Standalone ID Protection reaching End of Life
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure ID Protection reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Standalone Freedome VPN saavuttaa elinkaarensa lopun
Hei kyberturvallisuuden harrastaja, On raskain mielin jaamme tiedon, että itsenäinen F-Secure Freedome VPN saavuttaa elinkaarensa lopun 22. toukokuuta 2024 jälkeen 😢. Tämä päätös tarkoittaa sitä, että nämä tuotteet eivät enää suojaa laitteitasi tai vastaanota päivityksiä tämän päivämäärän jälkeen. Olemme kuitenkin tehneet…
Scam Awareness Month: Esittelyssä uusi huijaussuojatoimintomme!
Kuvittele tämä: Surffaat netissä, ehkä etsit uutta laitetta tai luet artikkelia, kun yhtäkkiä saat sähköpostin, joka näyttää tulevan pankistasi. Kaikki näyttää olevan kunnossa – logo, viesti – mutta jokin tuntuu oudolta. Tämä pieni epäilys voi olla ero turvallisuuden ja nettihuijaukseen joutumisen välillä. Et ole yksin…
🚨 Cyber Help Week is Here 🚨
As part of Scam Awareness Month, we’re starting Cyber Help Week in the F-Secure Community. This week, we’ll focus on how to protect yourself from scams and improve your online security. All content will be posted in this thread, so check back daily for updates. What’s Coming Up: Oct 8: Key articles on how to spot scams and…
Scam Awareness Month: Introducing Our New Scam Protection Feature!
Imagine this: You’re browsing the web, maybe shopping for a new gadget or reading an article, when suddenly you get an email that looks just like it’s from your bank. Everything seems legit—the logo, the message—but something feels off. This small gut feeling could be the difference between staying safe and falling for an…
Welcome to Our New Community Homepages
We're thrilled to introduce the new and improved homepages for our Community, English forum, and Finnish forum 🎉 Why the Change? We wanted to enhance your experience by making it smoother, faster, and more user-friendly. With easier navigation and quicker access to important resources, you'll find answers and engage with…
🚨 Cyber Help Viikko on täällä 🚨
Osana Scam Awareness Month -kuukautta käynnistämme Cyber Help Week -viikon F-Secure-yhteisössä. Tällä viikolla keskitymme siihen, miten voit suojautua huijauksilta ja parantaa verkkoturvallisuuttasi. Kaikki sisältö julkaistaan tässä ketjussa, joten tarkista päivittäin päivitykset. Mitä on tulossa: 8. lokakuuta: Tärkeitä…
Tervetuloa uusille yhteisösivuillemme
Olemme innoissamme voidessamme esitellä uudet ja parannellut etusivut Yhteisöllemme, englanninkieliselle foorumille ja suomenkieliselle foorumille 🎉 Miksi muutos? Haluamme parantaa käyttökokemustasi tekemällä siitä sujuvampaa, nopeampaa ja käyttäjäystävällisempää. Helpomman navigoinnin ja nopeamman pääsyn tärkeisiin…
Päivitys: Tukiartikkeleita nyt tietopankissa
Hei, Yhteisön Innokkaat! Olemme innoissamme voidessamme ilmoittaa, että kaikki tukiarikkelimme on siirretty uudelle tietopankillemme, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan käyttäjäkokemustasi. 1. Miksi teimme muutoksen Tämä muutos varmistaa, että pääset käsiksi uusimpiin uutisiin ja tietoihin, mikä antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden…
Update: Support Articles Now in the Knowledge Base
Hello, Community Enthusiasts. We’re excited to share that all our Support Articles have been successfully transitioned to our new Knowledge Base, designed to enhance your user experience. 1. Why We Made the Change This change ensures that you have access to the latest news and information, empowering you with the most…
Standalone Freedome VPN reaching End of Life
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure Freedome VPN reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Itsenäisen ID-suojauksen elinkaari päättyy
Hei kyberturvallisuuden harrastaja, Raskain mielin jaamme tiedon itsenäisen F-Secure ID Protectionin elinkaaren päättymisestä 22. toukokuuta 2024 jälkeen 😢. Tämä päätös tarkoittaa sitä, että nämä tuotteet eivät enää suojaa laitteitasi tai vastaanota päivityksiä tämän päivämäärän jälkeen. Olemme kuitenkin tehneet kovasti…
Ei voida aktivoida Safari-selainlaajennusta iOS 17.4.1:ssä.
