TF1 Posts: 1 New Member

I have an ethernet connection for F-SECURE which reads "Ian ethernet". Should the connection read as this or am I connected to someone else's computer?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Most likely there is all OK.


    But just as clarification:


    --> Do you talk about this feature of F-Secure SAFE:


    With potentially related notification as "Network Checker" about safe (or not) status of current connection?


    Such as there was notification/prompt (and listed under "Recent events") as "lan ethernet" are safe?

    If yes -> most likely it can be normal situation. Where "lan" is name of "Network" (it possible to re-name probably);


    Maybe it should be based on configuration and limitations, but I think that if you "plug" your computer by Ethernet-cable to some of device (router, modem or other possibilities) - so you connect your own computer to Network; And you did not connect to someone else's computer (generally - but maybe not totally like that);


    If you did not that ("usage Ethernet-cable" for getting Internet-access) - so there can be some other research-meanings;


    Sorry for my long reply. Do you mean something about this or there ask about certain F-Secure solution/feature/situation? Or maybe required some other help?



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