Trial Antivirus / Internet Security

Next one can be as potential workaround (maybe):
But why you do not want to use/try F-Secure SAFE?
For Windows systems (platform): F-Secure SAFE is F-Secure Internet Security;
And just as additional options to install/use your licenses under another platforms (Android/Mac/Windows Phone?!/iOS); And some management-points;
For packages like (five devices/one year) price for F-Secure SAFE and for F-Secure IS probably..... same.
I have got to download a Internet Security Webinstaller 80x Kb But it requires a KEY. So how to get a Internet Security KEY, then?
And to answer your question. I am in a quat for finding a new antivirus solution/platform. And for that to happen I need to test. The more annoyances I meet in my quest, the more likely is that my qust continues elsewhere. Now I am here
@Morten2 wrote:I have got to download a Internet Security Webinstaller 80x Kb But it requires a KEY. So how to get a Internet Security KEY, then?
And to answer your question. I am in a quat for finding a new antivirus solution/platform. And for that to happen I need to test. The more annoyances I meet in my quest, the more likely is that my qust continues elsewhere. Now I am here
If downloaded network installer from my URL:
--> Did you re-name filename? If yes -> maybe good to back it to first-state;
Or possible to try as "Key": text between "_"-characters under installer-filename (from URL);
--> If not and you launch 'downloaded installer' with 'no changes';
Maybe possible to run F-Secure Uninstallation Tool:
or previous tool ;
And then re-try install trial F-Secure Internet Security;
With common design: by using networkinstaller with bundled "Key" under filename -> it should automatically trigger validation during installation and give for you thirty days of trial;
Looked like it was going to work. But no. This key cannot be used to extend the subscription. So. How do I get to test Internet Security?
So.. except some points from first part of my reply: maybe you have to uninstall F-Secure AV or F-Secure IS (which ask you for subscription); And then re-try installation with certain trial-installer;
If not works -> maybe possible re-check steps with Uninstallation tool; If not works: maybe there is some other stuck? I not sure -> if there is any limitation for Trial times. But I with good experience (just installed F-Secure IS trial under one of my systems, where it was not installed before);
Just as clarification:
--> I did my own steps under Windows 10 system;
Where was only Windows Defender and F-Secure Freedome;
--> I downloaded/run installer from noted URL;
--> Installation normally completed (with autohandling license-information from bundled filename probably). And F-Secure IS with thirty days of trial as active installation.
So.. it should works.. probably.
And -> I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions); So.. I'm not sure about proper official steps (except meanings that with my own experience -> potential valid steps are about F-Secure SAFE too);
Generally -> you're able to try F-Secure SAFE as trial-time (for understand/feel F-Secure IS) under Windows platform; With common meanings -> there is small difference.
Ukko.Thank you. F-secure should pay you. I got it installed, and the subscription a new 30days (not what I was after, just a swap but thats a side note). I used the first removal tool you linked to and yes I am on Windows 10.So now to testWhy do stuff complicated when it can be simple
I got it installed, and the subscription a new 30days (not what I was after, just a swap but thats a side note).
Yes... most likely certain 'extend' only work with subscription activation/re-activation; Also time to time noted that if you add subscription-license over the trial-time -> it also extended (trial days to subscription's days);
Also this is should not work between different solutions like F-Secure AV and F-Secure IS; Where installation should ask for 'remove/uninstall' previous solution (before installing current solution);
So -> if we talk about subscriptions-state (as example; activated F-Secure AV license and activated F-Secure IS license); They will 'active' (days out) even if you do not use it (but only after first activation?!).
With meanings: if you switch from F-Secure AV subscription (which possible to use some months else) to freshly F-Secure IS subscription: F-Secure AV will be just unused this days (and then - expired);
Why do stuff complicated when it can be simple
Basically -> to try F-Secure IS required only some steps: get trial-installer; download/run installer;
Trouble -> on current days more actual to use F-Secure SAFE than F-Secure IS (with some meanings); With F-Secure SAFE: to create F-Secure Account and download installer from portal;
And I not sure about official design as potential promotion to use F-Secure SAFE trial (and not F-Secure IS), but with F-Secure AV: still 'friendly' design (but required more steps for trial-installer/key maybe);