reload f secure

@pussycat1 wrote:how do i reload f secure
Maybe good to add more information:
-> does reload is reinstall?
Like reinstalling F-Secure under system.
-> or does reload is restart?
Like restart/reload F-Secure processes.
And, for example, does it Windows, Mac or Android?
@pussycat1 wrote:i had to restore my computer and f secure has been wiped out how do i reload
->> There choose F-Secure solution that has been used:
- for F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL -> required to know your login (mail-address) and password; then it should be possible to download installer with bundled licence-key;
- for F-Secure Internet Security or F-Secure AV -> required to know your subscription-key; then it should be possible to add it during installation (after downloading installer from noted URL);
->> for example, knowledgebase article for F-Secure SAFE Windows platform:
@pussycat1 wrote:I had tone do a system restore and lost my data please can you tell me hoe to reinstate it.
Maybe one of options is to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):
Support Agents are certified to provide remote help:
My own unofficial suggestions:
--- I'm not sure about how to reinstate all your data (maybe some of companies with abilities to provide such service; Usually, should be possible to recover/restore data from HDD - even if it was with system restore and so on. But such companies should to provide diagnostic or consulting about certain situation).
But if your main concern about reinstate F-Secure solution to your system (or retrieve your subscription information) - maybe there is some of next steps.
--- So, requirements:
- to be with access to your mail-address;
- to be with access to your My F-Secure Account (or licence subscription key);
--- Then there possible to check how to download F-Secure installer for your F-Secure solutions (this one which purchased/used):
If your experience about F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL -> required to login into 'My F-Secure Account'; If it is unknown credentials (login-mail-address and password) - good to use "Forget password"-functionality and retrieve access to your account (access to mail-address is needed).
With solutions like F-Secure AV or F-Secure Internet Security -> required to know your subscription-licence-code. It should be visible under one of 'confirmation'-letters (access to mail-address is needed).
If not possible to retrieve access to portal or subscription-code-key: good to contact F-Secure Support Channels (chat/phone) for assistance:
--- Instruction for installing/reinstalling F-Secure SAFE to Windows system:
Does there another solution then F-Secure SAFE? Or does there not a Windows platform?