Hei F-Secure-yhteisö, Olemme saaneet hiljattain raportin ongelmasta Safari-selainlaajennuksen aktivoinnissa iOS 17.4.1:ssä. Asiakas on ilmoittanut, että napsautettuaan "asetusten asettaminen" F-Secure-sovelluksessa ja seurattuaan näytön ohjeita, he eivät pääse etenemään kohtaan, jossa heidän pitäisi "Napauttaa Safe…
F-Secure Total beta - FSProtection changes in communication
We are now making changes on the beta community and feedback handling for your benefit. We do not have any more beta.f-secure.com portal after first of August. Feedback wont be requested separately until in form of new survey. Please file bugs by sending email to beta@f-secure.com or posting a comment here at our…
Legacy F-Secure Internet Security & Anti-Virus reaching End of Life
Hello F-Secure users, We are sad to announce that the legacy F-Secure Internet Security (which was available on Windows only and activated via subscription code) and Anti-Virus is reaching their end of life. What does this means? These products will no longer receive any updates after Dec 1st, 2023. We know this may be…
📣 Introducing Query Suggestion and Preview: Enhancing Your Search Experience!
📢 Announcement: Query Suggestion and Preview in Search Box Hello, wonderful F-Secure Community members! We are thrilled to announce a new enhancement to the F-Secure Community search feature! Starting today, you can enjoy the benefits of query suggestion and preview, making your search experience even more efficient and…
Community Badges
Dear esteemed members, We’re excited to announce that you can now earn Badges when you participate in the Community and these contributions can reflect on your profile for you and others to see. To view them, simply click on your Avatar in the top right corner, then click on the bigger image of the Avatar. This will lead…
Get on board. Get recognition. Get on the Leaderboard!
This is to inform you that the Leaderboard widget, a widget that displays top-performing members, has been enabled on the Community. You can view that on the landing page or on either the English and Finnish pages https://community.f-secure.com/ or https://community.f-secure.com/en https://community.f-secure.com/fi The…
Freedome VPN not working
Hey , I formatted my MAC os computer. I downgraded Monterey from mojave version. While it works fine in the Monterey version, Mojave also stays on this screen and does not improve for hours. I remember making some network settings in the Monterey version, but the program prompted me. I tried many different locations.
F-Secure Business is now WithSecure™
Introducing WithSecure™ For more than 30 years we’ve worked with partners and customers, shoulder-to-shoulder to take on every threat that the customers have faced. We needed a new brand that reflects the distinct identity of our B2B offering and helps better meet the needs of our customers. The name WithSecure™ puts good…
Category Following & Notifications
Dear Community members, The Category Following and Notification features allow you to be notified when content you are interested in is posted. Now you can get notified on time so you can respond to posts in a timely manner. Notification Preferences Options Follow: This option will allow you to follow the category without…
Using the Community Search feature
This post will provide detailed information on how to use the Search feature in the F-Secure Community effectively. You can search for discussions or articles of interest using the Community Search. Where to Search You can find the Community Search in 2 locations: In the hero banner on the Home page And in the header of…
What belongs to "German Stockholders"
I got an ID-Alert, that my Identity is shown in the Group "German Stockholders", but not more Information. How can I identify the affected Webside?
FS Protection PC releases
We are trying something new. Instead of creating a new thread for every version, we will keep posting all beta releases for Windows under this thread as a continuous thread.
