Dear Support, i wnat refund on my xxxxxxxxx order. EDIT: PII Remove
Feedback: ID Protection renewal not working - and a word about the renewal reminder emails
So the first issue is, I'm unable to renew my subscription for ID Protection, the button on the reminder is not working due to a javascript error Second: The renewal reminder emails seem a bit suspicious, I'm still not sure if it's a phising email or a real email. The reminder sender is: (F-Secure…
Beställningsbekräftelse med prenumerationsnyckel
11 okt 2022 köpte jag ett nytt abonnemang ref. nr XXXXXXXXX, faktura nr AKD-7XXXXXXXXXX, Jag har inte fätt någon bekräftelse och kan därför inte ladda ner förnyelsen. Min tidigare e-postadress var cXXXXXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXX.fr Edit: PII removed
online_scanner glitch pending restart??
I have F-Secure Total, and slowly integrating it into the few computers I use from home. So far, I find F-Secure products excellent! I want to use Online Scanner on a win10 computer that is using a different anti-virus until its license expires, but I'm having issues. Win10 21H2, in SUA and running onlinescanner.exe from…
Rookie error
On my Secure Browsing and Banking page it says "This feature automatically blocks websites that may try steal personal information ...". This is incorrect English and should read "This feature automatically blocks websites that may try TO steal information ...". This is the kind of mistake that normally alerts me to scam…
tough "feature" still remains
active iphone6(latest iOS) and iphone8(latest iOS) stop "calling home" without manually refreshing the app from device Implement "modern" portal for managing and licening of consumer customer devices Any news of these?
Capricorn-updates ONLY HALF THE WEEK - still the same - SEEMS to be solved, for now
What's happening - or, rather... What's NOT happening??? The version-number for F-Secure, is 18.5 - and the program is valid until 21/9 2023 - and the FSAUA reset-tool has been tried to no avail. I'm having Windows 10, the latest version Should I uninstall it, and go here instead??…
Subscription upgrade/renewal
Hello! i just renewed and upgraded my subscription from safe to total but my f-secure doesn't seem to recognize it. What can I do?
Monthly "volunteer work day(earning extra Badges)" for F-Secure personnel
Every month(12 times per year),every unanswered question in community could be investigated and answered if possible contributing "stucked" issues...
The beta test is about to expire How to join again?
The beta test is about to expire How to join again? Thanks
Scan Button in Context Menu after upgrade to W10 missing
Upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 19 f-secure safe Windows 8.1 was supporting Virus scan on a File from the context Menu. After upgrading in place to windows 10 in the context menu the f-secure scan button is not available. What was happened? Thanks
Request a refund
This discussion was created from comments split from: Request for Refund.
I think I'm hacking !
Hello, I have got a pay version about Fsecure, because, I buyed a computer into FNAC BREST ESPACE JEAN JAURES 1 month ago from now and they installed me ; FNAC PACK SECURITY. Fnac pack security on my pc, latop, is F secure in reality. Actually when I connected on my bank a green frame appears ; Saturday o1/10/2022 I went…
VPN tries to connect but never does
Hi! As I turn on the VPN, it only stays "connecting" phase - and never seems to connect. I don't get any error messages or any indication that the effort is unsuccessful - except that it just won't connect. I haven't done an update to my MacBook, so not sure where's the problem. It was working fine few days ago.
Я живу в Украине.
Здравствуйте. Могу ли я получить ключ от вашего продукта. У нас сейчас очень плохо с интернетом.. Если есть возможность помогите получить ключ нам. Спасибо. Мира вам.
Add a new apparel and add a new licence
Hello, I've an F-secure Safe subscription for 3 apparels and I want to add a new one with a 4th licence. How I need to proceed for this ??? Thanks
F-Secure Sense(windows) 18.4 / Banking protection / Teamviewer.exe(service)
Is there a way to exlude this from occuring during Banking sessions(nordea.fi) ?
No option to activate subscription in Android app
I just purchased a new subscription for Freedome VPN off the website and I have an activation code. When I open the app and click subscription, there is no option to add the activation number.
Promo Code
I have a promo code and it doesn't work.
Windows 11
Since I updated to Windows 11, I have been locked out of facebook. I have tried everything, including calling Frontier Secure for them to help me solve the problem. So far I have had no luck at all. I am getting very discouraged as time goes by. I miss all of my facebook friends and feel lost without being able to check in…
Mac shows 50% power consumption of the Safari addon
Hello I noticed a power consumption of 50% on the "12 hour charge", but I have never seen a realtime consumption over 2-5%. Otherwise the German spelling bug while scanning is still not solved since the version 18.0: https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/124585/minor-bug-in-german-spelling#latest If necessary I can…
Spectrum Router connectivity
I have tried according to the geek cart to increase spectrum router connectivity but I want to increase speed. Are you have any idea how we can increase it
I too cannot reset my password- can you help please?
I too cannot reset my password- can you help please?
Unfriendly to novices
Uch as operational aspects or registration
Swift Beta performance: sorting arrays
I was implementing an algorithm in Swift Beta and noticed that the performance was very poor. After digging deeper I realized that one of the bottlenecks was something as simple as sorting arrays. The relevant part is here: let n = 1000000 var x = [Int](repeating: 0, count: n) for i in 0..<n { x[i] = random() } // start…
United Nations site is blocked by Freedome. "403 ERROR". How do I unblock?
Yesterday I noticed the United Nations site un.org was blocked on my Android 11 phone and on my Windows 10 laptop. Still blocked today. I can access by turning off Freedome. How can this be avoided? (I have been using Freedome for some years and not had problems.) Thank you. This is the message I keep getting when Freedome…
Subscription code
Hi , I have subscription code , how can I use it ?
Kann ich eine software mit Anmeldung und passwort mit ID-schutz verbinden
Ich benutze auf meinem Laptop einige Software, bei denen ich mich mit Benutzerdaten und Passwort anmelden muss. kann ich dafür ID-Schutz verwenden? wie stellt man das ein?
Free space
I think you have a problem with iOS 16.2, because when I have the VPN on what is being shown on free space on my 14 Pro 512 is less than half of what It should be. How do I know this when I have the VPN on it shows free space of 186 GB free when I turn off the VPN it comes back to 368 GB free so I think you need to update…
May I speak to a agent
Agent chat