Uninstalling F-Secure SAFE

If "SuperSafe by TalkTalk" is also security solution package (not as something else; as F-Secure Freedome/Key by F-Secure) -> it will be "trouble" to use both solutions (basically, SuperSafe should trigger notification about it and perform autouninstallation or ask for manual uninstallation F-Secure SAFE);
Do I just do that or will it conflict with the F-secure I already have?
If I have to uninstall F-Secure SAFE do I just "uninstall" from programs?So, I will advice to do next steps:
--> Uninstall F-Secure SAFE by common steps, yes (if there Windows system -> Control Panel -> Install/Uninstall software -> choose F-Secure SAFE under list and uninstall it);
--> Reboot system;
--> There possible to use F-Secure Uninstallation Tool ( https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Uninstallation-Tool/td-p/31265 ), but it not always required;
--> Install SuperSafe by TalkTalk;
BUT I feel there some else points to re-check:
-> if you have active subscription for F-Secur SAFE - when you switch to SuperSafe by TalkTalk - it will be not paused (or so); So - you able to use F-Secure SAFE (as your valid subscription time) or wil enjoy SuperSafe by TalkTalk with their subscription; Time to time there possible that ISP's package not always with latest updated build (compare to stable F-Secure SAFE);
-> Most likely you have to create another My SAFE Account (if TalkTalk do not provide Internet Security, where not required create F-Secure account);
Sorry for my long reply!
If you have some troubles with installation (or maybe my suggestions was too much worst and not possible to understand it) - just back with reply and mot likely there will be more nice advices from other F-Secure community users.