F-Secure and Windows malware tools
I've been working low performance PC's and always wondering if there is performance lost having F-S installed and at the same time Windows standard tools like Defender and Malicious program removal tool updated every month. The latest Windows version seems to have initiated actions from other antimalware developpers. Again…
Bank Protection random activation.
So I attempted to post this before but can't find the post. Sorry if I end up dubble posting! I have a problem with the banking protection seemingly randomly popping up when I play online games. And it is the most anoying thing I have ecer experienced from a antivirus program. If I don't turn off the interuption of my…
critical error on windows 10, uninstalled fsecure
windows 10, has got a critical error so I can't acess start, the last thing i've done under their advice is to uninstall fsecure, now I can't tell if I've got any protection on my computer as I have no clue as to how I can go forward, how do I reinstall it?
My F-Secure got deleted when i restarted my pc.
As the title says my F-Secure got deleted when i restarted my pc.
Bij het opstarten van mijn Mac vanmorgen, werd de volgende melding getoond: Wilt u dat het programma OrspService binnenkomende netwerkverbindingen accepteert? Is dit een melding van F-Secure SAFE dat ik heb draaien? English: When starting my Mac this morning, the following message was shown: 'Would you like the program…
F-secure...how secure is it to emails?
I gave got F-secure on my iPad. I still get unsolicited emails on my inbox. Why does the spam filter not work?
How well will Total work on my Blackberry Passport BBOS10 Phone.
I have a number of different devices, Blackberry Passport OS BB10, and Windows 10 laptop. I came here hoping company official will respond, should I use another means of contact?
How to disable "URL Blocker" of Browsing Protection? I am worring rating of false positives by F-sec
Hello, thanks for your reading here. I want to ask you about method to disable URL filtering feature of Browsing Protection by F-secure SAFE. I was using F-secure SAFE until 2 weeks ago, and it sounds good as a home security solution. But I realized about too many false positive ratings by "URL blocker" feature of…
Getting support
Hi I am not an expert computer user and I have recently bought a new laptop. I need to upload my F-secure safe software to it but I can't get onto the website because it doesn't recognise my password. I then followed the procedure for resetting my password and was promised an email that would guide me. Despite doing this…
Renewal Cost
Hi, I renewed my subscription 2 days ago. As an existing virgin media customer it said my renewal price would be £25 but the invoice i have states that i have been charged £79.99.
F-Secure takes to many resources!
I have F-Secure Internet Security. I started a scan and a while later i wondered why my PC is hot (85 degrees) and slow. I started the Task-Manager and saw that F-Secure is taking 90% of the Speed of my CPU and 100% speed of my Hard Drive. What can i do that F-Secure only take less than 90% speed of the CPU. (Intel…
Problem with F-Secure Internet security
My client have a problem with install F-Secure Internet Security. When he try to install, the program ask him for a licence key. After paste licence key, the installer have a problem with connection with F-Secure Activation server. I have fsdiag, i can send it to you.
Difference between Mobile Security and SAFE on Android?
Hello, I noticed on Google Play that you offer both Mobile Security and SAFE, and they both seem to be very similar in comparison. My understanding is that if you use a SAFE or Total subscription to install the SAFE version, and for users who just want to use Mobile Security on their Android to install the Mobile Security…
unistallation problem
Could not uninstall 30 days free trial. I used the link ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/uitool/uninstallation Tool.exe
Unable to reinstall
I unintentionally deleted my F-Secure and now i cannot reinstall it as the system is saying the computer is already covered despite the fact i can find no trace of the program on my system. Any ideas?
Bank Protection random activation.
I am having a problem with the bank protection randomly activating. This isn't normaly much of an issue, but when I am playing games and it disconnects me from the game it is really annoying. Is there any way to stop this other then by deactivating the feature?
Short cut icon is missing
i reset my pc and have lost the fsecure short cut icon, how can i get it back
Renewal - mission impossible.
I've been trying renew my subscription for a few days now ..... everytime it says renewal successful for another billing cycle your subscription expires on 1:04:2017 ..... I thought maybe changing payment method might kick it into action, no such luck. I understand as a loyal customer for some years I expect to pay top…
failure to log in to SuperSafe
I am a talktalk customer, and am trying to install superSafe. However, when I try to log in, it doesn't accept my password, nor does it send me a link to reset the password. this is an old problem. Help!
Hello, I get bombaderad with noticfications from f-secure safe that the malicious file 4fbb572.bat been removed. What should I do? Kind Regards, Fredrik
@support: Please permanently delete my F-Secure account.
Thank you.
my safe portal settings
Just installed f-secure safe, provided by telia, on one of my windows pc. When installed, logged into the my safe portal to do the settings...but realized that only device name can be changed here. I can not find any settings for remote parent control I expected to find! Be able to add firewall rules remote to block tcp…
a bug or technical issue in Browser Protection?
Hi. i have F-Secure Internet Security latest update. i just noticed that this url ( vxheaven.org/ ) will block by F-Secure in Microsoft Edge Browser, but it will not Block in Mozilla Firefox, and something strange is that when i search in Google ( in MOzilla ) F-Secure will show X icon side of this website which means it…
F-Secure Key
F-secure key vouchers have not renewed with new subscription of F-secure safe on Virgin Account.
Deepgard and Malwarebites
Hello, I use internet security from f-secure and i use Malwarebites. The last one have had a upgrade and now is not working with f-secure. The problem is deepgard. the service of malwarebites is not activated and hold back down because deepgard is not allowe the program to run. C:\Program…
I open a dropbox request and now several hundred people have received email dropbox requests from me. Your virus checker has not found anything. Have you some advice?
Technical question regarding F-Secure DeepGuard
Hi. i have a question about how F-Secure DeepGuard works ( of cours i read it's whitepapre so please don't suggest me to read that ), i have a simple question about that, and i prefer to give an answer from a VirLab expert so if any of you kind F-Secure staffs it's possible for you please forward my question to one of them…
FeedBack on F-Secure LABS
Hi. about F-Secure LABS, i know you are using Bitdefender, but is this means that your VirLab have not to monitor and analys submissions? i mean you have VirLab anyway! so why you are slower than your rivals in analysing submissions? 4days ago ( almost 100hours ) i sent 4 undetected samples in 4 ticket/form, but now i got…
Uninstall F-Secure Internet Security from external hard drive that previously was a hard drive in a
Hi! I want to successfully uninstall F-Secure Internet Security from external hard drive that previously was a hard drive in a computer that I installed an SSD on instead. How do I do that? I have used up my third license on that new SSD computer and want to free up the license previously used on the hard drive. How do I…
F-secure IS 2107 and MBAM 3.0: real-time protection, settings ?
hii'm currently running "F-Secure 2017" and "Malwarebytes Anti Malware premium" on my 3 laptops (win 7 and win 8.1). The real-time protection of MBAM is enabled and i had no conflictswith F-Secure so far. Now i want to upgrade to "Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium" and i also want to use thereal time protection of…