This is not a question
I am a very early beta tester since the first Ultralight release and quite happy with that modest participation. I must confess I have the feeling that FS has gone the wrong way when they dropped the Freedome VPN for Avira which has a very bad VPN: speeds, locations etc. are a mess. This is the reason why I am considering…
minulla on 3 laitteen lisenssi, haluaisin muuttaa 5:lle laitteelle, kuinka toimin ja mikä olisi hint
minulla on 3 laitteen lisenssi, haluaisin muuttaa 5:lle laitteelle, kuinka toimin ja mikä olisi hint
F-Secure total tilauksen peruuttaminen
Hei! Ostin verkkokaupastanne F-Secure total -ohjelman. Luin netistä eri artikkeleita ja päädyin tähän kyseiseen ohjelmapakettiin. Kuitenkaan tämä ohjelma ei ole vastannut odotuksiani. Haluasin peruuttaa tilaukseni niin nopeasti, kuin mahdollista ja luonnollisesti maksamani 79.99€ rahat takaisin tililleni. Kuinka asian…
I have F-secure Total for one device (my PC). Can I not access password vault on my phone then?
I have F-Secure Total for one device. I want my PC to have f-secure antivirus. But for my password vault I only really need that in my phone. How can I use the password vault with my android phone while still keeping all the other security on my PC? I hope this doesn't require multiple licenses…
Verkkopalkka ongelma
Tämä sivusto ei voi tarjota suojattua yhteyttä www.palkkahotelli.fi lähetti virheellisen vastauksen. Kokeile Windowsin verkon diagnostiikkaa ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Salasanaholvin automatiikka ei toimi iPhonessa eikä iPadissa.
iPhone 13 Pro iOS 18.1.1. Vaikka Fsecure-appi on juuri avattuna taustalla, tulee alapalkin avaimenkuvaa napauttaessa kuvan ilmoitus. iPad Pro 12,9” 6:s sukupolvi, iPadOS 18.1.1. Kokeiltuna sekä Chrome että Safari -selaimilla, ruudun alareunassa vilahtaa pikaisesti tyhjä palkki. Avaimen kuva ei tule näkyviin. Tässäkin…
Aktivointi ei onnistu
Hei. Yrittäessäni aktivoida F.securea uuteen koneeseen saan seuraavan ilmoituksen. Enkä pysty aktivoimaan sitä mitenkään?
Regarding the illegal reduction of my license from 02.10.2025, to - 11.02.2025
This topic was raised by me back in December 2023 ! I wrote about this issue in the forum, but my topic was ignored by the F - Secure management, since the answer I received from your employee was not accurate and clear. Now I see that the date of 02.10.2025, which was clearly fixed to my account, is now missing and in its…
iPhone app drains the battery
Hi, After the recent update of the F-secure app, the power consumption on my iphone has increased substancially. Yesterday alone the app was taking 95% of the battery. Something wrong with the new app version?
How do I cancel my subscription
I do not want to renew my subscription - please tell me how to cancel it?
Lap-top ei enää käynnistyy
Yritin jakaa 5 osainen lisenssi vaimoon lap-top. Kolemlla yrityksellä sain sen vihdoin liitetty ryhmääni. Yritin saada sen voimaan, ja pari sekunnin aikana luki että on voimassa vielä vuoden. Mutta sitten vaati että lisenssi on uusittava. Tein "Log-out" My F-securistä, ja sammuin lap-top, että voisin käynnistää sitä…
First page takes ages to load on Firefox
I have Total installed and recently experience the following behavior: As I open Firefox, the first page or pages I try to browse take a long time to load (14 seconds +) but after that browsing works pretty much as usual. The problem is resolved by disabling the F-secure browsing protection add-on (currently in version…
F-secure app (VPN) icon on Windows taskbar does not tell the status of VPN (on/off)
I used the former F-Secure Freedom a long time and just like other VPN programs, its icon on the Windows takbar gave the status of VPN (on/off) without any further efforts. Having now considered a return to F-secure from a rivaling product, I took the current F-Secure VPN app into the free 5 day test. Immediately I noticed…
F-Secure Needs to Make an Official Announcement Regarding All the Changes in v19.9 = Avira
The leadership at F-Secure needs to provide a detailed answer regarding all the changes in Windows v19.9. From beta tester screenshots it is clear that F-Secure is no longer going to be F-Secure; it is going to be Avira. DeepGuard has also "silently" been replaced with Avira's behavioral analysis. So what is happening at…
Sharing license
This discussion was created from comments split from: No link to renew on the subscription page?.
