F-Secure SAFE Web Browser protection blocks Battle.net

Since latest F-Secure SAFE (PC) update which had improved family security settings, SAFE keeps destroying Battle.nets connection.
When browsing protection goes on, Battle.net disconnects, and cannot reconnect even after browser protection is ended.
Only way to re-establish the connection is to kill SAFE's protection and Battle.net connects instantly.
This didn't happen with previous software version, so something fishy happened with the update.
The application cannot be working as intended this way.
Hi UsernamEnable,
Please have a look at these posts as your issue seems similar as discussed in this thread and this one.
Sorry for my reply.
I just able to add that if you think that battle.net wrongly categorized as shopping-category --> good to use F-Secure SAS:
As transfer certain URL for re-rate it (on current time -> this main domain categorized under Shopping-category; And I not sure.. reasonable or not);
Thanks! -