I have paid you £44.99for 3 devices for 12 months on the 12/01/2018 with RBS Mastercard

Emilio123 Posts: 2 Observer

already paid you £ 44.99 with xxx mastercard no. ending xxxx -09/19 on the 10/01/2018 for the next  12 months I hope this clears the matter .For coverage of 3 devices .


EDIT: Removed Personal Identifying Information


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I think this not clears the matter -> at least, with Community side.

    Maybe good to contact their direct Support Channels (and 'designed' channel for subscription discussions):



    Should be possible to use chat or phone-support. Then your information can be useful to sort your trouble (it is unclear what kind of trouble there).


    Of course, if you have not already done that. Also, maybe good to edit your 'partial' information (because it is public website -> so, if  this can be critical to you -> such things can be visible for someone else and usually it is 'unexpected' result).



  • Hi Emilio123,


    As Ukko mentioned, please get in touch with our support team to discuss on the license issue. License issues cannot handled in the Community and it needs to be checked with the support team.


This discussion has been closed.