F-Secure Mobile Security, Safe Browser blocks an Internet forum

@Jack_D wrote:
Hi, does anybody know why forum is blocked by F-Secure Safe Browser? And: How can I unblock that page to enter it with my smart phone? Used Product is F-Secure Mobile Security. Many thanks in advance.Hello,
I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions). Potential things:
->> https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/submit-a-sample#sample-url
possible to use this ^ URL (F-Secure SAS) as transfer website-address to F-Secure Labs for re-rate it (or receive clarification about reasons).
Instruction: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-topics/How-can-I-submit-samples-to-F/ta-p/77674
->> Also, should be possible to use button/option "Enter anyway" (at least, ?! with common view; with F-Secure SAFE and kids profiles -> it is impossible).
where statement like:
2. If you want to enter the site even though Safe Browsing has blocked it, follow the I want to enter this web site anyway link in the block page.
->> Another option is "another unsupported" browser for F-Secure Mobile Security.
With unsupported browsers -> F-Secure do not block harmful-rated websites.
----> Potential reasons for such harmful-rating:
- totally random false positive result;
- maybe website is hacked (currently or previously);
- exploiting by someone;
- third-party scripts or resources was a reason for such rating;
- their hosting was with troubles; or certain IPs was related with malware (or so).
- because your title with words "forum": maybe some published content was about malicious or suspicious files.
Maybe it was autodecision based on certain triggers. And looks like that website with HTTPS -> so, maybe only direct URL (resource/page or direct file) was rated as such -> but with autodecision it is applied for full domain. I think that F-Secure Labs should create response about proper reasons.
@Jack_D wrote:
Thank you very much for your reply. "Enter anyway" leeds to a missing page ... unfortunately no way to go in this case.Hello,
Maybe good to re-check it. For example, with such steps:
->> http://unsafe.fstestdomain.com
it is F-Secure testpage with harmful-rating. Does it possible to open with F-Secure Safe Browser and use "Enter anyway" -> does it will be visible string "Unsafe" or not?
If yes, "Enter anyway" works, at least, with such website;
->> if no; or then (if yes) -> will try to do it with noted forum else one time.
does "a missing page" is a white screen or kind of "Page not found"? If second -> maybe possible to re-check that URL is valid (for example, it is main domain only); If first -> maybe possible to try scroll or reload page?
Also, I'm not sure how it handled 'allowing" (per session; per time or something else) -> but maybe some settings like JavaScript or Cookies may be related with inability to load page properly. But it is good to troubleshoot after first noted meanings (at least, about F-Secure testpage).
And it should be an option to transfer URL to F-Secure Labs with F-Secure SAS .
But it will take some days for their response/decision.