Fsecure not working help please?

Sorry for my reply;
Just as first try to re-check: does there any words about expired subscription status?
It also possible to re-check by next steps:
-- rightclick F-Secure traypicture;
-- Action center (or View messages);
-- there can be notification;
Sorry for my first^ suggestion;
Since you noted that there is "Turn On" button under Main UI:
--> Do you have any other security solutions installed under system?
--> It happened randomly? It worked before this?
I have run trouble shooter and it says Incompatable programme
Do you mean system's trouble shooter (and this words about F-Secure SAFE)? What OS with your experience? Does it Windows?
There was recently stop support for Windows Vista:
But I not sure that it should trigger such view for your current installation;
I'm also only F-Secure user - so my suggestions will be only just as my own opinion;
For proper clarification -> helpful to use direct Support Channels chat/phone:
I able to think about next points:
Based on your description -> there F-Secure SAFE (16.5 or builds-before);
Probably it should still support Windows 8 (additionally to Windows 8.1/Windows 10); If there certain 'Windows 8';
Since it work before current stuck -> there can be internal troubles (as Windows update or with F-Secure SAFE) or it possible if there some malware (or another security software as scanner/application - which prevent proper launch of F-Secure SAFE services);
Maybe you able to do next steps:
--> Create fsdiag ( https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-topics/How-do-I-create-an-FSDIAG-file/ta-p/18190 ) and contact Support;
Maybe there is known trouble; or if not --- fsdiag will be useful for their investigation;
--> Do you able to open Windows "Security Center" (under Control panel) and re-check if there is available to see "F-Secure AV/SAFE" as disabled-state? If yes - there should be option "Turn on" -> does it will be useful?
--> You able to login-in under My F-Secure Account portal; And get there installer -> re-run it... and check what will be there.
Generally - it should re-trigger "license subscription" - if there is stuck. Maybe possible to perform uninstall/install as re-installation. Fresh try probably will be with "current updated build 17.0" (not sure - if it OK with Windows 8);
--> If there malware-trouble -> maybe you able to try run some third party scanners as double check.
Or even online scanners. For example:
- F-Secure Online Scanner: https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/online-scanner
- HitmanPro (possible to use as trial-time and one-time scan): https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us/hmp.aspx
Sorry for my long reply.
Probably there certain trouble - since you noted that Windows marked F-Secure SAFE as "incompatible" based on build-in checker; Not sure - if there any changes or misconfiguration;
@Tesslewi wrote:
If I uninstall Fsecure safe will I be able to reinstall it? ThanxGenerally - yes;
You have to be sure that it known (for you) your credentials for My F-Secure Account:
After common-steps for uninstallation - you able to login under portal and get fresh installer; It will be already bundled-installer with 'subscription';
If there will be 'common' network installer - most likely it should ask you about credentials during installation-process; So mail/password for account (subscription) is required;
Fresh installation probably will be with current updated build (can be higher, than your previous); Not sure - if there can be compatibility-troubles between it and Windows 8;
If there will be any troubles with fresh installation try - you able to re-check next topic:
Just a thought, in addition to the above, have you recently installed any other security or AV software, or has any of your current programs (such as Malwarebytes?) recently upgraded? If so, that could be your "incompatible programme", in which case, you will either need to roll back to the previous version, or uninstall it.
As has already been suggested, one fairly quick 'test' solution might be to simply reinstall F-Secure over the top of itself from your SAFE Portal. If that fails, or messes things up further, then you can use the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool to fully remove the damaged installation, and reinstall from scratch. Don't worry if you use up any spare licenses doing this, as any inactive ones can be re-used during the subscription term.