Feature Request: User Consent Before Activating Banking Protection - HUMAN CONTROL
Dear F-Secure Team, I recently encountered a critical issue with the Banking Protection feature that I believe requires immediate attention. While attempting to pay my hospital bill, the Banking Protection activated automatically, interrupting the payment process without any prior warning or consent. This behavior left me…
frank stevens
What is 'banking protection' that is screwing up my computer?
Banking protection blocking many webpages
Hi, The banking protection is blocking to many webpages for me including news websites like the guardian where I have to allow each individual article page. Is there a way to allow at domain level? Thanks
Problems with banking protection
When I open the website of my bank (SNS in The Netherlands) Banking Protection gets active (green border) and the web page is greyed-out and cannot be accessed at all. So it blocks effectively all my banking activities! F-Secure version 19.8 Windows 10 Firefox 132.0.2 (64-bit) Loeke
Security application not found
Hello. After my F-secure total updated itself to version 19.6 browser extensions in Firefox and Edge stopped working. Extensions seem to have version 5.7.21. I have re-installed extensions but still they do not work. What should I try next?
"Green frame" for banking protection missing
Hello, Since about two weeks I am no longer getting the green frame when I am accessing a banking site. Both the browser (Firefox 132.0.2, but it happened with earlier versions, too ) and the extension (5.7.21) are up to date. I have already tried the steps as advised in this link (in Finnish) without effect. I have then…
Add a new function-customized bank protection list
We often find that some bank URLs are not warned by FSecure as bank protection and do not interrupt other connections. In addition to the time-consuming waiting process of submitting F-Secure analysis, it is recommended that users first add and define a list of bank protected URLs so that they can receive immediate…
iOS - Issues with Website Security and Feature Suggestions for FS Protection
Dear F-Secure team, I hope this message finds you well. While browsing websites using the internal secure browser of FS Protection, I noticed that it opens a new window in Safari, causing the page to load outside the secure environment. I’m currently using iOS 18.1 beta 7 and do not experience this issue with the public…
Pankkitoimintojen suojaus
Pankkitoimintojen suojaus alkoi tänään estää nettisivuja, vaikka pankki-istunto ei ole käynnissä, miten siitä pääsee eroon?
Website denied: Danske Bank
I've got my Banking protection turned on, but all of a sudden it has started to block my entries to the log-on page of Danske Bank — one of the major banks here in the Nordic countries. This happens after the following steps: 1. I first enter the website of Danske Bank by typing in the URL directly to the browser's…
Make opting out of web traffic scanning in the settings actually work
F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Total (I tried both) still monitor Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing protection, and banking protection turned off and I never installed F-Secure's browser extension. Even with all of that turned off the "websites checked" counter on the "Secure Browsing &…
Banking protection stopped working?
Banking protection was working fine, but today I no longer get the green border appear on any secure site in any Chrome, Firefox, Edge browser. Removed and added the extension back again, rebooted pc, but has not helped.
Banking Protection not working for Barclays.co.uk
Since the weekend banking protection has not been working for the Barclays.co.uk website. I used the 'submit a sample' to report the problem, and I am now finding that Banking Protection does enable when navigating to www.barclays.co.uk, but clicking the login for online banking takes you to bank.barclays.co.uk and…
Banking green outline doesn't fully connect
Hello. Today I noticed that the green outline that indicates secure banking doesn't work correctly anymore. When I go to a banking page the outline starts to go around the screen but goes back just when it's about to connect, it keeps trying to reconnect every time you do any action in the online bank. This has previously…
Herätyksen jälkeisiä peruskysymyksiä
Juuri, kun olin asioinut Elisan kanssa, luin Iltasanomista varoituksen Elisan nimissä tehdyistä huijauksista, että Omaelisaan on päästy murtautumaan ja saatu jollakin tavalla ohjattua antamaan pankkitunnukset esiintymällä asiakaspalvelijana. Varoittavia elementtejä oli ilmoilla puhelussa (kaksi kertaa painotettiin että…
F-Secure Banking Protection Blocks Webpage Content of Credit Card Website
Webpage redirects to other websites owned by the credit card company or connections needed to perform actions such as making a payment via a linked bank account is also blocked by F-Secure Banking Mode. Whitelisting the URL(s) in F-Secure Banking Protection does not fix the issue. The only solution to get the webpage to…
Banking Protection Blocks Webpage Load After Login
Banking Protection detects Self Service (fidelityrewards.com) and launches. After login Banking Protection prevents: The loading of webpage elements, booleans and connected data that are imported by embedded html from servers hosting the content/data. The use of authentication apps (e.g. Authy, Google or Microsoft…
Bank Webpage Does a Redirect to a 3rd Party Website that F-Secure Banking Protection Blocks
Log into credit card website. Make payment from a connected bank account. The credit card website makes a redirect to a 3rd party SSO webpage which F-Secure Banking Protection blocks - even when the URL is allowed/exception created for it in Banking Protection. F-Secure Banking Protection does not work properly (must be…
Pankkisuojaus aktivoituu vaikka muita sivustoja ei ole auki
F-Securen Safari banking protection alkoi edellyttämään sivustojen hyväksymistä version 19.3 päivityksen jälkeen, vaikka selaimessa ei ole muita istuntoja auki. Asetuksista ei löydy säätöä tälle, joten oletan sen olevan vikatilanne.
