Renewal cost

Tafia Posts: 11 Observer

I have been with F Secure for many years but ast time I renewed F Secure Safe it was £60. Will I be asked to pay that much again if I renew in April?




  • Tafia
    Tafia Posts: 11 Observer

    Many thanks Simon.


    I am covered for 3 devices at present.


    Seems rather a high price for a loyal user.


    Best wishes

  • Vic5
    Vic5 Posts: 2 New Member

    I am with Virgin what is my cost?

  • calmac
    calmac Posts: 4 Observer

    There seem to be offers with Virgin which disappear without trace when you get to the check I am off to somewhere more competitive!

  • Vic5
    Vic5 Posts: 2 New Member

    I am with Virgin.They state that the annual premium is £25.

    When I try to renew the cost comes out at £70. Is there a code to install to access at the rate Virgin say?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Vic5 wrote:

    I am with Virgin.They state that the annual premium is £25.

    When I try to renew the cost comes out at £70. Is there a code to install to access at the rate Virgin say?



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    But just because it is quite popular trouble (?! many users tried to ask it) and not really visible solution (based on user's feedback - which did not comes) -> does it possible to re-check such of related topics:

    Where some of suggestions (and not clear feedback about useful-status of it) was about tries to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example) or Virgin Media Support:


    Also, maybe possible to re-check -> what if any articles or 'FAQ' about Virgin Media renewal are available for their users.



  • calmac
    calmac Posts: 4 Observer
    I have spent much of the day in consultation by text messaging and by phone to solve the anomaly... Being told that because of Virgin Media sub I should pay £32 and being led to f secure site where £ 99 is demanded for 5 licences. Think I'll give up as I am wasting my time. Alternatives are there and cheaper and company obviously wants new subscribers rather than loyal customers.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @calmac wrote:
    I have spent much of the day in consultation by text messaging and by phone to solve the anomaly... Being told that because of Virgin Media sub I should pay £32 and being led to f secure site where £ 99 is demanded for 5 licences. Think I'll give up as I am wasting my time. Alternatives are there and cheaper and company obviously wants new subscribers rather than loyal customers.



    Sorry for my ask.

    Does it was F-Secure Support chat/phone? And does it is £99 for 5 licences indeed?

    Sounds more strange than before. Because UK local website with such price for 7 licences (as direct  fresh subscription):


    And does price is changed with onlinestore/estore F-Secure (Cleverbridge or so)?


    There was also such topic:


    Where my own feelings (not confirmed by any official replies): some of servers (or other related things like cdn/cache) with broken design for certain location or IPs. So, it will offer outdated or broken version of page - where price is unexpected.


    Also, possible to suspect that maybe  certain specific steps are required to perform renew (from Virgin Media Account with certain link; or with certain F-Secure page; or should be certain trigger that there is Virgin Media customer). Something like it was with registration (and still available?!):


    Random topic from Virgin Media with suggestion that 'contact F-Secure' is required:

    Another topic was with suggestion to use (Virgin Media account -> My Apps - F-Secure tab or so) - even their official knowledgebase with words to use F-Secure portal for renewal. Maybe good to try different steps with InPrivate mode (like prevention for caching certain parameters under F-Secure portal or webstore). Maybe some troubles based on situation that it was possible (?! or still) to register promo-account for anyone (not pinned to Virgin Media).


    Except potential official attention from F-Secure staff under community page -> I still think that good to try contact their Support channel (chat/phone) until any reasoned answer is received:


    About other points.. just like my own unofficial feelings ->>> I think that company wants customers and subscribers. :) Also, pretty sure that there are many alternatives (but depends on own user's feelings or thoughts; for example, it may be enough some of basic solutions for certain own needs).


    Sorry for my worst English! Smiley Sad


    // additionally, looks like that reduced price should work. Based on my information -> freshly registered account for Virgin Media promotion and with Renew-button under "My F-Secure Account"-portal (even it was not a renew date;  before renewal date) -> visible reduced price £25.00. Maybe something goes wrong if it is not a first renewal (?!); Does your experience about first renewal?



  • calmac
    calmac Posts: 4 Observer

    Thanks for response but I have now run out of patience and having devoted a dday in telephone and online chat will just give it up. The company cannot be too keen on keeping customers if its systems are so complex.

    Well done on the English by the way...great effort on such a complex subject.


  • Hi @calmac,


    Sorry to hear about your trouble. I have highlighted about your post to our support team.


    Hi @Vic5,


    Have you tried to get in touch with our support team regarding this renewal issue?

  • calmac
    calmac Posts: 4 Observer
    Message to all....ISSUE FINALLY RESOLVED. 5 licenses for £25 by virtue of V-media subscription. Fantastic and well pleased. If you have similar problems keep trying!
  • Thank you for keeping us updated, calmac! Glad to know the issue is resolved.

This discussion has been closed.