I have a five licenses valid to 22/1 2026. Now I have a new 6:th lic valid one year from now.

But when I try to install the new one it says that my email-adress already exist. I know that my last Safe are valid just 1 year. I suppose that is the problem. Could you please change the valid date for my 5 old lic .I understand that all 6 will have have a shorter valid time. Perhaps you cant.
Kindly Regards
Accepted Answer
I am also only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
But when I try to install the new one it says that my email-adress already exist.
How you tried to install the new one?
Description is like if there is a try to 'register' My F-Secure account instead of installing / login to further installation.
Depends on way you purchased your old subscription and new one - there may be already another email is used for fresh subscription - so, you need to use it while log-in into My F-Secure portal or application. This is the case - if you tried email address from 'old' subscription (which is pinned to that account).
If both are about the same email address (while purchasing) and you bought new F-Secure Internet Security package, maybe it is a good idea to contact their official Support channel: Contact support | F-Secure (if web-chat will be available today). They should assist how to figure out and sort out this loop.
I have a five licenses valid to 22/1 2026. Now I have a new 6:th lic valid one year from now.
Could you please change the valid date for my 5 old lic .I understand that all 6 will have have a shorter valid time.
I am not sure about this request, but Support Agents will be able to ask further if your concern is unclear.
However, if your situation is currently like:
- first subscription (valid some years more; 22.01.2026 is expiration date; and this is up-to-five devices package);
- second subscription (valid one year; ~March/April.2024 is expiration date; and this is up-to-six?! or just one-device subscription).
If you want to install solution (new F-Secure Internet Security / previously known as F-Secure SAFE) and use second subscription for one device - need to use 'email' which is pinned to this purchase. If it was 'email address' (which is also pinned to 'first subscription' - then you could try to change email there by the steps from next discussion: How do I change my fsecure login email adress? — F-Secure Community
However, Unable to create My F-Secure account with error "This email address is already in use" - F-Secure Community suggested that it is possible you still trying to create My F-Secure account; if so - you can try to use 'alternative' email address (if any available).
You could also read some Help/Online Guides there: F-Secure User Guides (where some instructions about installation tips and so things)
And check some known KB articles: F-Secure Total - F-Secure Community /// F-Secure Internet Security / Anti-Virus - F-Secure Community /// Common Topics for Home Products - F-Secure Community
where known troubles are documented.