Standalone Freedome VPN saavuttaa elinkaarensa lopun
Hei kyberturvallisuuden harrastaja, On raskain mielin jaamme tiedon, että itsenäinen F-Secure Freedome VPN saavuttaa elinkaarensa lopun 22. toukokuuta 2024 jälkeen 😢. Tämä päätös tarkoittaa sitä, että nämä tuotteet eivät enää suojaa laitteitasi tai vastaanota päivityksiä tämän päivämäärän jälkeen. Olemme kuitenkin tehneet…
Standalone ID Protection reaching End of Life
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure ID Protection reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Standalone Freedome VPN reaching End of Life
Hello Cybersecurity Enthusiast, It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the standalone F-Secure Freedome VPN reaching its end of life after May 22nd, 2024 😢. This decision means that these products will no longer protect your devices or receive updates beyond this date. However, we have been hard at work to…
Itsenäisen ID-suojauksen elinkaari päättyy
Hei kyberturvallisuuden harrastaja, Raskain mielin jaamme tiedon itsenäisen F-Secure ID Protectionin elinkaaren päättymisestä 22. toukokuuta 2024 jälkeen 😢. Tämä päätös tarkoittaa sitä, että nämä tuotteet eivät enää suojaa laitteitasi tai vastaanota päivityksiä tämän päivämäärän jälkeen. Olemme kuitenkin tehneet kovasti…
Ei voida aktivoida Safari-selainlaajennusta iOS 17.4.1:ssä.
Hei F-Secure-yhteisö, Olemme saaneet hiljattain raportin ongelmasta Safari-selainlaajennuksen aktivoinnissa iOS 17.4.1:ssä. Asiakas on ilmoittanut, että napsautettuaan "asetusten asettaminen" F-Secure-sovelluksessa ja seurattuaan näytön ohjeita, he eivät pääse etenemään kohtaan, jossa heidän pitäisi "Napauttaa Safe…
Unable to Activate Safari Browser Extension on iOS 17.4.1
Hello F-Secure Community, We've recently received a report regarding an issue with activating the Safari Browser extension on iOS 17.4.1. A customer has reported that after clicking on "set up" in the F-Secure app and following the on-screen instructions, they are unable to proceed past the point where they need to "Tap…
F-Secure Total beta - FSProtection changes in communication
We are now making changes on the beta community and feedback handling for your benefit. We do not have any more beta.f-secure.com portal after first of August. Feedback wont be requested separately until in form of new survey. Please file bugs by sending email to beta@f-secure.com or posting a comment here at our…
Legacy F-Secure Internet Security & Anti-Virus reaching End of Life
Hello F-Secure users, We are sad to announce that the legacy F-Secure Internet Security (which was available on Windows only and activated via subscription code) and Anti-Virus is reaching their end of life. What does this means? These products will no longer receive any updates after Dec 1st, 2023. We know this may be…
📣 Introducing Query Suggestion and Preview: Enhancing Your Search Experience!
📢 Announcement: Query Suggestion and Preview in Search Box Hello, wonderful F-Secure Community members! We are thrilled to announce a new enhancement to the F-Secure Community search feature! Starting today, you can enjoy the benefits of query suggestion and preview, making your search experience even more efficient and…
📢 Important Announcement Regarding TunnelCrack VPN Leak
Hello our valued Community members, We hope you're all doing great and staying safe online. We've got an important update to share with you today that falls under the serious category. Your security is our top concern, and we want to keep you informed about the TunnelCrack VPN Leak. We are pleased to share that our…
Community Badges
Dear esteemed members, We’re excited to announce that you can now earn Badges when you participate in the Community and these contributions can reflect on your profile for you and others to see. To view them, simply click on your Avatar in the top right corner, then click on the bigger image of the Avatar. This will lead…
🌟 Join the F-Secure Quiz Challenge on June 15th, 2023. Win Exciting Prizes🏆
📣 Attention F-Secure Users. Join our exciting online quiz session starting from June 15th, 2023, at 11:00 AM EEST and stand a chance to win prizes. We're excited to announce a fun quiz event about the new F-Secure Total that will give you a chance to win fantastic prizes. Get ready for a daily dose of quiz excitement.…
New F-Secure Total Application Launch and Community Updates
Dear F-Secure Community, We wanted to let you know about some exciting changes we've made to the F-Secure Community page. We've updated the look and feel of the page, and we're thrilled to announce the launch of our new application, F-Secure Total! This new application provides comprehensive protection for all your…
Important Announcement: F-Secure Internet Security and Anti-Virus Products Reaching End of Sales
Dear F-Secure Community Members, We have an important announcement to share with you regarding F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Anti-Virus. After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the sales of these products. As of the announcement date, these products will no longer be available for purchase.…
