Browser extension Chrome on MAC
Hi, When i try to install the browser extension on chrome for mac i got the message page not found. I cant install the extension as it is also not findable in de chrome web store. Is there another way to insall it? Greetz Martin
Difference licence Attach
I have a question about what is the difference between an Attach licence and an regular(Full)? I´ve bought recently a Internet Security licence what I taught was a full licence,but what I than discovered was that I got an Attach licence. Can I install an attach licence on my computer,even if my computer is not brand new?…
How do I remove annoying Pop up Invite
I continually have a pop up advert inviting me to renew my F-Secure Licence that I do not require. How do I remove it
F Secure does not show when i log in to online banking
F Secure does not show when i log in to online banking
FSecure.Ink - banking protection
My home system worked perfectly well offering the banking protection whenever I went onto my bank website. The Green line edged banner showing until I closed it on completion. Now it appears to have disappeared? When I go onto a bank website, there is nothing....its just like opening any other website. My FSecure Security…
Blocked site
I am trying to access a political parties website but try as I may it's blocked and will not let me in even though I click "Allow Website. The party is a recognised, legal and responsible body with representatives in the UK and EU parliaments plus local UK town and county councils. F-Secure have no right to block. I expect…
Key not working
got a message from F-secure that is was time to refresh my anti-virus so i got a new key but when i try to enter it it says check if its correct, i got a pdf and the payment went through but i did not get a email. i would need help to resovle this problem...
Does your app not work on Android's as I have an android phone?
English United kingdom not USA and do you say that F-Secure does not work on Android phones? according to the booklet we received we are entitled to your app for one year which would be now about 10months now if we can get it on my Android phone!?!???
Update failed
Any ideas why updates are not installing on Windows 10, 2017-08-08 11:00:46.430 [1084.1324] I: *** LOGGING STARTED *** (UTC+3:00, session: 0x0) 2017-08-08 11:01:30.393 [1084.1324] I: Connecting to http://guts2.sp.f-secure.com 2017-08-08 11:01:30.397 [1084.1684] I: Installation of 'F-Secure Ultralight Updater Update…
Bug report Safe for Mac: Issues with Boxcryptor
Hi, Using F-Secure Safe for Mac (17.1) and Boxcryptor for encrypting/decrypting files on my Mac. Boxcryptor acts as a virtual drive integrated in Finder. Unfortunately with real-time scanning "On" Boxcryptor slows down and freezes while browsing files. I am asuming a compatibility issue with F-Secure Safe real-time…
Harmful Items Found --- But Not Cleaned
Hi Everyone, I am a relative newcomer to F-Secure Anti-virus and, having just run a Full manual scan, was a bit surprised when, on receiving a message that Four Harmful Files had been found, (a) there appeared to be no way of quaranting them, and (b) when I chose the only option available, I received a message telling me…
Browsing Protection slows down Firefox after updating the browser to 56.0.2 version
Hello, I've been exeperiencing problems with Firefox when F-Secure Browsing protection is enabled after Firefox updated to the newest version (56.0.2). The browser opens slowly, frequently becomes unresponsive and eats up to 90% of memory (from the 8 GB RAM total). When I disable the F-Secure extension and launch the…
F-Secure SAFE does not disable Windows Defender
Hello all! I'n running Windows 10 1703. I noticed that my computer completely froze at some points. When I looked in the control panel, I saw both F-Secure SAFE and Windows Defender were enabled at the same time! Apparently, Windows Defender does not recognize F-Secure SAFE sometimes (and Windows Defender enables the…
Opening / Start screen F-Secure Safe pops up every time on startup Macbook
After the last update of F-Secure Safe the opening screen of F-Secure Safe is shown on my Macbook. How can I prefend this? (System preferences>User and Groups>Login>f-Secure Safe: hide is activated but no success).
