Merging Account with https://personal.f-secure.com/devices
Started out as Lookout customer and was migrated to F-Secure. I tried to create an account via F-Secure my account but it does not show my Lookout account subscription. Only way to view that subscription personal F-Secure website. Is there a way to subscrip to F-Secure Total. Will there be a discount for existing Lookout…
Down for maintenance
Hi there, I've had to create a second account to ask this question as my account that I signed up for via virgin media isn't working. When I log in with my main email it says down for maintenance. Could you please assist with this as it's been a couple days now with no access. All the best Owain
Prevent login to my.F-Secure account until completing verification
We came upon a situation regarding the registration process of my.f-secure.com account. Normally to register for a my.f-secure account the user first fills the registration form and click register to create the account. At that time the users are able to fully access their my.f-secure portal account. But they also need to…
User Cannot Login Using KeePassXC Because F-Secure Uses An Alias for https://my.f-secure.com/login
This is a ridiculous issue and it is caused wholly by F-Secure. In this instance I am discussing the problems created by F-Secure that affect ALL password managers that I have tried. In this specific report I am using KeePassXC, but what is reported is true of ALL password managers. F-Secure uses an alias for…
Hi, I have suddenly lost access to my emails. One minute everything is fine, now suddenly I can't get logged into my Microsoft Outlook. Pulling my hair out here can anyone help please? Rob
F-Secure Total Security & VPN: En voi avata lisenssiehtoja, kirjautua enkä luoda tiliä
Käytössäni on ehkä nelisen vuotta vanha Huawein puhelin, siinä on Android 10. Asensin F-Secure Total Security & VPN -sovelluksen Google Playn kaupasta, näytti hyvältä aluksi. Avattuani sovelluksen ylhäällä luki "Tämä on F-Secure - tervetuloa", ja neljä kohtaa, johon voi vaikuttaa: Linkki "lisenssiehdot", joka siirtyy…
Axxxxx Review
Axxxxx, Just joined. F-Secure is an effective anti-malware program with better web protections and it has some good additional features. The malware scanner has near-perfect malware detection rates, and the web protection perfectly blocks online threats like phishing sites. Edit: PII removed
F-secure total uusinta ongelma
Olen uusimassa tilaustani ja lisenssieni määrä on vähentynyt vuoden aikana. Tilauksen uusimis sivulla ei ole mahdollisuutta vähentää lisenssien määrää? minne otan yhteyttä tästä ja mikä on prosessi tähän..? Tarvisin tiedon pikaisesti.
Multiple f-secure accounts
I experience that I have 2 f-secure accounts because the vendor deliver each pc with new f-secure accounts /outlook accounts. Is this common practise? Each account is valid for 5 years. What is the best way to merge the information into one f-secure account?
New F-Secure and "One License/One Device"
We are a family of 2 adults and 4 kids. Our familys typical Windows computer has one admin account (security, you know? for installing stuff etc) and _several_ normal user accounts ( Dad, Mom, kid1, kid2 ..) We have several computers and even one Macbook. Some user accounts are on multible computers and some are not. We…
F-Secure unresolved licensing bug unresolved over many years
I have Internet Security with 5 licenses. I have had it for Suddenly I can only see 4 supported and I get the paraphrased message: "You have used up all your licenses" when I attempt to reconnect the 5th which just recently stopped running FSecure. I have been using this product for many years without change. I have never…
Remove branding in F-Secure products
In F-Secure security products, if they are purchased from other sources (e.g. Vodafone Germany), then there is branding used. However, I would like to use the original F-Secure products with my contract without having a Vodafone (or other) branding. The disadvantage is also that apps in the Play Store or so are not as up…
Freedome F-secure VPN affiliate Programme
Dear Support, I would like you suggest you to have an affiliate programme for your your old users so that they can earn some penny from their recommendation to your products. That can boost your products and service much better in public. Giving some penny away doesn't really mean you lose your profit but it can increase…
More devices for fs protection
Hello, would it be possible to increase the license for the beta program to 10 devices? I would like to use this for VMs and devices that I hardly operate to also test for bugs etc. myself.
f-Secure safe aktivointi ei onnistu.
Hei Uusin tilaukseni koneen kautta ja olin sisäänkirjautunut tililleni. Sain kuitenkin kuitin jossa pyydettiin perustamaan uusi tili tuotteen aktivoimiseksi, jota en voi tehdä koska sellainen minulla jo on. Tilini pyytää vain tuoteavainta, eikä suostu uusimaan tilaustani millään. Cleverbridge ilmoitti myös että perusta se…
Freedome subscription prolongation and account mismatch?
Hello, I received an email that I should/can renew. The link leads to a Cleverbridge page where I cannot login, if I enter my email there it says 'already in use'. If I login directly to my F-secure I cannot renew either. It tooks two chat sessions with your support to get that last page in order, because it originally…
No payed Freedome VPN Licenses visible under my account...
Hallo, yesterday on 28th Dec I bought 7 Licenses Freedome VPN 24 months. The money was quickly burdened on my VISA credit card, but I cannot see or download them under my account. Whats going wrong, who can help? Thanks, Peter
Safe-lisenssin lisääminen ja tilauksen uusiminen
Minulla on 30 päivän kuluttua päättyvä yhden lisenssin Safe ja haluan uusia tilaukseni niin, että lisenssejä tulee 3 ja tilauskautta 24 kk. Ei onnistu tilin kautta! Miten saan tilauksen tehtyä?
Why does purchasing this through the website not give me an activation code?!?
Why is this so unintuitive that if I purchase this product through the website, it will use the email of my PayPal-account as an identifier for the f-secure account?!? And not give me an activation code I can simply enter in my my.f-secure.com page? I just did purchase and at no point during the process did it mention that…
F-Secure SAFE tilauksen uusiminen ei onnistu
Hei! F-Secure Safe tilaukseni meni tänään umpeen ja yritin uusia sitä My F-Securessa. Uusimislinkki ei kuitenkaan toiminut. Miten saan tilauksen uusittua?
multiple email registrations
I may have used more than one email account with F-Secure, how do I straighten it out?
Renewal from Safe to Total not showing
Hi there, My subscription needed renewing so I went from Safe to Total and paid for it without any problems. It then asked me to set up an account and when I put in my email address it told me I already had an account and to log into it, which I did. Now all I can see is the old Safe details telling me that my subscription…
Bought 1year / 5devices - but what now?
Hello, I already tried to reach someone on the German and English customer hotlines. Unfortunately, they're extremely busy, so I try here additionally. I used the 30-days free trial yet, which initially asked me to create an account (let's call it account A). I am happy with F-Secure, so today I decided to purchase a…
Can I change the account associated with my trial installation of SAFE?
I set up an account to trial SAFE. For organisation reasons my partner has bought it and I want to use her account rather than mine. Is there a way of transferring my installation to her account, or do I have to uninstall and reinstall it?
My F-Secure and F-Secure SAFE: What a mess!
Hi I'm posting below text here in the hope some responsible person at F-Secure might forward it to the right place. I'm not willing do discuss this in an online chat, and there is no public email address it could sendit to. So, here goes my blame: F-Secure IS has been my security suite for many year. The renewal of the…