The New F-Secure Total app
Hello to all F-Secure users! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product, the F-Secure Total app, on February 14, 2023. This app is designed to provide you with comprehensive, all-in-one security for all your devices. F-Secure Total is a comprehensive security suite that provides complete protection for…
Subscribe to F-Secure Newsletter
Hello F-Secure users and readers, I hope you have a good day. The end of 2022 is approaching fast and we will be facing 2023 soon. I hope you all had a great year and let's continue protecting our devices and family. F-Secure is consistently excited to protect users in the fast-developed digital world. Hence, you can…
Safe Browsing Extension is now available on Safari for iPhone and iPad
Hello F-Secure users, We are glad to inform you that we have launched a new extension of Safari for the iOS device to provide better protection for all iPhone and iPad users. The new browsing extension can be enabled on Safari; hence, you will be protected when using Safari on your device with banking and browsing…
App Security feature dropped from FREEDOME VPN on Android
Hello everyone, We have decided to remove the antivirus feature which is known as App Security FREEDOME VPN for the Android platform on December 12, 2022. This is to align our next mission to provide all-in-one security in 2023. F-Secure will introduce a new face of F-Secure products with AV features, VPN, Browsing…
Get on board. Get recognition. Get on the Leaderboard!
This is to inform you that the Leaderboard widget, a widget that displays top-performing members, has been enabled on the Community. You can view that on the landing page or on either the English and Finnish pages https://community.f-secure.com/ or https://community.f-secure.com/en https://community.f-secure.com/fi The…
FS Protection mobile app updated to 18.4 with a new look and useful features
Your FS Protection mobile app will be updated with a new look and useful features. Here's an overview of the latest changes. What's new: People & devices view The new People tab lets you manage your protection conveniently in the app. Here are some things you can do in the People tab: Secure more devices Send an…
Is macOS Ventura supported?
Greetings, I saw the notice on 18.3 Beta 3 about Ventura not being supported. But I'm also seeing a note on 18.3 Beta 4 noting that the upgrade issue was resolved. So does that mean Ventura is supported now? Thanks! Jason
Freedome VPN not working
Hey , I formatted my MAC os computer. I downgraded Monterey from mojave version. While it works fine in the Monterey version, Mojave also stays on this screen and does not improve for hours. I remember making some network settings in the Monterey version, but the program prompted me. I tried many different locations.
F-Secure Business is now WithSecure™
Introducing WithSecure™ For more than 30 years we’ve worked with partners and customers, shoulder-to-shoulder to take on every threat that the customers have faced. We needed a new brand that reflects the distinct identity of our B2B offering and helps better meet the needs of our customers. The name WithSecure™ puts good…
FS protection mobile clients - new look and feel and features
I am glad to announce that we have new release out at PlayStore and AppStore with the following features: • Totally new modular user interface • Integrated Password Vault • Integrated ID Monitoring • Bug fixes, stability improvements Please spend some time to test it and give feedback using this survey: link. Note that you…
Updates & FAQs on Cyber Attacks Relating to Ukraine Invasion
Dear Community members, We at F-Secure strongly condemn the war in Ukraine and feel saddened by the trauma millions of people must now endure. We shall keep providing guidance for customers and partners on how to deal with potential cyber security impact. Please find the latest blogs with updates and FAQs on cyber attacks…
Category Following & Notifications
Dear Community members, The Category Following and Notification features allow you to be notified when content you are interested in is posted. Now you can get notified on time so you can respond to posts in a timely manner. Notification Preferences Options Follow: This option will allow you to follow the category without…
Using the Community Search feature
This post will provide detailed information on how to use the Search feature in the F-Secure Community effectively. You can search for discussions or articles of interest using the Community Search. Where to Search You can find the Community Search in 2 locations: In the hero banner on the Home page And in the header of…
F-Secure Community revamp
Dear F-Secure Community Members, As in line with the community migration to the new platform, we have revamped the look and navigation of our F-Secure Community. You will see visible changes across the community forums. With the revamp, you will again be seeing the navigation menu in the forums side as mentioned in this…
This discussion was created from comments split from: Is Autofill code gets 'invalid' still unsolved.
