Malware into my Smartphone android

Noble Friends,
The F-Secure Safe detect the unwanted file, but it reapears every time after F-Secure Safe delete it.
Information of detection at F-Secure Safe:
Size 3622,7 KB
Please, help me!
Your sevant,
Based on provided application-name as "" - it can be something as preinstalled game (or game service)? If you download it and you not sure that there is good application - maybe you able to remove it (uninstall) manually; OR maybe you able to disable/stop such application (if possible) under common Android settings;
Since with "Google search" such .apk-filename give more "suspicious" view about file - maybe there required more steps. But good to know - does it known for you (?!) such .apk about what Application under yor device?
Also quite good step -> to remove your mail-address from reply (since it public-available community, but your mail-address is kind of your "data", which you should to provide only with specific situations);
I do not install it. Some [hided] malware is generating download command. It opens windows like the window for instalation of apps opened at Play Store. (I do not know how - maybe by online connection).
Some times the files chenge the name like:
Plobemas detectados
5586,4 KBAnd
After I delete it another file of instalation is crieated (I don't know how.)
"It's like a Tom and Jerry movie."
Since I not really friendly with Android-platform - some of my suggestions will be too much generally, than about certain steps; Sorry for that!
I able to think about next points:
--> While F-Secure detect such files and block/prevent/delete this ... most likely ... there can be situation around "safe" (except meanings - that there is something wrong with system... because malware re-triggering);
But also if you talk about something as 'real-time' detection - maybe you also able to try launch Scan by F-Secure?
--> Maybe you able to re-check some settings/options under your Android device:
- to disable ability installing application from other sources than Play Market;
- if there some unexpected 'applications' listed under Device Administrators (or how it properly called);
- re-check list of installed applications (which not detected, but maybe not known for you OR unexpected under list; and remove it);
Since there can be "potentially unwanted applications" (or riskware) - maybe it triggered by something as "build-in" software-updater/recommends application (?!); Or as another possibilities - if there can be Android version with known vulnerabilities, which can be exploited there; You also able just back with reply - most likely - there will be more helpful/useful advices from Android-experienced users; Also - if you will be with stuck -> maybe there possible try to install some other known and trusted Scanners for doublecheck system (if they able to handle something more, than F-Secure); Or just trying directly contact F-Secure Support channels (I not sure if they able to provide something with such situation);
Sorry for my reply.
Good that your device is OK on current time!
Just as my feedback:
But because F-Secure anyway detected it (even not properly remove?! by somewhat reason) and maybe it based on some of "unwanted" applications (which partly can be valid or build-in/pre-installed in some situations) -> just be careful about your fresh "time" using. At least, for be sure that there most of default security features "in use".