ilivid malware

RoseH Posts: 1 New Member

I have just done a full scan on my imac and it has found this malware in mail downloads. I have put into into trash and emtiped the trash but do you know if this has now got rid of the malware


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Based on brief Google Search about "ilivid malware" --> this is something as Potential Unwanted Application and/or related with some payloads (addons for browser/toolbars/adware and so); Usually such applications can be installed manually (so.. as valid software; but with certain tricks during installation; or with their work);

    So -> partly not clear why it was under mail downloads?! (most likely detection for attached files?! indeed downloaded file); But - if you did remove it (and after some other steps) -> possible to re-run Full Scan.


    General meanings can be: re-check that installed only known/trusted/good applications under your system; re-check your browser's settings about potential suspicious things or items; And re-sure about point like "does it was installed or not" (or only 'installer' placed under system - if it applicable for Mac-platform).


    Maybe possible to re-check web about certain concern;

    I'm not friendly with Mac-platform - so I search some articles and one of examples:


    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions);



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