uninstalling F-secure IS: safe mode / removal tool necessary?
hi I'm currently running the latest version of F-Secure Internet Security on one of my laptops with win 8.1. I have no problems with this installation: everything is running fine. I want to remove this installation of F-Secure and use it on my brand new convertible (Lenovo Yoga). My questions are: A) In order to remove…
Will F-Secure SAFE run on my laptop with Ubuntu installed? Is there a Linux version?
How to disable time limit die Safe browser
Does anybody know : How to disable time limit for Safe browser? Regards Tk
Had to format PC and lost one of my licenses of AntiVirus
Hi. I bought 3 licenses F-Secure AntiVirus. Had to format my PC and lost one of my licenses .How reactivate the antivirus and get my third license back?
pop ups
how do i remove pop ups like www.pipichannels and adexc.net and speed-open2.com have looked in start up menu various registry menus
I can not open exe file on my PC
I can not open exe file on my PC
Anti Virus does not work after reinstalling Mac with the same version as before
Been happily using F-Secure Anti Virus for Mac, and still have half a year paid license time ahead of me. Now I reinstalled my Mac with Mavericks 10.9.5, same I had before, and ran into issues getting F-Secure to work. At first, tried to download F-Secure from the website. Download worked, but the installer refused to do…
Passwords for children
I have all the time fixed for my childnre on compute so they dont go on all hours and every hour. Sure enough it comes up and says you cant use this any longer, do you want to extend?, they click yes and carry on and so how the heck do I stop them clicking yes? There must be a password they have to put in, can I figure out…
Security cloud unavailable
The problem still exists. Just installed the package and after several times it still keeps saying I am not protected because the security cloud is unavailable. Strange, because on another Mac it works perfectly. Also the safari extension does not want to be recognized as being installed.
cannot start F Secure when in safe mode
I went to safe mode (not online) and tried to start F Secure (I have F Secure internet security, windows 10) but the program will not start. I want to run a security scan in safe mode. Why doesn't the program start?
F-Secure Mobile - How to remove notification icon
Hi, I installed Fsecure mobile on my cellphone but it alwais show the Fsecure icon on my notfication bar on the top of the screen. ( Not on the right were i have batteries and other, on the left with the notifications ) How to remove this icon ?
How do I make a complaint?
Two years ago I renewed my subscription and F-Secure/Cleverbridge stole the remaining three months of the existing subscription. Emails and telephone calls eventually re-instated the missing months, a grudging apology and an assurance that all was sorted. Now I am getting emails saying my subscription is about to expire -…
security code anti-theft forgotten Nokia E72
security code anti-theft forgotten Nokia E72
FS Protection replacing SAFE
I have become aware of FS Protection replacing SAFE, via th the BETA program website (https://beta.f-secure.com/welcome/key/P4HQFHCLWGK95M0L). I would like to know the approximate date that FS Protection will replace SAFE.
Share parental control with other parent in My F-Secure
Is it possible to give access to children's devices to other parent in My F-Secure? Other parent is already in the same circle with own F-Secure account. This would be quite crucial functionality to properly utilize the family rules. Petri
I finally found the reciept for my original F-SECURE renewal. I took all of November off for hunting season. I went ahead and updated to the new (low priced) F-SECURE SAFE. I would like to to be reimbursed or have the F-SECURE renewal removed from my debit card invoice. Thank you.
FSMS: (1) Crashed when opening Application Privacy; (2) Boot scan by default
Hi there, Does anyone experience this problem on Platform: Sony XZs mobile? 1, Clicked on the Application Privacy in FSMS 2, Select "View application" 3, Click on the taps and application quit with Android send report messages Also, FSMS boot scans while system starts (no matter a clear shut down or restart), even though…
I can't add my other e-mail to my group...
When i tries to add my other e-mail - shows that my e-mail belongs to other group... So how i have to left that stupid group, if that pedik by he self took trial licensse
Initial Trial Gripes
After lurking in the beta program for awhile and then going to Kaspersky, I reconsidering F-Secure for both my computers and my grandfather (who frequently gets into trouble with adware and drive-by sites). However, 3 problems I found in the beta still remain. 1: Browser protection for Android only works for the F-Secure…
Upgrade Path Available?
Hello, Is there an upgrade path from F-Secure Internet Security to F-Secure Safe? If so, what are the details? Thanks, Steve
F-Secure Mobile Security - licence date have changed
Hello, My F-Secure Mobile Security - licence date have changed from april 22.2018 to january 13.2018. So without any reason I loose more than 3 months. Can you explain me why ? If it is your policy I will certainly look for a more honest mobile security provider. Waiting for your reply. Regards, Alain.
Youtube not loading
Hi I have F-Safe installed with content resritctions on and you tube is not loading at all. The page does not load i get error message "Make sure that you’ve got the right web address: https://www.youtube.com" I've turned off content restrictions but it still doesnt load any ideas?
hello ok good well ok sms or call security code bye have ok good well where ok sms XXXXXXXXXXX Edit: PII
BSOD tcpip.sys when accessing network shares Realtek NIC
Hello Win7x64 F-Secure internet Security Realtek GBE ver 7.113.914.2017 14/09/2017 I've 6 licences but this is the ony PC with a realtek that I own The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff88001b39119, 0xfffff88004483588, 0xfffff88004482df0). A dump was saved in:…
email scanning
hi, please can someone tell me ? does f-secure safe 2017 scan emails and does it scan a secure connection, thank you.
can someone tell me how many times a day f-secure safe updates please thank you.
hi, can someone tell me how many antivirus engines does f-secure safe use, please thank you.
f-secure internet security / f-secure SAFE: Activation
Hi, at the moment I've installend f-secure internet security on my Windows 7 PC. Now I have to extend the licence in a few days. In my new account I have a new f-secure SAFE licence for 5 drives. How can I extend my license for f-secure internet security without re-installing? I've haven't found a licence number? How can I…
Change email
I’ve signed up for s-secure safe and I need to change email address I spelt it wrong at sign up
Banking protection banner out of place
Hi, When I enter a banking website, the banking protection banner appears on the very right side of my screen and is "cut in half". As a result, I cannot see or click on the buttons to interact with it (see picture). Any idea why it's happening and how to fix it? Thx!