Whoscall, a VERY useful app for blocking SPAM phone calls and SPAM messages

Joschka2 Posts: 15 Explorer

F-Secure SAFE REPEATEDLY flags this excellent app as 'undesirable' AND then the company acknowledes that this a 'false positive.'


So they promise to fix it and after a while the problem goes away.


Then, after a while it comes back AGAIN AND AGAIN!


This is VERY annoying and very bad service!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also just F-Secure user (not an official F-Secure staff or teams) and my ask just as my own suggestion (and just interesting to know about it);


    Your topic's tag have note "potentially unwanted application" - does it based on detection, which your got with Whoscall? Do you able provide certain "detection"-name or maybe screenshot;


    Just brief search for "Whoscall"-query with Google -> there some topics, where application was unexpected app under user's device.

    Do you talk about whoscall.com (and this application -> Whoscall - Caller ID & Block )?



  • Joschka2
    Joschka2 Posts: 15 Explorer

    That's the application.


    The flagging turns off for a while and then comes back on.


    The ONLY option I'm given is 'remove all' and nothing else. But I REFUSE to remove this app and F-SECURE support has acknowledged (above) that the program is 'supposedly' not being flagged. BUT IT IS!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    @Joschka2 wrote:

    That's the application.


    The flagging turns off for a while and then comes back on.


    The ONLY option I'm given is 'remove all' and nothing else. But I REFUSE to remove this app and F-SECURE support has acknowledged (above) that the program is 'supposedly' not being flagged. BUT IT IS!



    I'm using F-Secure SAFE (technology preview/beta as FS Protection) under my this Android smartphone - so maybe there can be small difference between "design";


    With my experience there next situation:


    --> Maybe false-positive detection comes back - because there was recently update to Whoscall (5.19-build) - which maybe re-trigger something as detection (maybe false-positive else one time);


    --> I able to download (as fresh installation) to Android from Google Play Market and install it;

    Than - I able to launch it and maybe use it (not check it - since there just brief re-check and not enough experience);


    --> I able to get detection for "Whoscall" as Potentially Unwanted Application - when I launch scan by FS Protection.


    Detection-name there is (for me): "Android/Startapp.randomhash!Online"

    Meanings there that since it based on "!Online" - it can be false positive on some potential triggers;


    With FS Protection there was available next workaround (there indeed "view" that possible just "remove it"):

    - after scan - there "detections" list - where detected apps and button "remove all"; I able to check more description for each application - or using "button" as back. Such as -> "back to previous page/tab/screen";

    - There summary of scan and two buttons "Detection: number_of_them" and "Ok/Done";

    I able to use button "Ok/Done" and it's placed notification that there is detected something but do not prevent use application (yet);

    There can be notification like "if do not remove detected files - there can be potential troubles - are you sure do not remove them?!" (where possible choose related answer);

    With stable F-Secure SAFE do you have there another experience and application is blocked to use (if you ignore/cancel/not remove it after scanning)?

    Or there detection for Whoscall comes as real-time (not by manual using scanning option)?

    Just as workaround - while there is "potential" false positive detection - maybe you still able to use application. If not - it more worst situation.



    Also based on detection name as "Startapp" -> if I search "Android/Startapp" - there comes some search results about Advertisements-SDK for Android.

    Probably with meanings that it possible to use under Android applications as Advertisements service.

    So if it was not a random - maybe detection partly related not for Whoscall, but for "Startapp" as it can be used by some of applications as "unexpected and unwanted" ADs for users.


    But I not sure - will be good to read proper response from F-Secure.


    Sorry for long reply.


    // generally there is available articles under F-Secure website:




    If your experience also about Whoscall-detection as "Android/Startapp.randomhash!Online" - you able to read about articles (about potential reasons for such detection);

  • Hi Joschka2,


    The labs suggest that in this case the detection appears due to the advertisement module used in the app.
    The detection is as PUA, hence if the usage of the app outweights having ads displayed, you may chose to keep the app instead.


    More details on the detection here.



  • Joschka2
    Joschka2 Posts: 15 Explorer

    Thanks. But despite what the article you provide a link to states; that the user gets the options to remove, quaranteen, or keep.


    But I do NOT get such options.


    What I get is ONLY "Remove all" and nothing else. So I just exit the prompt. But it keeps coming back.


    If I got an option to 'keep,' I would not be complaining.

  • Joschka2
    Joschka2 Posts: 15 Explorer

    I checked the 'details' link you provided and found this statement:


    "The F-Secure security product will automatically prompt you for a desired action. You may choose to Uninstall, Quarantine or keep the file. "


    I definitely do NOT get those choices!


    Either the documentation is wrong or I have an outdated version that fails to automatically update.

  • Hi Joschka2,


    I checked with the labs and the Whoscall application file (based on googleplay: whoscall app) has a clean reputation. Could you capture a screenshot of the prompt event or submit the apk to our labs for further checking?

  • Joschka2
    Joschka2 Posts: 15 Explorer

    The prompt is gone for now.


    I'll continue if/when it comes back again.


    (Coming and going is normal.)

This discussion has been closed.
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