
Hej, köpte virusskydd via er precis, men varje gång jag försöker logga in för att aktivera det kommer jag bara till; . Klickar jag på länken i mejlet för att logga in kommer jag till samma sida igen. Jagg ångrar mitt köp, kan ni hjälpa migmed återbetalning för detta.
Kära kund,
We noticed that you already purchased a license via the F-Secure website, but you have not activated it yet. Please follow the Skapa ett konto för My F-Secure button in the "Your F-Secure order" email to activate your license. You will find this message in your email, sent by cleverbridge/F-Secure.
Om du redan har ett F-Secure-konto följer du länken och loggar in. för Han
Accepted Answer
Hello @Emmelie
I'm thrilled to share the great news with you – the issue has been successfully resolved. We've gone ahead and created your My F-Secure account for you.
I've sent you a private message containing your login credentials. Once you're logged in, please follow the instructions in this link to change your password for added security: Changing your account password | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides
If you need any more assistance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help.
Thank you for your patience, and have a fantastic day ahead.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
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Hello @Emmelie
Welcome to the F-Secure Community. Thank you for your post.
Currently, our forum provides support in English and Finnish.
However, regarding your inquiry, we've conducted a thorough check on our end, and it appears that there's an issue in the back-end system. No worries, though. I'm actively liaising with our R&D team to get this sorted out for you.
As soon as the issue is resolved, we'll be sure to reach out and let you know the good news.
Thanks for your patience, and have a fantastic day.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
💻 Empower yourself with Cybersecurity Insights and protect what matters