Re: "New Features " notification on Android will not disappear

@Lymp wrote:Hi,
5th Oct - I have just uninstalled, reinstalled from Google Play, released licence then relicensed, but the F-secure icon in the Android-O notification bar remains stubbornly anchored.
Sorry for ask:
Also about "Fresh features" notification? OR just F-Secure logo?
Does it possible to re-check something like restart phone (?! if did not check yet);
I do remember that under community was some topics with related meanings (different view with this topic's meanings). Maybe if it with stable 'troubleresult' after some tries -> possible to try direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone):
As request for their investigation/clarification about it.
First, apologies if I'm mixing up 'fresh features' with 'ordinary running'. I think I'm talking about ordinary running (latest version).
First I had a white circle in the notification bar that wouldn't disappear. Following this thread, I cleared cache, uninstalled, reinstalled etc. Then I did a "restart" android (not turn off completely) (nexus 6p, BTW).
I got a F-secure logo that wouldn't go.
Before I responded (I started this response twice - didn't want to give you any fake news.... ), I thought I'd 'turn off' my phone completely, and cold restart. Double check.
Now it's changed back to a white circle.
Lymp wrote:Hi,
First, apologies if I'm mixing up 'fresh features' with 'ordinary running'. I think I'm talking about ordinary running (latest version).
First I had a white circle in the notification bar that wouldn't disappear. Following this thread, I cleared cache, uninstalled, reinstalled etc. Then I did a "restart" android (not turn off completely) (nexus 6p, BTW).
I got a F-secure logo that wouldn't go.
Before I responded (I started this response twice - didn't want to give you any fake news.... ), I thought I'd 'turn off' my phone completely, and cold restart. Double check.
Now it's changed back to a white circle.
Also as clarification:
I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions) and not an official staff.
So, my suggestions can be only as unofficial meanings or feelings. And sorry for my long reply!
Maybe there will be attention from official F-Secure teams later (or possible to try Support channel as chat -> as boost-up situation);
I ask about 'type' of notification -> because this one (from current topic) marked as 'fixed' (if it was known trouble); Or with my experience -> 'restart' device was enough;
With another 'view' (maybe your experience with notification) sounds something like:
Where trouble sorted by ?! time.
I'm not so friendly with Android-platform. And maybe some activities based on certain build/device, but I able to think that:
--> white circle can be about 'updating'-state (?!).
F-Secure SAFE for Android with abilities update 'databases' for cloud-scanning. Or some other 'prepare'-steps (like license/subscription check);
--> 'F-Secure Logo" with stuck-view can be about 'scanning'-state (?!).
It possible that F-Secure run scan at start device (or as scheduled part) or MAYBE notification about something concerned license/subscription; Or even some 'troubles';
I able to suggest:
-> Re-check that network connection is active;
-> Open F-Secure SAFE application and re-check UI/settings. About any useful information. Does it looks good/OK and with proper view. Also possible to 'update' databases (?!) by refresh screen (?! swipe down) at the main screen.
And/OR perform scanning.
With another meanings -> likely that can be some unexpected troubles. Like this one:
Your steps/check-tries sounds as 'enough good'. And should sort many of potential reasons.
But just because your F-Secure with stable-stuck under notification bar -> maybe it possible to investigate more (maybe with direct channel of F-Secure support - at least - they able to know does it global or local trouble). OR re-check potential troubles based on Android-platform (and not directly on F-Secure);
Yes it seems to be more related to the 2015 thread
But I continue here with more info. I turned off Antivirus, and the circle icon disappeared. Woohoo! I turned the AV back on, and the *logo* now appears. It is not scanning (I haven't asked it to, and I did a full scan this morning after reinstallation anyway).
Lymp wrote:Hi,
Yes it seems to be more related to the 2015 thread
But I continue here with more info. I turned off Antivirus, and the circle icon disappeared. Woohoo! I turned the AV back on, and the *logo* now appears. It is not scanning (I haven't asked it to, and I did a full scan this morning after reinstallation anyway).
Sounds like:
-- if this is not a 'checking updates'-state:
maybe F-Secure detect something (?! does it possible to use this circle/string as link to something); Like if 'pending for decision' about some items.
-- OR something as 'malfunction' -> since you do turn ON AV-feature abilities - but F-Secure do not able launch it (as internal check) and trigger something. Like if 'not started' (turned ON) in fact;
Maybe it possible to re-check by workaround: with this state (when AV is ON and 'notification bar' with logo) -> try to download their test-file:
for real-time detection (maybe) required F-Secure SAFE at the background task/processes; For 'manual' -> trigger scan under UI.
EDIT: Removed hyperlink
Lymp wrote:Hi,
Since I last posted, the circle has changed to the logo.
I downloaded the test app, and F-secure detected it immediately. So av is running. Everything seems fine, except for the stuck logo.
Because I do not able to re-check about my own experience with any of Android devices .... just some else potential suggestions/re-ask meanings:
--> But does notification-Logo comes with any words (?!) or even does it possible to 'open' (I able to suspect - that there is "only logo" and "notification do not react for activate it")?
--> Maybe possible to re-check that scheduled scan is not work or tried to work (your words with information that 'you do not run scan', but what about scheduled scan -> what if it with 'set up' for);
--> Not likely, but latest F-Secure SAFE for Android should be with fresh Parental Control/Family Rules modules; If you used it (?!) -> does it possible that such notification can be partly related with this meanings;
OR/And does there is not close 'expire'-date for subscription (?!);
With other meanings maybe this is else one 'compatibility' trouble between F-Secure SAFE and Android devices (as stated under previously noted article: ); Since your device is also 'Google/Huawei" (based on check information about "nexus 6p");
Good if there will be more useful advices from experienced Android users or F-Secure team.
In the drop down menu (by dragging down the notification bar) , if you slide the F-secure item to the right, the "setup" /cog icon appears. I tapped that, and (I can't remember exactly) there is an option to stop notifications or something. I selected that, and the icon has been removed from the notification bar.
Thanks for your help though! Hope this info is of use.
@Lymp wrote:Hi,
Not solved.
Now I have a 'heartbeat graph' icon in the notification bar <grrrr>! I can't get rid of it, even when I turn off all the Android-O notification settings.
Was F-secure updated today? 17.1.013573. Why has the icon changed?
Not a big deal, but a bit annoying.
Based on Google play market this build released some days before (five days as available?!). With some of 'unofficial' resources I found string about changes as "added support for Android 8 (Oreo)" (and some other words). Not sure about 'logo'-changes (do not able to re-check with any of Android devices).
But does this 'graph' is also F-Secure ones?
Maybe possible to re-check some articles under web;
I did query with Google Search about "Android-O persistent notification" (or "Android Oreo persistent notification") and most of top search results about fresh feature/setting.
And sounds as your 'addition' about 'running in the background' (like """How to Hide the "App is Running in the Background""").
But I did not re-check this articles (not sure - if possible to find any useful tips).