Setting up on a phone
Hi My Nokia 1.3 phone recieved a F-Secure update yesterday, and after it was installed it asked me to set it up again. All went well until I got to inernet banking, and then when I got to Permissions required for Browsing Protection and Banking Protection the page went to Overlay Permission. Then if I pressed continue the…
Hackers have ruined my life
I bought a new phone and that's when it started happening. At least that's what I thought. Slowly I think it was happening before then but full on after the new phone maybe the SIM card was cloned by the guy I bought it from at the store who keep giving me discounts on the phone that I wasn't supposed to get because it was…
F-Secure Total VPN yhteyden ongelmat
Omassa sekä puolison Iphonessa (molemmissa IOS 17.6) on käytössä F-Secure sovellus (versio 24.7.302912). Molemmissa puhelimissa VPN jumiutuu ja katkaisee tällöin yhteyden verkkoon (sama tapahtuu WiFi sekä mobiiliverkossa). Ongelman ilmentyessä pikaviestisovellusten viestit eivät tule läpi eikä nettisivut lataudu. VPN jää…
F-secure browsing logo banner
Hi I installed f-secure browsing protection on my iPhone and this green logo of the globe shows up. Is there any way to turn off that logo off without having to take off browsing protection off?
fsecure free online scanner, "pending restart request", but still same after restarts part 2
This discussion was created from comments split from: fsecure free online scanner, "pending restart request", but still same after restarts.
VPN ongelmana
Onko internet securityssä VPN ja miten sen saa päälle ja pois. Areena ei näy ollenkaan nyt kun asensin tämän tänään kokeilujakson jälkeen.
F-Secure Internet Security Mac OS Catalina
F-Secure Internet Security kann nicht auf Mac OS Catalina installiert werden. Warum hat bis 2024 funktioniert
Connect device greyed out
This discussion was created from comments split from: Connect devices greyed out in ID PROTECTION.
Uuden VPN -sovelluksen ongelmat - pitää tuoda esille tämäkin näkökulma!
Olen seurannut nyt monta kk keskustelua uuden VPN vakavistakin, edelleen jatkuvista vioista / ongelmista. Käsittääkseni tämä foorumi on pääsääntöisesti tarkoitettu ns. peruskäyttäjien ja F-Securen väliseen vuoropuheluun - esim. kerrotaan ongelmista, kysellään käyttöohjeita. Usein keskusteluissa tämä tahtoo kuitenkin…
Mac OS High Sierra
Hi, got a iMac 2011 and running High Sierra. I have been using Fsecure since many years, and now in august i did what i have done som many years, I renewed my license. But my iMac can't install it. What do I do? Yes, I could buy a new mac, but don't have the cash for it. Fells a bit strange to have paid for another year to…
VPN-yhteys "viipeilee/pitkät latenssit"(6.9.2024 klo 09.00-->)
Espoon VPN-GW,protokolla=open-vpn(udp),uusin win11,uusin chrome,kiertokorjaukset chromium pohjaisiin tehty.,vpn-dns= vaihtelee(nslookup) VPN-protokollan muutos IKEv2 "laukaisee tilanteen",toimiessaan nopeus OK(100/100) ei kerro "oireista" mitään..
Horrible user interface after switching from Freedome
Dear F-Secure, The switch from Freedome VPN to the new F-Secure app severely degraded the user experience. You cannot turn the app off anymore. Previously, this was possible by right-clicking on the task bar icon and selecting the exit option. You can no longer turn the VPN on or off directly from the task bar right-click…
Import from KeePass 2.57 fails
Hello, I just wanted to setup my F-Secure Vault and import my password database from local KeePass 2.57. First: There is no Database → export → csv. It is just possible Via File→Export (see screenshot). The possible extensions are, CSV for KeePass 1.x and XML for KeePass 2.x. The fun part is with Vault, that only supports…
ongelma verkkopankki maksamiseen siirtymisessä
Ongelma verkkopankkimaksamiseen luottokortin sijaan. OP??
