How to setup Overwatch and F-Secure SAFE

The game is installed and works fine (= finds the game server) only if I disable all security F-Secure SAFE settings. It is not enough to disable individually the different protection components but I have to disable EVERYTHING.
There are some instructurictions from Blizzard (the author of Overwatch) and I have tried to allow certain TCP and UDP ports ( No success.
Is there any convenient way to enable Overwatch network traffic and keep the security services active?
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
It is unclear why only "disable all security settings" (but... by what steps?) did the trick.
With my feelings -> should be certain option (OR maybe multiple of them as different layers with this certain situation).
Potentially -> such view can be related with own 'integrity/security' application design. And, for example, something goes wrong (based on F-Secure analysing, scanning, hooking). Maybe possible to re-check such meanings with steps like: add certain executable (or game-folder) to Real-time scanning exclusion list. And then re-check does it helpful or not.
If yes -> maybe good to re-check this Knowledgebase-article:
Another potential troublepoint -> if certain domain (URL) is marked as harmful (or restricted content). One of game-CDNs or so. But with such situation -> should be enough to disable Browsing Protection module.
And report situation to F-Secure Labs (F-Secure SAS):
// as example, another example of trouble with games: