I have licences for F-Secure and other similar software and many devices what's best to do?

Should I ditch others in favour of f-secure for all or have all on everything or a combination? I have laptop MS 10 Desktop MS 10 iMac, iPad, iPhone x2 Android x 2 and MS phone. Do scanners interfere with each other or is that old school stuff, like me lol? I'm retired now but was once in charge of installing and maintaining virus / malware protection and even knew how to write one on the command line in DOS lol.
Accepted Answer
I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I have licences for F-Secure and other similar software and many devices what's best to do?
If you trialled them before, so to choose and use most lovely one. :)
Anyway, it is actually depends on what "other similar software" are. Some, maybe, at the same level or slightly better for certain cases. But many can be not better or not so trustful. Also, if they are all with 'same' set of features or designation.
And what you need from a security solution is also important.
But if you already with licenses - it is just matter of taste.
I have laptop MS 10 Desktop MS 10 iMac, iPad, iPhone x2 Android x 2 and MS phone.
F-Secure Internet Security (old F-Secure SAFE) for Windows 10 laptop and desktop, and for MacOS is pretty good thing.
Quality, trustworthy, most of the basic features and some advanced.
AV-results are close to the very top. Always can be better, of course.
For iOS, Android - mostly safe browsing things and useful for Parental Control stuff (for child/kids devices). Android also with scanning feature.
Very depends on your needs and expectations. But I don't see why you cannot choose F-Secure as your main security solution.
It is also quite light and partially cloud-based (thus, not so much resourceful and mostly always up-to-date).
Surely, there are a lot of reviews and even own F-Secure topics and promo materials about benefits or purposes. Most of them are around 'right' point of view.
// is MS Phone is a Windows Phone platform? If so, I think you cannot already use F-Secure solution there. Reached EoL and so things. When it was possible - it was a very lovely 'safe' browser with some protection against harmful-rated websites (and other online dangerous sides).
Do scanners interfere with each other or is that old school stuff,
Well , they do. In one way or another.
There are also a lot of stuff which could be with incompatibility between. Especially, network-related features.
System performance can also be affected.
As such, they just do not recommend use multiple (same base) security solutions (scanners). It is, from time to time, possible. But not so often with any benefits for user.
And I feel that it is not recommended. Unless it is a very specific 'security tool' which could compliment main security solution. But, again, no one can provide a guarantee of supporting each other.
Can I have more than one security product installed on my device? - F-Secure Community
Should I ditch others in favour of f-secure for all or have all on everything or a combination?
So, eight devices (and MS phone) - if F-Secure subscription with that amount of licenses. You could use it there, why not.
At least, laptop and desktop surely will be with good enough security and protection.
You can try and use others too. If it seems somewhat better or if extra features and no any 'privacy' concerns against.
But a combination 'in one' device is not a good idea.
Well, my reply is very clumsy. If you want to discuss something or to clarify points more - I will be happy. :)
Sorry for my English!