ID Protection on my PC doesn't generate a a code for connecting a new device
Hi. As the title said. I'm trying to connect my phone to the password vault, but for some reason I'm getting en error message on my PC the the "sync code download failed. Try again later". Is this some server issue and will be resolved shortly or I need to do something in else in order to use my vault on my mobile device?
"Varoitus! Joku yrittää ehkä huijata sinua!"
Onko tähän toiminnallisuuteen tehty nyt jotain muutoksia tai tiukennuksia, sillä jostain syystä yhtäkkiä en enää pysty tekemään minkäänlaisia verkko-ostoksia omalla kotitietokoneellani? Olettaisin, että ongelma aiheutuu Chromen etätyöpöytä ohjelmasta, joka on ollut tietokoneellani vuosia, jotta voin avittaa vanhempiani,…
my.f-secure.com: Luotettujen laitteiden merkitys,kirjautuminen aina uutena laitteena
Mikä merkitys on my.f-secure.com palveluun kirjautuneilla laitteilla ja niiden merkitsemisellä luotetuiksi a) kirjautumisesta tulee AINA ilmoitus emailiin uutena laitteena,eikö laitteeseen ole käytössä ns. "luottoaikaa" b) windows 11 laitteet tunnistetaan "väärin" windows 10 laitteiksi(oletko se sinä?) Tietoturvan kannalta…
En pääse kirjautumaan myF-secureen, ilmoittaa että 502 bad gateway
En pääse kirjautumaan myF-secureen, ilmoittaa että 502 bad gateway
Hei, miten saan pois Nokia T20 näytöltä "kelluvan" F-Secure kuvakkeen? Todella ärsyttävä sormen osuessa ja liikkuessa. "Kuvake" ei ole sovellus eli siitä ei pääse edes f-securen asetuksiin.
New breach detected.
Have an email re the title. It suggests that one of our email address's and a particular password has been breached. Can't find the combination of 'Email address/Password' in our Microsoft wallets or on our hardcopy password lists. Can I assume it is an old combination that we have possibly used but deleted in the past?…
Troijalaista ei voitu siirtää roskakoriin MAC kone
FS Protection PC releases
We are trying something new. Instead of creating a new thread for every version, we will keep posting all beta releases for Windows under this thread as a continuous thread.
Miten tiedonpalautusen toimimaan? Sain ilmoituksen että voisin asentaa sen, mutta kun painan linkistä niin tulen oman sivuun, mutta mistään en löydä miten sen asennan? Kiitos hyvästä tuotteesta. Toimii muuten ihan hyvin 👍
VPN katkeilee jatkuvasti
On nyt jo yli vuoden VPN:n yhteys katkeillu jatkuvasti ja sivustojen lataus on välillä todella hidasta ja joskus ei onnistu ollenkaan. Tätä tapahtuu kahdella eri koneella ja aivan kaikessa mikä nettiä käyttää, eri selaimet kokeiltu ja myös ohjelmissa mitkä käyttävät nettiä tätä tapahtuu. F-Secure on myös asennettu…
Virus outbreaks
How many virus outbreaks for the past 7 days, 30 to 90 days
Aivan susi VPN
Miksi tällaista pas…. myydään edelleen uusille asiakkaille jos se ei kerta toimi vanhoillakaan asiakkailla? Taatusti on turvallinen ainakin kun ei pääse mihinkään. Voiko tilauksen peruuttaa ja saada rahat takaisin? Hyvin vedätte. Edes categoria tuotteet kotiin ei voi valita suomeksi. Painetaan tää sit englanninkieliselle…
Browsing Protection pop up won't go away!!
I have F-Secure installed and mostly it is great BUT: when I am browsing and do a Google search I keep getting a pop-up over the links that are offered, mostly saying things like "this site is highly trusted" or other messages. The problem is the pop-up covers up the actual link AND THEN NEVER GOES AWAY!!!! If I want to…
WiFi pätkii ku VPN päällä
Hei Kun koneessani (Windows PC) on F-secure totalin VPN päällä, niin WiFi-yhteys katksaa itsekseen eikä sitä saa äälle, kuin sammuttamalla VPN:n. Miten asia korjataan (näyttää olevan F-securen yleinen ongelma googlen perusteella = korjatkaa asia vihdoin viimein).
FS Protection macOS releases
We are trying something new. Instead of creating a new thread for every version, we will keep posting all beta releases for macOS under this thread as a continuous thread. Mikko F-Secure R&D, Desktop products