#Tool for Conflicting security programs
A tool for troubleshooting and removing conflicting security programs on Windows/Mac operating systems in order to install F-Secure Total(could be integrated to Total as well)
VPN do not connect
My computer Windows 10 VPN do not connect to anywhere, but my Android mobile VPN is working OK?
miksi iPhonella ja iPadilla salasanaholvi ilmoittaa automaattisessa täytössä Virhe: 3 salasanaholvin köyttö epäonnistui. Käynnistä pääsovellus ja avaa salasanaholvin lukitus sovelluksessa. Vaikka näin tekee niin sama toistuu. Kaikki asetukset on ohjeiden mukaan ja tätä on alkanut tapahtua marraskuusta 2024 (jos oikein…
Why does VPN not work?
i tried it both on my laptop and mobile but it just blocks my wifi connection. i cant get it to work and i have tride with both wifi and data roaming. Afther i switch the VPN button on it just loads forever, block my wifi connection and does not work. is there any solution to this? something else i have to activate? some…
How to Configure HTTP Proxy for FS Protection on Windows?
Hello, I am currently using F-Secure Protection for Windows and would like to configure an HTTP proxy to ensure that all network traffic is routed through it. Could anyone guide me on how to properly set up an HTTP proxy within FS Protection on a Windows system? Specifically, I would like to know: Which settings or…
Virus outbreaks
How many virus outbreaks for the past 7 days, 30 to 90 days
Will FS buy Avira?
Hello, I am an Avira lover from China,since F-Secure using Avira engine,I started to use fs in my VM,i found the usability of FS is much better than Avira,i want to ask: because Gen used avast to completly change norton and avg,will fs buy Avira to make Avira survive?i may use FS instead of Avira,FS's UI and usability is…
Lenovo support - suspicious site (!)
How can this be, and nobody over there gets fired over it? I'm not asking, I know the answer - you don't care! You are done, after my subscription expires, you guys don't exist anymore. I had exactly zero benefits from having your software slow down my pc.
Browsing Protection to display only negative notifications
The Browsing Protection pop-up notification at the bottom right-hand corner of a browser tab is distracting, especially when it only tells me that the "shopping" website (such as logging into a news website) is highly trusted. Users do not need to be told that stuff is safe. Users need to be told when stuff is not safe.…
Estääkö F-Secure tietokoneen (ajastetun) siirtymisen lepotilaan?
F-Secure sovelluksen käyttöönoton yhteydessä tietokoneen ajastettu siirtyminen lepotilaan lakkasi toimimasta. Voisiko F-Secure olla syypää moiseen häikkään?
Tilauksen uusiminen
Hei! Tilaukseni päättyi marraskuun puolella. Nyt kun yritän uusia niin ei onnistu. Omilla sivuilla vain ilmoitus päättymisestä, mutta ei mahdollisuutta uusia.
F-Secure 19.9 not working on Sonoma, log reports Bedrock UpstreamKit.framework, solution?
Hello, I have a problem with F-Secure 19.9 (63790) and macOS Sonoma 14.7.2. The software hangs on "Waiting for initial update..." and after a few minutes it says "Malware protection malfunction" and "Device reboot required", after system restarts it does the same problem. Uninstalled with the F-Secure utility, deactivated,…
Extra security report
For mobile device (additional security report) that would review the installed mobile device apps and the permissions granted to them and observations/recommendations for their excessive "generosity" and suggestions for tightening