F Secure IS- Pre-install USB 3.0 HD question?

I have tried several IS AV's, and have been unhappy with them!
I am looking at FSIS?-
I do my Macrium Reflect system backups to a 1TB USB 3.0 External HD.
I have several hundred MB of backups, from 2 computers on this HD, and if FS has to scan it first this could take quite some time...!
My other AV's had an option to skip pre-scanning USB..., but I see another topic where they couldn't skip pre-scanning a flash drive.
Would this pre-scan include my External HD, and is there some way to disable? Or...?
There should not be "pre-scanning USB" (at least, as prevent/block using your drive);
But if you manually launch scan (or as "Full Scan") or there is real-time scanning at direct access to files - it possible that drive/files will be scanned there.
For such situation you able to use Exclusion lists:
There can be two different exclusion lists for real-time scanning and for manual scanning;
Or maybe you have certain F-Secure Internet Security build where another design? Build/version possible to re-check by:
- rightclick for tray-picture F-Secure;
- About -> first string ;
But if your external HD always connected to system - with some of meanings - good to keep ability scanning this part of filesystem (and maybe exclude only certain files or subdirectories with certain files)