Banking Protection

@nobby123 wrote:I am working abroad and have had to open a bank account for salary purposes. However banking protection does not activate when I bank online with this foreign bank account. Is there a way to get this bank added to F-Secure Safe banking protection?
->> Possible to use F-Secure SAS: choose ""I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results"";
- then URL type as "Banking Protection related troubles";
- then Problem type as "Banking session does not activate when entering site";
- all other fields with related information;
but it will take some days (three-four days maybe); and will work later too (by design);
->> Another potential workaround is:
- launch browser;
- open tab with any known banking websites for F-Secure (for example,;
Banking Protection flyer should be visible and triggered;
- open your noted URL with another bank (if page is blocked by Banking Protection session - possible to allow it by "Allow"-button);
It is workaround because -> when F-Secure Banking Protection session is active -> it works for all system network connections and browser's tabs (as example).
Like another notes:
-- good to re-check that your noted website is valid one and not a fake (?! for example) or modified by something.
-- that it is work with HTTPS (requirements for Banking Protection);
-- and is not used any proxies (which may be break the BP) -> at least, it possible to re-check that any of other banking/payment URLs still trigger protection session/flyer;
// by the way -> my words was about Windows-platform.
Other platforms may be with another design about certain points.