More subscription questions

The purchase process for SAFE and Antivirus is quite different. SAFE allows users to buy coverage for 1-2-3-5-x PCs, for one or two years, while Antivirus only offers one option, a 3-PC subscription for one year. And Antivirus has a quantity! Is F-Secure trying to eliminate the Antivirus product? Is it possible to purchase a multi-year subscription or for a different number of PCs for Antivirus?
Antivirus used to be purchased in a somewhat anonymous manner. Customers would buy a subscription and use the emailed link to install. Now SAFE requires users to log in to their F-Secure account to install it, per PC. Does Antivirus still install the old anonymous way or has it adopted the controlled SAFE way
This is, of course, ask for F-Secure staff... but anyway;
Not an answer - just some words;
Spoilerwhile Antivirus only offers one option, a 3-PC subscription for one year. And Antivirus has a quantity! Is F-Secure trying to eliminate the Antivirus product? Is it possible to purchase a multi-year subscription or for a different number of PCs for Antivirus?
-- with my experience - there also an option "One PC" (One PC / One year || Up to Three PC / One Year) under F-Secure official website; So, two options;
Generally -> there also available "outdated" packages (with another configuration); Also maybe there can be difference with retail boxes for F-Secure AV and other;
"Quantity" of AV (number?!) probably means for subscription; Like you purchase package "F-Secure AV Three PC - one year" - and you get subscription; You able to buy "two such packages" and you will be with two subscriptions. Probably - if you add both to your installation - they merged in one "subscription"-time;
Since there available "One PC" and "Up to Three PC" packages -> you able to buy different number of PCs covered by F-Secure AV; But it will be more as "trick/workaround" - since there will be "higher price" or so; Like if you buy "One PC One Year" four times and then "Three PC" packages (Seven PCs as result); Too much; Like if you buy "three" packages "One PC / One Year" - but not one package "Three PC / One Year"; And so... probably there should limitation about "how many there can be PCs covered by one subscription" (but not sure about "merged" subscriptions and current design);
Maybe it can be sorted by contacting F-Secure Support for certain situation and they able to provide "reasonable" package for your setting; It should be valid for "years"-count;
Not sure - if F-Secure AV planned to be discontinued (since some time before.. this solution covered both Mac and Windows OS -> but on current time only Windows);
More likely that Internet Security will be discontinued, than F-Secure AV;Now SAFE requires users to log in to their F-Secure account to install it, per PC. Does Antivirus still install the old anonymous way or has it adopted the controlled SAFE way
Generally - purchase there with "one design";
But installation with difference.
with F-Secure AV you indeed got the installer (bundled by subscription-code or you add it during installation) and then use it;
But - for purchase there probably anyway used your mail; And devices with their count-ID too;
Privacy/Terms and so... F-Secure SAFE - there will be only additional account (basically maybe there should be valid as "community account"); Not many difference-points... except that there is "certain account"; And it give ability to control your "licenses" (under subscription); It can be useful for many situations;
Compare to F-Secure AV - it can be useful with such situation:
--> You have Three PC F-Secure AV package;
You installed for two of them ("two used" and one "not in use"); Then - one device is broken.
This license (under subscription) is stuck; When you install F-Secure AV for third device (or this after "repair") - it take third license; When you will install it for another fourth device it will trigger "re-use" dialog/steps; There generally all OK;
--> But with F-Secure SAFE - you already able to "remove" unused device-license stuck.... when you found that there is such situation;
I think that F-Secure AV not planned to be with "portal"-management;
And main reasons of F-Secure SAFE (more compare to F-Secure IS):
-- if there required many devices;
-- if there required certain management-portal (user able to perform many own actions, which previously required support-attention or more steps);
-- there still should be "privacy"-meanings; and with some of points - there more 'privacy" in fact;Thanks!
Thanks, Ukko. I hope F-Secure gives you a large bonus this year.
So AV is the same as before with respect to moving licenses. Good.
Perhaps the Finnish website is different than the English one, but currently there is only one option, to buy a 3-PC, one-year subscription. I assume the function of "quantity" is to buy multiple, unique, seperate subscriptions, though I think that would be an unusual purchase.
I do wish there was a way to buy multiple years of AV. If "quantity" is the way to do that, it should be explicitly noted as such.
Perhaps the Finnish website is different than the English one, but currently there is only one option, to buy a 3-PC, one-year subscription. I assume the function of "quantity" is to buy multiple, unique, seperate subscriptions, though I think that would be an unusual purchase. I do wish there was a way to buy multiple years of AV. If "quantity" is the way to do that, it should be explicitly noted as such.
Generally, I did not use Suomi website (but yes, there is also two options?!);
And I re-check it with home_global and US, where also two options ("one PC" or "up to three PCs", but both "one year");
With your experience there another view (?): - if you talk only about "years"-count, so yes.. one option (under website);
Funny point with F-Secure AV page (at least, with my experience) - that price for "Up To Three PCs"-package after using "Buy"-button and under onlineshop will be as for "One PC"-package;
There was some "clarification"-words for license-handling for F-Secure AV/IS ->
Probably there can be design as (you able to add "two subscriptions" - but you able to activate it later - generally as renew - so not quite useful);
But, yes, not sure also that "quantity" will be common and proper step for "merge year-count" (and even more - with higher price probably);
Even there possible to get "two year"-package - I think that maybe it outdated-ability;
And for proper explanation OR direct request for "package" -> can be helpful to use F-Secure Support Channel: or, at least, it should be potential most speedy step for getting official response (on current time);
If there already not possible to buy F-Secure AV as "multi-years"-packages... even after direct request it! Maybe there reasons that F-Secure able to think that there already not enough just 'standart" AV, but anyway will provide such package - since it still can be enough with some situations (and each year - user able to re-decide about it);
And about other meanings - probably there not required any over-the-bonuses.
Thanks and sorry for my long reply! Good if there will be normal official response and clarification with all required information for you;
// later added:
SpoilerThere was also such topic (concerned F-Secure Internet Security) and official response:
F-Secure IS design should work for F-Secure AV (basically) too;
And if there no changes for design... and if we ignore that response was about "renewal" -> so probably proper words can be next:
--> When you bought two 'quantity' (like Three PCs / One Year) - there two subscriptions.
Based on this topic... if you add both to current installation it will be like:
- Three PCs / Two Years;
So - if it like that -> generally it more sounds as 'renewal' (since there not like a "package" for two years with 'reduced' price); And if you want to get package for some years FROM FIRST -> there not an option to use such design (for my opinion);
If there required "more covered devices" - so it can be an option (and used two subscriptions as two different ones), but basically good to use solutions like IS/SAFE;
Noted topic also with good suggestion about: