websites getting blocked
can someone tell me why F-Secure has blocked all my websites, such as ebay, groupon, ect.
My license key taken by unknown unit
Hello, In the purchase of Internet Security, I got 3 total licenses for 24 months I believe, to use with the same key-code. The first was licensed and used after the first day of purchase. After 2-3 weeks I decided to install Internet Security on two other units in my home. I then realized that both licenses that I had…
Deepguard blocks games installed from Steam
Hi, I found multiple posts already about same topic in this community and all closed due inactivity. Ref: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-incompatibility-with/td-p/33833 I have purchased games from Steam and I have had to turn-off Deepguard to be able to play them. -Toy Story 3 -LEGO Pirates of…
is this the latest version?
hello everyone. My isp provides it's users with a rebrand of f-secure ( safe? internet security? ) and I wanted too know if this is the latest build , the same as the original f-secure? I someone is willing too take a look a the screenshot and please provide me with some info , it would be greately appreciated
Trial Antivirus / Internet Security
Hi I am half way into the trial of Antivirus. I would like to have a look at Internet Security. Cant find a way to get a trial key for Internet security or a trial download link like I did with Antivirus. When I log in my trial is listed as Safe witch I never have wanted. Regards
fshoster64.exe eating a lot of CPU
Hi everybody, so thats the problem. fshoster64.exe eating a lot of CPU. No shedule or usual cheking. Please help.
Large daily updates away from hom
I bought an EE MyWiFi to use on holiday. 2 Gb monthly allowance. Half has been used in three days - I have turned all 'suspects' off (cloud, trusteer etc) except F-secure, which downloads daily updates - and seems to cause the huge usage. The EE MyWiFi is not seen as mobile internet - it is wireless (picks up EE 3G/4G…
Banking protection keeps popping up unexpectedly
Hi, I've been lately (maybe already some months now) been experiencing with the following problem: 1. I log in to my bank and Banking Protection is enabled as expected. 2. I log out from my bank and I end the Banking Protection 3. I continue working normally 4. After a while, banking protection is automatically enabled…
F-Secure SAFE Web Browser protection blocks Battle.net
Since latest F-Secure SAFE (PC) update which had improved family security settings, SAFE keeps destroying Battle.nets connection. When browsing protection goes on, Battle.net disconnects, and cannot reconnect even after browser protection is ended. Only way to re-establish the connection is to kill SAFE's protection and…
Banking protection - blocks for download for some e-mail accounts
Hi i'm using F-secure Safe fully updated. Until recently I never had problems with Banking Protection and the use/download of E-mails via Outlook 2016. But now, without any change in setting in Outlook and F-secure some of my e-mail accounts are constantly being blocked when Banking Protection is active in connection with…
Detection: potentially unwanted application...meaning what?
* Hello altogether :) I am using F-Secure Mobile Security v17.0.013502 FS_GP. It should be up to date. I just received a detection message on my Android tablet. It mentioned a detected problem (potenially unwanted application) described as "Android/Riskyapp.4ac8b0b563!Online". Beside the application name, packet name and…
Is it possible to delete the Browsing Protection extension for Firefox?
I don't use the browsing protection extension, but neither Firefox nor SAFE give the option to just remove it.
Update failed - manual database update failed too
Hi all, I'm at a loss, what to do, since there is no e-mail support, I have to ask here. My F-secure SAFE failed to update ultralight updater, and since then no update has succeeded. I tried to update manually from F-secure tools, but no success, the download stalled at 92%. I also tried to download a manual database…
Convert Product possibility?
Hello allo. I Hope that someone here can help me out. My ISP has their own rebrand of F-Secure Internet security ( KPN Veilig ). I wanted to know if I can use the activation key ( that is shown it the installer packkage ) can also be used for the activation for the official F-Secure installer? thanks in advance for the…
F-Secure SAFE time limits blocking phone calls and SMS
Hello! I have F-Secure SAFE on my daughter's smartphone and I have set a daily usage limit of 2 hours. However, when the limit has been reached, F-Secure SAFE also blocks access to phone calls and SMS, as well as apps and the internet. As far as I understood, it should still allow access to phone calls and SMS even when…
Full computer scan.
I have a few issues with the full scan at the moment. Question 1. I scan my computer when i go home, and in the morning it says scanning stopped, and from the scan report it looks like it has only scanned the system files, i know this is not true as i have watched it scan the system files and then go on the scan 120000…
Infinite booting requests/ SAFE
Hi, One of our users is installing SAFE for home use and get inifinite booting request as described here: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Infinite-reboot-at-quot/td-p/84917 It is not an option to ask end users to run debug tools. Any idea on how to resolve?
Fsecure on android reports a system app
Hi. This is my first post on the forum. I tried to find an alternative on the net and on the site, but now this is where I ended. The app is the system app Motorola on a Motorola moto z2 play Package name com.aura.oobe.ml Report: Android/Generic.d5f5c24d8c!Online Can someone help?
When I put on banking mode on my Ipad, I can't open the banking sites.
The Idea of True Security and Cloud Services
I understand why some may feel that Cloud services are important, but for me personally, I don't like the concept of cloud-computing, knowing that someone else is in charge of watching, holding, protecting my information--------it just doesn't sit right with me. I feel much safer having my files stored on a device that I…
wrongful blocked site
Hello there, greenvillage.fr is wronfully blocked. Could you please unblock it? Thanks! EDIT: Edited potentially harmful URL link
Issue with downloading f-secure total
Hi, I had f-secure previously, but I didnt renew it. I started studies this week and noticed that our school had an offer for f-secure total. I bought it through the link for 3 computers. After paying it (f-secure site) gave me a page where I had to create a new account for f-secure. The issue is that both of my emails are…
ultralight aquarius installer taking 100% disk
heading says it all really. windows 10, have recently uninstalled and reinstalled. MS support said to leavve f-secure off...
Can't reinstall F-secure safe
At first it couldn't update and was unable to connect to update server. I uninstalled SAFE and now I can't install it. I have downloaded the installation file from my safe and it starts to download but at 75% it says "waiting for another installation to finsih" it has been stuck like that for over 30 minutes without any…
F-Secure SAFE processes terminated when Ultra power save mode is activated in Honor 8 Lite
Hi, My kid learned a way to terminate SAFE in his Honor 8 Lite phone. When Ultra power saving mode is activated, SAFE processes are closed and phone becomes unprotected. When normal mode is activated, the phone remains unprotected. This makes F-secure SAFE useless to us - is there any way to avoid this?
firewall in f-secure
hi guys Why product fsecure internet security option firewall is not and remove for home user firewall?? How we control application by firewall?? If ismot firewall for control thanks
F-Secure SAFE doesn't allow Unity3D to start
If I have the antivirus activated I get the following error from unity enigne: getthreadcontext failed fatal error in gc. When I turn the antivirus off, everything works as it should and I can open my project. I have tried tweaking the firewall settings, but nothing seems to work except turning the anitvirus off, starting…
Internet security has a serious scanning\detection issue
Dear All, Internet security is unable to clean my Infected pen Drive which has a common shortcut virus.it's only blocking the virus but i'm unable to delete it from the pen drive. when i do a scan,it says could not clean up(screenshot attached) when i click on the folder and do a scan it says nothing hamful has been found…
I trying to install F-secure Internet Security on my computer (Windows 8.1). I get an error message in the installation process: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package…
Need new fsecure safe key
Hello, I don't seem to be able to find my fsecure key. I seem to have deleted my email. I need to reinstall fsecure on my PC please help. Thank you.