Harmful web site http://www.youtube.com/ blocked
Yesterday the computer using F-Secure SAFE blocked www.youtube.com Today the computers using F-Secure Internet Security blocked www.youtube.com I tried to ping www.youtube.com to see if it was DNS hijack, the IP belongs to Google. I used Google Chrome and type m.youtube.com which I bypassed the block. But I cannot bypass…
F Safe stopped working on both computers
Today I went do internet banking and i noticed safe banking mode did not kick in. I went to the desktop icon and F Safe will not function. I checked the other laptop it had thesame problem. I did a scan from the website all seems ok but the programme will not start as it did. That is to say there is no evidece to show its…
New F-Secure blocking "good" websites
since the pop-up update for adding "Family Rules" happened on 10 July - which I declined - F-secure is blocking known good sites, such as shopping/retail sites and preventing others from loading correctly (looks like plain text) amazon.co.uk was one !! Merely accepting them although adding them to the "ok list" isnt…
SAFE not functioning
I have paid for a new period with safe secure for my pc but it does not function at all xxxx@xxx.com EDIT: Title
Disable Banking Protection
Hi, I have always had Banking Protection disabled and never had problem. All of a sudden, banking protection re-activated itself so fine, I went the the UI and disabled it again but it doesn't disable itself. I disable it over and over again and it just stays on. Anyone know what's going on? Do I have to…
Error message: your computer is not protected : protection malfunction please restart you computer h
Hi I'm getting this message despite restarting the computer. Can someone help me get this product working please? thanks
F-Secure SAFE Banking Protection blocks Outlook access to Office 365 Exchange
Does anyone have an solution for this problem. We are a small office with 10 SAFE licenses assigned to a mix of Mac and PC devices. The PCs are currently running Windows 7 and Office 2016 (from the Office 365 download) with SAFE 17.0 - not been prompted about the 17.1 update yet. The Macs run Sierra or High Sierra and…
Can't install f-secure
Hi. I have been using Internet Security for some years now, without any problems. Suddenly one day I received a message in windows 7 action center that I had to activate F-secure. I klicked it and nothong happened. I couldn't open F-secure at all, so I uninstalled it. I downloaded f-secure SAFE trial (free), and tried to…
Why is F-Secure SAFE incompatible with HitmanPro?
Hi everybody! When I was installing F-Secure SAFE, I needed to remove some products, including HitmanPro. How can F-Secure be incompatible with HitmanPro, as HitmanPro is only an on-demand scanner (only for scanning for malware manually, with no realtime protection)? See my screenshot.
I forgot my mobile password my mobile is anti theft security lock help to remove
Please help my mobile Nokia C6 01 is locked how to remove Mobile security code
I had to switch off Banking Protection
Hi, I have now used F-Secure SAFE about a month and today I had to switch off Banking Protection, why? Because it is hightly anoying when I have multiple tabs open and I need to find payment details from another tabs. Banking Protection green banner is sliding over the tabs constantly. Could you PLEASE make that feature…
Lap top?
I have a desktop pc, samsung galaxy phone and a laptop. It appears that my desktop and phone is covered as it shows the f.secure icon but cant see it on the laptop? How do I know its covered too. I did apply to add it but still dont know?
Firewall question.
Hello all, I know that f-secure works wth the inbuild firewall from windows. But is it also possible to use another one ? Because i like glasswire, but i don`t no if this will work with f-secure. And before i buy this product maybe somebody can tell me more. Thanks
When my laptop starts up i get the following message: there was an unsuccessful attempt to change the latest policy version Should i be worried? Am I infected?
false avast
hello I come to discover that avast has installed itself without is I suposse it's a fake avast but f-secure safe do not recoven like a virrus what to do in this case. I just install BitTorrent in the 24 hours before fake avast but if nothing else that can tell me or know.
Why doesn't F-Secure have an Early Launch Antimalware driver?
Quoted from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/compatibility/early-launch-antimalware "As antimalware (AM) software has become better and better at detecting runtime malware, attackers are also becoming better at creating rootkits that can hide from detection. Detecting malware that starts early in the boot cycle is…