What triggers 'Connected to safe ethernet' notification?
While enabling computer's (Windows 8.1) network adapter to get ethernet working, which is a common task done hundreds of times on the same machine and the same (cable) internet connection, this time F-Secure SAFE showed a notification above the task bar that said "Connected to safe ethernet" (event is also visible in…
Safe Browser (Android) - No Settings Icon
Im Safe Browser auf 6" Android 6.0 Smartphone fehlen die Vor/Zurück "Pfeile" und vor allem das "Zahnrad", um an Einstellungen zu gelangen. So kann ich nicht einmal die Startseite ändern. Auf 10" Android 6.0 Tablet sind die Symbole vorhanden. Ich hätte gern zwei Screenshots eingestellt, habe es hier leider nicht…
Is Antivirus dead?
After Robert O'Callahans blog posts and some really good discussions on some tech sites I am asking this questions: Is he true saying "antivirus software vendors are terrible; don't buy antivirus software, and uininstall it if you already have it (except, on Windows, for Microsoft's)." ? Should we really deinstall…
Is the Chat with F-Secure Expert working?
Is the Chat with F-Secure Expert working? Tried that on a couple of days with the same result.
Windows Defender Security Centre
I have F Secure Safe on my PC but I notice that Windows Defender anti virus and Windows Firewall are also running. Should I turn them off? I am running Windows 10 Version 1703 and wonder whether it will let me do so.
Anti Virus messages
Hi, Just renewed my subscription for my one home desktop computer. Sometimes when I log on F secure states that my computer is fully protected, then after a few minutes states that it is not, and needs to update. Subsciption runs out now in 2018, so fully covered. Any suggestions ?? Stephen Williams
licence 5
I only have 2 laptops covered so should have 3 left been told by you how to retrieved the other 3 but can't do it
Online payment problem
I had banking protection turned on and as a result found that when trying to make online payment to reputable payee (ASDA, premier inn) the final verified by visa function no longer worked and payment would not go through. Turned off banking protection, same problem. The isue is not with my card as was able to make the…
orspservice using very high CPU on Mac Sierra
Have F-Secure SAFE version 16.5 (15966) with latest DB (2017-04-25-02) and suddenly fans running for a couple of days due to high CPU use on orspservice - I can kill/quit it and it comes back, of course. Also F-Secure reports Security Cloud Unavailable, which of course is orsps' responsibility. I'm in China and quite…
DeepGuard detected maleware
DeepGuard has inform me of a progam and i do not know if the detetction is right. The program is named WoKF and is the game installer of World of KungFU.
F secure browser protection extension not working in chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)
I m unable to install f secure browser protection extension in chrome v 57.0.2987.133 although it is working in firefox and explorer. I tried to reinstall extension many times but no luck.I even tried to reinstall f seure and chrome but then also no use,still the problem presists.
Windows 10 v.1605 to v.1703
Hi, the other day I upgraded Windows 10 version 1605 to 1703. When I try to start SAFE it complains that a number of .dll files are missing: - msvcr110.dll - msvcp110.dll I guess these has to moved in again, the question is where to? As I am using KEY as well it complains about: - msvcp100.dll When I copy this dll to the…
fsecure browser video playback on youtube and including tutorial from your site
Im using an Ipad, downloaded fsecure SAFE from app store, browser working properly fine but not videos on youtube and including your tutorial videos. I can only hear the audio but video is frozen. Thanks, CB F-secure customer
Virus scan option missing
I cannot find virus scan option on my iPad in the same way I can find it on my mac
how is the process of Components Updates in F-Secure Products?
Hi. i have F-Secure Internet Security on my system. take a look at this topic: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/FS-Protection-PC-Release-187/td-p/92635 as you can see, in that topic Common Component Framework version is 2.87.268 but in my F-Secure Internet Security, its 2.76 ( from About you can check it )…
F-Secure SAFE messing with latest version of Malwarebytes
I had to uninstall due to it messing with Malwarebytes anti Malware, i suspect there might be a conflict
How to stop trial of 'SAFE' and install trial of 'TOTAL'
Used 'Internet Security' for years, but when sub expired thought I'd trial the 'SAFE' app. Really didn't like and had a message on installation saying antivirus failed. So thought I'd take a trial of 'TOTAL' instead, but I can't seem to do this despite uninstalling SAFE. There's still 26 days left on the trial and it won't…
Is F-Secure SAFE able to keep security of my PC without "site blocking" of "Browsing Protection"?
Hello all. Thank you for your access here. Now pelase tell me about this problem arround of Browsing Protection's rating by F-secure. I am using F-secure SAFE, and it sounds nice solution for consumers like me to protect PC. But I am feeling a fault. Browsing Protection feature is providing many false positive ratings at…
Incorrect Notification of expiration
RE: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Repeated-notifications-that/td-p/83089 I see that this post had closed, but this just now happened to me. A pop- up on the screen indicated the account will expire NOW, but, in fact, there are 4 more months until expiration. I called the customer service line, and that…
F-Secure Internet Security lääst sich nicht aktivieren
Hallo, meine F-Secure Internet Security 206 lässt sich nicht aktivieren. Ich bekomme eine Meldung, dass mein Computer nicht geschützt ist und ich F-Secure aktivieren soll. Beim Betätigen der Schaltfläche zum Aktivieren tut sich jedoch nichts, sondern die Meldung bleibt bestehen. Eine Verbindung zum Updateserver kann…
Question regarding DeepGuard operation
Hi. i was executing an unknown malware, DeepGuard will show a message, take a look at it: as you can see DeepGuard says this program blocked! , and it's process also i can confirm terminated by DeepGuard. BUT why it's file still exists in my desktop? in fact in the same address which DeepGuard says this program blocked! if…
fshoster32.exe (F-Secure Host Process) is eating a lot of CPU without apparent reason
Dear all, fshoster32.exe (F-Secure Host Process) is eating a lot of CPU without apparent reason... What is this process for? Is it a normal behavior? Could a malware be cloaked under this name? Thanks in advance for your help! Best regards, David.
How can I allow MailWasherPro.exe to check my emails whilst Banking Prtoection is active?
I cannot run a scan on my Android device
Hi, I got a problem with starting a scan on my Android device (F-Secure SAFE). When I push 'start scan' button it intitialize, but after 2-3 seconds nothing happens. How can I fix this issue? Thanks for help.
Malicious file found - but alls scans without result
Hello, For some time, the program has been permanently reporting that it has found a malicious file that has been deleted. These files are located on C: \ WINDOWS \ TEMP starting with WAX***.TMP All scans performed did not find any requirement or malicious software. Also the F-Secure Online scanner and Windows Defender as…
anywhere so we can see the new update changes?
Hi. may i ask where F-Secure post about the changes in Products new updates? for example details include fixes improvements... in this forum? or website news section?
F-Secure and Windows malware tools
I've been working low performance PC's and always wondering if there is performance lost having F-S installed and at the same time Windows standard tools like Defender and Malicious program removal tool updated every month. The latest Windows version seems to have initiated actions from other antimalware developpers. Again…
Bank Protection random activation.
So I attempted to post this before but can't find the post. Sorry if I end up dubble posting! I have a problem with the banking protection seemingly randomly popping up when I play online games. And it is the most anoying thing I have ecer experienced from a antivirus program. If I don't turn off the interuption of my…
critical error on windows 10, uninstalled fsecure
windows 10, has got a critical error so I can't acess start, the last thing i've done under their advice is to uninstall fsecure, now I can't tell if I've got any protection on my computer as I have no clue as to how I can go forward, how do I reinstall it?
My F-Secure got deleted when i restarted my pc.
As the title says my F-Secure got deleted when i restarted my pc.