Re: Banking

I think I have a problem with Banking Protection - usually when I launched a bank website, the Protection was launched as well automatically and connection to other websites was stopped. Yesterday there were some system (Win7) updates on my PC and today I entered a bank login website and nothing happened. I checked the F-Secure status - the protection is on and it's the latest version of F-Secure (16.5). Do you Guys know about any change with launching the Banking Protection?
@Bajron wrote:Hi,
I think I have a problem with Banking Protection - usually when I launched a bank website, the Protection was launched as well automatically and connection to other websites was stopped. Yesterday there were some system (Win7) updates on my PC and today I entered a bank login website and nothing happened. I checked the F-Secure status - the protection is on and it's the latest version of F-Secure (16.5). Do you Guys know about any change with launching the Banking Protection?
Maybe good to know Banking website URL (?!) - so will be possible to re-check with own systems.
Basically: good to re-check that URL is still valid one; URL is under HTTPS; URL did not trigger Banking Protection session with any of installed browsers;
For certified help/investigation: good to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone);
The URLs (I checked it with 2 different banks websites) are correct, preceded by https, the links are stored in Favs, so there was no mistyping. I tried to log in using Firefox and Internet Explorer. But anyway, if you say, there was some kind of a global issue, I'll check it later on, hopefully it'll work today evening or tomorrow. Thanks, Mate
@Bajron wrote:
The URLs (I checked it with 2 different banks websites) are correct, preceded by https, the links are stored in Favs, so there was no mistyping. I tried to log in using Firefox and Internet Explorer. But anyway, if you say, there was some kind of a global issue, I'll check it later on, hopefully it'll work today evening or tomorrow. Thanks, MateJust as potential points to previous reply (with "restart system"-suggestion/ask):
-- good to re-check things like: open F-Secure Main UI -> Browsing Protection module -> Settings -> Banking Protection tab and re-sure that status is "ON";
-- as example, I open next URL with my own browser:
and this URL will trigger Banking Protection session (flyer); What about your experience?
-- you noted that your installation about "16.5", but on current days.. latest available F-Secure stable solution is "17.0" (possible to get autoupdate; OR trigger it by fresh installation);
for latest builds there was some changes/fixes for Banking Protection; Maybe your experience partly based on such setting; Another (more likely) possibilities -> some changes with your network settings (and F-Secure ?! do not able to detect banking website?!); Maybe possible to re-check that other features still work: (test/check domain for check blocking "harmful"-rated pages; maybe possible switch protocol to HTTPS as re-check that page anyway blocked)
Hi Guys,
Thank you for your posts. Unfortunately, the Banking Protection is still not triggered, when I open any bank website and then click on login option (I checked using Firefox and IE with few other banks, among others with
Yes, I did all the things you mentioned - checked if the Banking Protection is on, checked the exceptions, rebooted the computer, triggered manually the F-Secure update (it's still 16.5 version and I see the icons and the notes that the application and its all features are up-to-date)... I don't think there could be any network change... Or maybe by accident I typed any key combination (i.e. CTRL + something), which changed the settings? But anyway in the notification panel everything is green, everything is on, so it should work. I scanned also the whole PC with the F-Secure and no malware or other crap was detected...
That's strange, I will contact the helpdesk, maybe they are aware something I am not. I will let you know the results
Hi again, I contaced the technical support (Polish) - they were a bit surprised, but advised me to re-install the whole security pack and provided me with the installation file. I did it and now the banking security works
Now my version finally is 17.0. I couldn't upgrade my previous 16.5 version by clicking "Update/search for updates", so they really helped me. Thank you too, Guys, for your support!