Banking Protection is Active
I would have used Search to find if anyone else is having an issue with this but when I click Search, it won't let me type anything. Just today, I started having trouble with "Banking Protection is Active" every time I try to print an attachment. I have to go through several steps just to get to the point where I can print…
Pankkisuojaus kaataa koneen - Win11
Aiemmin toimi, mutta nyt pankkisuojaus kaataa koneen (ei siis BSOD, vaan käytännössä reset) joka ikinen kerta, kun olen menossa sivulle, johon suojaus kohdistuu. Kirtokeinona on ottaa suojaus pois päältä, mutta välillä tulee yllätyksiä. Mikä avuksi?
F-Secure monitors Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing & banking protection off
F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure Total (I tried both) still monitor Internet traffic even with web traffic scanning, browsing protection, and banking protection turned off and I never installed F-Secure's browser extension. Even with all of that turned off the "websites checked" counter on the "Secure Browsing &…
F-Secure blocks extensions to Google Chrome and Edge
Our customer uses a smart card to log into internet banking. The smart card needs a browser extension to communicate. (Rozšíření internetového prohlížeče se nepodařilo ověřit. Kontaktujte Helpdesk (Kód chyby 4).)= =(The Internet browser extension could not be verified. Contact the Helpdesk (Error Code 4).)
Excluding one site from Bank protection
I dont wont for binance bank protection to kick in. Is that possible to be configured?
F-Secure Sense(windows) 18.4 / Banking protection / Teamviewer.exe(service)
Is there a way to exlude this from occuring during Banking sessions(nordea.fi) ?
safe krångel
F Secure Safe skapar en särskild funktion säkrar anslutning mellan dig och din nätverk – bank skall visa när man ansluter till bank att den är säker men den funktionen syns inte. Sen står det Online aktivitet är skyddad, Mitt skydd =Säker surfning MEN ENDAST SAFE BROWSER. Trycker på Säker surfning och startar Safe Browser?…
Pankkisuojauksen(Chrome) operointi
Tuote: F-Secure Sense 18.2,win 10 64-bit Pankkisuojaus lakkasi toimimasta syystä tai toisesta uusimman Chrome selaimen kanssa,toimii kuitenkin edelleen FF-selaimessa normaalisti Kuinka operoin sen aktiiviseksi uudestaanmyös Chromessa,normaalit toiminnot(settings: Turn off/Turn on,selaimen välimuistin tyhjennykset ) eivät…
Website blocked in Firefox, working fine in Microsoft Edge
Hi, F-Secure blocks the site https://www.schwaebisch-hall.de/mein-konto.html in Firefox, whereas it works pretty fine in Microsoft Edge. It's a banking website. Moreover, once the site was blocked, many other sites in Firefox are blocked, including F-Secure. Anyone any idea? KR, Andreas
F-Secure browsing extension has started blocking apparently safe sites (UK)
It is quoting https://js-content.otherlevels.com/d629d56dbeddfb667e95bbf4536b4627/1278453432/interstitial/Placement%201 on Website denied page. Also get message https://js-api.otherlevels.com/0.8/session Why am I getting these messages is it something to do with javascript? This is happening on Virgin money and National…
How to add a site to the banking protection
Swithced few month ago from Kaspersky..Surprised to see that binance.com does not trigger the banking protection of F-Secure. Is it possible to add sites requiring the Banking Protection?