Login in Russian

Sorry for my reply.What is "login text"?
Text under "My F-Secure Account" portal -> https://my.f-secure.com/login ? Or text-letter after using "recovery password"-option?
This page should (or able) to use system's language by browser-feature ability (if it allowed by system-settings).
Or it possible by using VPN.
If you did not use VPN-location or it totally not expected such localization --> so maybe you directly opened page from certain resource or website?!
Since language under this page possible to re-change by certain key... like this:
Where you able to re-change locale parameter to your one.
With your experience it possible to open page by next URL:
https://my.f-secure.com/home?locale=ru_RU and then there can be stuck with "cache".
Since - I not sure about potential steps before/after.... do you able to re-check next points:
--> What localization will be opened by next page:
there should be redirect to local website, which F-Secure think there for your configuration;
--> If there wrong (for you) detection - do you able to re-check with another browser (if it installed under your system)?
there anyway such localization?
--> Does it can be workaround if you manually re-change localization under My F-Secure Account portal page?
By noted previously "URL"-key or under right-bottom part of page there should be "location"-dropdown - where you able to choose your one;
Sorry for long reply.
With my experience - there can be proper view about it; So - maybe you able to re-check previous meanings or maybe there possible to contact F-Secure Support directly (when it available);