F-SIS Turn off all security features not working

Sorry for my reply.
Since such situation not designed there - I able to think about next meanings:
---> If you want "troubleshooting" it - there will be useful:
- create fsdiag by F-Secure Support Tool and then contact direct F-Secure Support Channels;
With your description/steps for repeat trouble and fsdiag (after repeat-steps) -> maybe it can be useful for Support to investigate reasons;
---> If you able to try own steps to play around this:
- I have some situations with view, when "Turn off" progress bar will stuck - but about other OS and just as temporary limitation. So maybe you able to clarify - if this situation is "stable" with your experience?
Restart system did not helpful there? Or maybe during this tries there another "visible" loading/using system resources at background or by some other software?
- If restart or "re-try" did not work and it stable-trouble; Maybe you able try there... just "re-installing" F-Secure IS (?!); if subscription-licence-key is known for you - there should not be any additional troubles with reactivating it;
---> does there any reasons for using "Turn off all security features"?
- since there trouble with using such feature -> maybe there available another workarounds?
F-Secure IS should be with exclusion lists for scanning; also there should be "allow/deny list of websites" - which can be helpful for re-fix false positive detections;
If there some compatibility troubles - maybe you able to re-check "DeepGuard" settings about "Compatibility mode" as first try; And if it helpful - there possible other more proper steps;
Also F-Secure IS should be with 'Gaming mode' - which will be useful for save some system resources when it activated;
Or maybe some other requirements for disabling F-Secure IS?
Hi and thank you for the suggestions, I think I will submit a fsdiag to support.
First I have a possible conflict, I have a problem with recently installed Malwarebytes version 3 which seems to not like F-Secure IS, it no longer runs after restarting my computer- I'm awaiting a reply from Malwarebytes support.
The reason I had wanted to disable all security features was to see if that might help with this possible conflict.
Thanks again, much obliged.
I will advice to open F-Secure IS Main UI -> Settings -> Real-time-scanning tab -> Exclusion list. -- F-Secure Online Help page about such action;
And add there "Malwarebytes"-folder location (under Program Files). It can be helpful (at least, for MBAM's trouble);
Under community there was quite many (for this situation) topics about compatibility troubles between MBAM 3 and F-Secure security solutions (SAFE/IS); With my own experience (and based on some replies) using exclusion-list under F-Secure can be useful.
For my own opinion - it designed step/feature for such situations. But it not really nice - that MBAM do not able to provide proper compatibility with other security solutions (if they still promote it).
@Jinky67 wrote:Thanks, your solution worked and was the same solution that Malwarebytes support suggested.
So, I now have a functioning Malwarebytes 3 installation and F-Secure IS is working as expected, including the ability to 'Turn off all security features' as per my initial query
Good that it worked!
But I able to expect that Malwarebytes support should suggest to exclude only certain their files (not full folder - what suggested by me.. as I did not re-check which certain files there enough to exclude);
Such meanings also confirmed by this topic: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/MalwareBytes-and-F-Secure-No/td-p/94461 (where user noted that Malwarebytes support advices are to exclude certain files and some other suggestions);
Partly... "excluded" only certain files much better, than full folder of Malwarebytes (but with common situations and in general meanings there should be small difference );
Good that it you back with result!