F-Secure SAFE for Mac: Checking for updates failed message

Miho Posts: 16 Explorer

I have been recieving a message from F-Secure saying checking for updates failed. Cannot connect to server.  I have tried manually as well but did not work. 

Is there a problem with F-Secure server side?

Thanks in advance.




  • Miho
    Miho Posts: 16 Explorer

    Any suggestions?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I not really friendly with Mac (and my own F-Secure SAFE for Windows with proper updates-state).

    But just as part of "any suggestions";


    There was recently such topic:



    Where discussed XFENCE ( https://campaigns.f-secure.com/xfence/ ) and troubles with "updating".

    There was response from F-Secure official team (Mac team) about potential reasons and fix-action.

    Maybe something related can be with F-Secure SAFE for Mac (?!); but not fixed.


    You able try to use direct Support channels maybe (chat/phone, when available):


    Because they able to provide proper research;

    But maybe you have to re-check that there missing any potential "third party" layers as potential 'block/prevent'-point (for reaching Updates-server);


    Sorry for my reply. Good if there will be proper response from F-Secure Mac team.



  • Miho
    Miho Posts: 16 Explorer

    Thank you, Ukko for the info.

    Unfortunately, the chat service has not been available.
    I wait a bit more then I may give them a call to the customer service. (which I would like to avoid...)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    @Miho wrote:

    Thank you, Ukko for the info.

    Unfortunately, the chat service has not been available.
    I wait a bit more then I may give them a call to the customer service. (which I would like to avoid...)

    I provided "home-global" website, where chat indeed was unavailable. But it work already (with current my re-check)!


    Just as "note": 

    time to time there possible that with your "local" website there can be another situation (while "global"-website chat is unavailable, but "local" is available; and can be also when "local" is unavailable - global is available; but mainly it should be about "one design");

    So - if with your experience chat still "not available" - maybe you able to re-check your 'local' F-Secure website (for example, F-Secure Suomi: https://www.f-secure.com/fi_FI/web/home_fi/contact-support ); When I create this reply - I get also "switch" for chat-window from available to "not available" (refresh page was helpful);

  • Hi Miho,


    I see the last update was 4 days ago. Have you tried to restart your device and check if the updates are downloaded?


  • Hi Miho,


    Thanks for the update and glad to know the issue is resovled.


    Can I know more about the note you referred, if possible the exact message? My guess would be, if you have already used up all your licenses (which means already installed all the licenses in your devices), it might have referred that there are no active licences currently and wanted to move a license from one of the device.

  • Miho
    Miho Posts: 16 Explorer

    Hi Laksh


    Unfortunately, the message was in the little software window (similar to the original screenshot) displayed in a few seconds so I was not able to take a screenshot. I cannot remember the exact message. It was something like: "you have no active subscription".


    No, I was not adding a new device, I had the problem with the existing installation and  I was already logged in to the F-Secure my account to verify my subscription. So I was perplexed to see the message.

  • Thanks for the feedback, Miho. If you happen to see the message again anytime, do let us know so we can check in detail.



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