F-Secure SAFE keeps stopping when installing Playstore updates (Android)
Hi, Everytime when installing updates from the playstore, SAFE keeps crashing on almost every app update that gets installed. Have this on Android 8.0 and 8.1. Regards
change e-mailadress for logging in
There has been a major problem. My laptop has been hacked and now I want to replace all login codes and e-mailadresses. The Fsecure inlog side will not allow me to change my e-mailadress and I just can change the password. For me it is of great importance to change my e-mailadress. How can I do this.
Tablet set up with parental controls but I want to see Youtube
Options Hi. I set up my samsung tablet with parental contols for my child but I want to be able to see you tube. How can this be done?Thanks
Scanning Microsoft Outlook PST files
Below is the scanning report of an Outlook PST-file. Question: How do I now identify the offending e-mail or its attachment? I was scanning the forum and found this entry: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/How-to-find-which-mailbox-is/td-p/30358 I am afraid this is not a feasible solution for me - the PST…
Call a website in Chrome shows "Internet access blocked" for 2 seconds
Hi, since some month I always see in Chrome the message "Your Internet access is blocked" for one or two seconds, when I open a new website. The problem exist only in Chrome. Firefox and IE are fine. When I deactivate F-Escure Internet Security then chrome works fine. I have deinstalled and reinstalled Chrome and F-secure…
FSecure deletes (harmless) files without warning and without quarantine
Hello, FSecure delete an old file from my harddisk (a setup actually) that is not harmfull at all. It happens now several times. The problem is that FSecure deletes the files without putting it into quarantine so I got no chance to tell FSecure that is harmless or send it to FSecure to investigate the problem This file was…
Suscribtion will stop although my f-secure account are valid
Hi everybody I have extended my f-secure subscription. Now my devices report me that my subscription will stop in 20 days. But my f-secure account says, everything OK my subscription is valid until November 2018. I have reinstalled the f-secure safe but the problem persist. Sorry for my bad English and thanks for helping.
Mac - Running SAFE but do I also need it on my virtual Windows
I am running a Mac (Yosemite OS) with SAFE installed. Within the Mac I am also running Windows 7 through VMWare. Do I also need to install SAFE on the virtual Windows OS? The reason I ask is that I have been doing this for some time but recently the Windows environment has become painfully slow. I mean REALLY slow. I tried…
False flagging of GT4T, a translator productivity tool
Dear support, A user of GT4T reported to me that one of the F-Secure products falsely flagged GT4T as a virus. GT4T is not a virus, neither does it do anything malicious. It's a simple translator productivity tool. and it's been selling for 7 years. Please help me check. Please download the installer file at…
Why I cannot get free for 12 months?
https://campaigns.f-secure.com/safe/virgin-mobile/en_GB/ I have follow this website and creat an account, but my period is valid until 03/01/2018. Can you give back 12 months to me?
Customer Support experience - How bad it can be?
I came a cross a situation where my F-Secure TOTAL purchase documents for 7 devices contained instructions / description about the experience that didn't match the real life. In part of the process I was asked about the experience and I chose to answer. My response to the open txt feedback for and to the question "what I…
Re: Ransomware Protection
Hello! My MacPro has become infected with what seems to be a ransomware virus - I am not an expert - I was notified of this by a McAfee popup which claims it came from gumtree.com or mygumtree.com which is an infected site. It is probably related to my recent update with High Sierra 10.1.13. The McAfee pop up however while…
nokia 808 security code
it is an old phone, but still in use. I have unfortunately lost the security code. How to recover it. It is backed up, hus no problem wiping it clean.
