work without any issues alongside f-secure.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser

    @JasonVoorhees wrote:

    thanks for your replay , all though I am not quite sure what you exactly mean with that trick you where talking about Smiley Tongue.



    Sorry for my replies. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions);

    "By trick" I talking about potential steps:


    --> We have subscription/activation code/license for branded F-Secure Internet Security solution;

    As example, ISP provided "Bundle Secure" as their own security package;

    Installer can be with filename like "BundleSecureNetworkInstaller_licenceKey_.exe";


    --> We do install F-Secure Internet Security; Or we download official F-Secure Internet Security installer;

    And call it as "F-SecureNetworkInstaller_licenseKeyfromBundleSecure_exe"; Launch installation and it completed; We able to use F-Secure Internet Security with subscription/license from ISP package (Bundle Secure);


    I able to think that such steps is not designed; But if works -> I call it as "trick".


    And why you able to try it -> because -> as example, you are owner of valid license/subscription, but ISP able to provide 'outdated' package of F-Secure IS and you want to use latest available official F-Secure IS build; ISP denied your ask for 'up-to-dated' branded package; But possible to use such "trick" and use latest F-Secure IS with your valid subscription;


    But as I noted previously -> probably this is not work. Official statements was with related meanings (previously);


    I do hope that f-secure will fix the installer issues in the near future meaning that during install it comes across several "incompattable" programms , when in fact they are supposed to work without any issues alongside f-secure.

    Do you talk about any certain examples? Maybe it possible to report about this situation and it will be fixed? What software marked as incompatible with F-Secure at installation?


    Mainly "compatibility" check can be designed feature/process.



  • JasonVoorhees
    JasonVoorhees Posts: 7 Observer

    Thanks guys for the replies. the programs I am talking about are : spywareblaster ( this only ads blacklisted adresses , ips , malicious scripts and so on to the hosts file ) , zemana anti malware : this is supossed to work alongside most of the av solutions out there ( even f-secure should be compatible according zemana's website ) and peerblock ( adds rules to peer to peer clients , like malicious ip adresses and so on ). this is one of f-secure's major pressure points , the installers bombardes their users with " incompattible" programs , during install.

  • JasonVoorhees
    JasonVoorhees Posts: 7 Observer

    forgot to mention that I do have the realtime protection for zemana disabled , as well as the starting drivers and services. I do have the premium version of this program , but only use it as an on demand scanner ocassionally.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser

    @JasonVoorhees wrote:

    Thanks guys for the replies. the programs I am talking about are : spywareblaster ( this only ads blacklisted adresses , ips , malicious scripts and so on to the hosts file ) , zemana anti malware : this is supossed to work alongside most of the av solutions out there ( even f-secure should be compatible according zemana's website ) and peerblock ( adds rules to peer to peer clients , like malicious ip adresses and so on ). this is one of f-secure's major pressure points , the installers bombardes their users with " incompattible" programs , during install.


    forgot to mention that I do have the realtime protection for zemana disabled , as well as the starting drivers and services. I do have the premium version of this program , but only use it as an on demand scanner ocassionally.



    Good reply was there (from F-Secure Team):

    As explanation for current design/situation and meanings around;


    OR such reply:

    But if we talk about your examples: I read about troubles with proper F-Secure software work and installed spywareblaster/zemana; Some topics was under F-Secure Community too;


    And I able to think that noted "compatible list from zemana's website" can be about meanings: ""that Zemana will not crash if F-Secure solution also installed; But they do not provide anything for sure that F-Secure will work properly""; But I have experience about more 'larger' incompatible software with F-Secure under one system; So, it possible to configure and tweak certain situations, of course;


    Most likely -> for such situation possible to use next workaround:


    --> If F-Secure ask to remove/uninstall incompatible software - so... do that;

    --> If you able to configure it for proper work and 'incompatible' software can be OK - so... maybe possible to install/reinstall after F-Secure installation-process is completed; On current time -> F-Secure do not re-run compatible checks (?!); At least, before next large upgrade/update;


    Sorry for my words. Probably good to read official answers from F-Secure team and not only my unofficial suggestions;



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