Internet Security - Full Scan - frezes the computer - hard shut down needed !

Internet Security - Full Scan - frezes the computer - hard shut down needed
Hi I am on a trial Internet Security. I am testing.
Windows 10 x64
Playing a youtube video in Firefox.
Starting a "Full Computer Scan" gets to about 2% and frezes up the computer totaly when getting to the file 'plugin-container.exe'
Everything is fresh and up to date.
Only way to get out of this is to hard kill with the Power Off button.
Sorry for my reply. Just as my own unofficial feedback.
I do not able to repeat certain view with my own system;
But I feel kind of "delay" for second percent at full scan (usually about thirty seconds; or some minutes with overload under system); This delay I also able to feel about "Brief scan" and this is only about switch between 'first part of scan" and "second part of scan" (from 'processes' to filesystem);
I tried launch only small youtube video under Firefox and launch Full Scan by F-Secure Internet Security; After some time (kind of 'temporary freeze') scanning goes next (I tried some times -> because with first tries.. my network goes be broken... and Full Scan ?! maybe based on this -> continues to scan);
Then I tried to install all listed extension under your screenshot. And stuck do not comes anyway. Small difference with your screenshot (my installed "Disable WebRTC"-extension already not marked as "Legacy"); ALSO (?! if possible) Firefox do not create plugin-container.exe processes (?!).
BUT - I with one-time experience about F-Secure SAFE beta/technology preview (FS Protection) as stuck at 'first' (or even ?! no one percent) under Scan Wizard; ?! potentially based on "Windows Updates" at background; I found that Windows 10 did installation/downloading for monthly updates... and when it practically completed -> Scan Wizard unfreezed and F-Secure continues scanning;
With my own experience -> today Windows 10 also with such tries, but stuck did not comes....
If your experience indeed possible to repeat under your system: maybe good to create fsdiag and transfer it to F-Secure Support (chat?!) directly:
but..... and also sorry for my previous long reply:
Starting a "Full Computer Scan" gets to about 2% and frezes up the computer totaly when getting to the file 'plugin-container.exe'
does system indeed 'unresponsive' during this stuck? Maybe Windows Event Journal with some strings around this time/minutes (?!) as potential src of more information for reasons (?!).
Thanks for replys and sugestions.
Yes there was as mentioned loads of windowsupdate activity in the eventlog in the time of the first crash.
But now I did a restart.
Waited for Windows and others to fully load.
Started Firefox.
Started a youtube video.
Started a F-Secure/Tools/Full system scan.
2% scan, sound stuck in a loop, system freeze.
Hard reset with power button only way.
This time as you can se it stops at 'firefox.exe'
Cant find any usefull info related to scan or crash in event logs.
I will now look into the FSDIAG
@Morten2 wrote:The support chat is never online.
Im fed up. I thought this forum was run buy "support" or someone who could fwd stuff to technicians.
Sorry for my reply.
time to time, at least, home_global website with unexpected 'Online'-status for chat:
With 'local' websites -> it should work with noted local hours ('Service hours' under page);
I able to think that.. just potentially... it possible that F-Secure Community Managers or Moderators (or F-Secure Team's staff) able to 'trigger' communication between related agents/teams and user (by mail, as example) from community based on topic/replies; Or some other steps for troubleshoot/investigation;
Just as example of some variants;
But .. maybe do you able to re-try repeat such trouble with disabled extensions (?); Maybe Firefox with such feature as "run Firefox with Safe Mode" (or so);
Because -> if stuck/hang/freeze happened only with "Firefox"-processes scanning timepoint -> this is strange. And I able to think that maybe just Firefox hang/freeze and kill system by this 'hang' fully or temporarily. And good to re-use that this is not based on certain plugin or extension (?!). // since -> difference with your screenshot and my try to repeat: only "Disable WebRTC" not marked as legacy (more up-to-dated?!); but I not sure -> what else can be as potential trigger for such trouble (except extensions or something not default one);
// also such topic from Firefox-support pages (?!) sounds as potentially related with your experience:
hangs, firefox, system, youtube;
difference: your experience... about certain trigger as "Scanning" by F-Secure;