New feature request for Mobile Security: QR code scanner
Hello there, Just wish to know if QR code scanner can be included as a part of the FSMS? Cheers yeungmic
disabling nagging SAFE popup in Chrome
Is it possible somehow to disable the nagging popup from SAFE when I do not wish to install the SAFE plugin for Chrome? It used to be annoying to get the popup every day or every browser restart. But I tried to live with it. Now, after latest updates, the popup keeps coming and coming, there is maybe 1 minute between that…
allow and block websites
Hi I amusing Windows 10 Can you please remind me where I find the window to allow and block websites? I havent done it in a while Many thanks
kan niet door mijn muziek (op e pc) bladeren
有挂科Diploma想认证成degre如何消除挂科 腾讯Q972412767提供挂科成绩修改
阿伯丁大学·阿伯泰邓迪大学·阿伯里斯特威斯大学·安格利亚鲁斯金大学·伦敦艺术大学 留学改成绩,挂科改成绩,大学改成绩Q972412767改成绩 先改后付 阿斯顿大学·班戈大学·巴斯大学·巴斯泉大学·贝德福德大学 欧美大学大学马上毕业了,被通知学分不够Q972412767改成绩 伦敦的伯克贝克学院大学·伯明翰大学·伯明翰城市大学·博尔顿大学·伯恩茅斯大学 被美国大学退学怎么办 挂科/学术不达标问题QQ972412767改成绩 布拉德福德大学·布莱顿大学·布里斯托大学·布鲁内尔大学·白金汉大学 回国再去美国每次都要签证GPA不达标怎么办 黑客改成绩Q972412767先改后付 坎布里亚大学·德蒙福特大学·德比大学·邓迪大学·达勒姆大学…
Manual scan freezes
When I do a manual scan, the computer freezes (mouse and keyboard unresponsive) at about 25% of scan. I need to switch off and re-boot. I have de-registered, uninstalled and re-installed. The freeze happens if I switch off Deep Guard and scanning of compressed files. It also freezes when I run the on-line scanner from the…
Sensitive data & unwanted uploads into the cloud: Excluding Files or Folders in macOS
It would be nice if this was actually answered. Where are the opt-outs for your algorithms to send my sensitive data to your cloud? NOT ANSWERED: Reminder about your privacy policies and principles - Excluding Files or Folders in macOS ============================================================== Hi, for my company (and…
Banking Protection Notification
F-Secure shows that the protection is on but the green notification bar does not appear on the top of the screen when I access the required site. This has only just started to happen. I am running Windows 10 and Google. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Adding another person
I have tried to allocate one of my licences to my son ..have put in his details but he does not seem to receive the email from f secure . Have tried several times but so far no luck
TOTAL suddenly claims all licenses experied
I have F-Secure Total license, about 600 days left, for 5 devices. SAFE has been installed on several PC's. Today all of them tell me that the license expired or is no longer active. I changed nothing. On my Mac I had to re-activate the license, and it appeared as new device in the online SAFE portal. On my Windows PC it…
F Secure Login
Samsung tablet .keeps saying f secure has stopped. Can't uninstall or refresh. On f secure account
When I start my tablet a pop up comes on saying f secure has stopped. How do I stop this from happening. I can't open the app and can't uninstall either. I have plenty of license and the f secure account says all is OK. I'm worried I'm not protected. Downloaded the scan for virus but tablet won't let me run it.
false flagging of WhosCall on Android has come back = see original case xxxxxx
After being fixed, the false flagging of WhosCall on Android has come back. Somehow, the fix has dropped off! EDIT TITLE: Removed case number
Google & Facebook (incl Whatsapp, messenger...)
Dear, I'm concerned about the collecting of all sorts of personal information via systems of Facebook and google. Does F-secure offer a sollution where those companies can't source personal information from me without losing the functionality of those tools? Everybody is using them so it remains relevant to have those...…
Do you want to allow this page to open F-Secure SAFE
I also get the message ``Do you want to allow this page to open F-Secure SAFE'' with the extra annoying feature that the message disappears before I can answer it. Only if I get the time to answer it, I can proceed with safari.
Unlock Anti-theft on Nokia
please my nokia e5 locked by f-secure anti theft ,how can i unlock it.
Choose install drive?
Hello, is there an option to choose which drive this program is installed to? I can't seem to find the option, and it is larger than the SSD it keeps trying to install itself on.