
Operalogg Posts: 2 New Member

I use to use different products from Spamfighter, but since I installed F - Secure none of th Spamfighters products works on my computer. Can anyone here explain why?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Operalogg wrote:

    I use to use different products from Spamfighter, but since I installed F - Secure none of th Spamfighters products works on my computer. Can anyone here explain why?



    Sorry for my reply. But just as potential clarification:


    ->> none of the Spamfighters products works on your computer with meanings like:


    -- not possible to launch it?

    -- or their features are not working?


    Did you try to disable F-Secure solution temporary as re-check that it will work and Spamfighter will back

    to normal design?

    Also, does it F-Secure SAFE/IS? Or something else like F-Secure FREEDOME?



  • Operalogg
    Operalogg Posts: 2 New Member

    Not possible to use though I was able  to download all thre programmes on my computer. And yes I did disable F-Secure  Safe I tried for several days and today the Supportservice at Spamfighter tried to solve the problem without any luck...

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Have you tried adding Spamfighter to F-Secure's Exclusions list?  You should find it in Settings > Deepguard > View Exclusions, or from the main UI, Tools > App and File Control.  Sorry if that sounds a bit vague, but I'm using the Beta version so things may be located differently in the retail SAFE.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Operalogg wrote:

    Not possible to use though I was able  to download all thre programmes on my computer. And yes I did disable F-Secure  Safe I tried for several days and today the Supportservice at Spamfighter tried to solve the problem without any luck...



    Sorry for my feedback.


    So, I thought that it was installed before your experience with F-Secure installation (and does it Windows or MAC?).

    And I did next steps:


    ->>> I installed on Windows 10 next SPAMFighter software:

    • SPYWAREfighter;
    • VIRUSfighter;
    • DRIVERfighter;
    • SLOW-PCfighter;
    • FULL-DISKfighter;
    • OUTDATEfighter;
    • SPAMFighter;

    Additionally, it was installed next software:

    • ChicaPC-Shield (bundle/suggestion during VIRUSfither installation -> so I installed it too);
    • Mozilla Thunderbird (suggestion during SPAMFighter installation -> required for spamfigher);

    Then I did restart for system and tried to launch each application and work a little be with them.

    It was pretty interesting to rule it by their FIGHTERtools-design.

    It was funny to work with ChicaPC-Shield (by Malwarebytes Corp?!). Sounds that it is rebranded MBAM2 (or so; like more classic MBAM based on their 'ChicaPC' build timestamp).


    ->>> Then I tried to install F-SECURE SAFE.

    It was possible to do and installation process did ask about two incompatible software (SPYWAREfighter and VIRUSfigther). These solutions are removed by F-Secure Installation process automatically (and it takes some minutes and restart system).

    All updates are installed for F-Secure and I did restart system.

    After restart I tried to launch each of remained applications. DRIVERfighter, SLOW-PCfighter, FULL-DISKfighter, OUTDATEfighter and SPAMfighter was possible to use (at least, with trial features state).

    Next URL:


    or direct subdomains (which was enough for my experience):








    rated as "Shopping and auctions"-category (at least) for F-Secure Content Blocker (part of Browsing Protection module and Family Rules/Parental Control features). So, I allowed this URL locally with F-Secure SAFE websites exclusion list (because it was blocked by my settings of F-Secure content blocker).


    Then I downloaded installer and run fresh installation for SPYWAREfighter. It was possible to install it and then to launch it. Also, it was possible to run scanning.


    Does it possible to clarify  - which one solutions with troubles about your experience?


    Sounds as good company, but their solutions with potential outdated taste. Also, maybe their company with not enough money and resources for being too much actual and well-designed with current days.

    But maybe it is not about their main solutions (like spamfighter or some other?! for business solutions). While most of their home solutions with good (?) classic view about most of things. Include their trial-view with restricted access to most of features (or during try to use it).

    Even I tried to use "Buy now" button and it was broken URL (it was possible to manually edit situation and got the payment page). Smiley Sad

    Maybe good -> because some of tried solutions with strange design about functionality (removed ?! junk files was not junk files, for example).



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