installing the anti virus for my system and phones

makostic Posts: 1 New Member

i'm a virgin customer and would like to install anti virus device on my systems and lap top


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    There available article with small number of tips/instructions (for Virgin Media customers):


    Some words about this meanings (and as 'general note'):


    -> Good to be sure that you will use "F-Secure SAFE registration link" from your Virgin Media portal (or mail-letters); And that previous "security solution" was properly uninstalled before F-Secure installation-process;


    -> When you registered and already all Ok with your account (license-date and other) - there available common knowledgebase articles about installation-steps:


    You able to re-check article about certain platform.


    If there required any help (or maybe you have some other ask-words) or you already with something as "stuck" - just back with reply and there most likely will be good advices from other more experienced community users.



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