Browser showing warning
Dear companions I'm utilizing F-Secure Safe. Google Chrome indicating me this message when I attempt to visit my site topspraymop. For your reference, I have connected a depiction of that rub. It would be ideal if you propose. Much obliged
F-secure Safe Total
Well I got my computers Ipad and phones updated except my old mac MacBook Pro, problem to share it with my wife after she changed her mail to a new, any one how knew what to do ?
How to delete all quarantined apps
How i can delete all quarantined applications i have?
F secure/Ziggo safe online Browser extension can read passwords
Hi dear members, When I'm installing the browser protection it says it can read webpage content like passwords. Obviously I don't want my passwords to be stored in any server, does Fsecure/Ziggo safe online (which is by fSecure) store passwords you fill in on like banking websites etc
[SFR SÉCURITE- FR] Problème technique :
Bonjour, Le site pour gérer les licences sont hors-service ! > https://securite.sfr.fr/admin/
Mac is not protected after F-Secure SAFE installation
This discussion was created from comments split from: MAC IT IS NOT PROTECTED WITH F-SECURE SAFE.
Why one of my webpage is not showing secure in browsers?
I have recently shifted my website from http to https. I checked my website is safe to browse. But one of my customers reported found that one page is not safe. Here is the link to my webpage: https://www.ibtindia.com/ssc-cgl-notification-exam-date I am already working on the images and redirects, I will be very thankful…
F Secure is stopping me from saving games
Hi I have recently started having a new problem with a game called city skylines where I save the game, but the save games don't get created. I have spoken to the support team for the game and despite excluding city skylines and the support folders from F-Secure they have asked me to contact you as the F-Secure protection…
Why didn't F-Secure detect malware on my Android device?
I've been trialing F-Secure as my Dad uses it on his PC and Tablet at the bank's insistence. By coincidence, an app I've had installed on my phone for some years developed malware tendencies yesterday. It was spawning browser windows for dubious websites. I did a scan with F-Secure SAFE which said that all was well. That…
Where can I reset this log display?
Dear Community, I would like to know how I can reset the logs from the picture shown. I have already deleted all other logs under Applications-> F-Secure via the event display. But where are the logs for this ad? Thank you so much David
Anders Esping
I have just paid for another year with SAFE, but still I get remainders on my computer that the period is soon to expire. I have also included my phone and my Samsung Pad in this. Is there anything for me to do to activate the subscription?
Browser plugin can't disable web filter anymore
Hi, I installed f-secure on my personnal computer a few month ago and at this time, on the website, I could click on my name, my computer and then on the parental control tab to enable/disable filters. I enabled a lot of filters and now, wanna disable one, but I can't find the parental control tab anymore?! Now my browsers…
AddOn Browsing Protection Support for Opera and Opera GX
Hello, I wanted to ask if the AddOn Brwosing Protection support for Opera is planned, since it is also based on Chromium, like Vivaldi, Microsft Edge etc.? I use both Browsers and it would be nice if they would be supported by F-Secure Thx.
F-Secure Safe Firewall
Is there a firewall with F-Secure Safe ? most reviews vs other internet security products indicate No but somewhere I have seen reference to F-Secure having firewall.
Hi. There have been no updates here for 36 hours. What's going on there? Best regards. Heinz
Firewall Question
Hello, Do you guys use any third-party firewall software with SAFE? I as gamer have some concerns you know there are people on Online game communites/servers that try to attack ( so called DDoS ) you after they lose or semething like that, my friend got Kaspersky and it got a Network attack blocker feature in it not sure…
ziggo safe online cannot be put on my computer .
NEW MEMBER : What can I do to download Ziggo safe online ? I get the message : counts-emea.f-secure.com heeft de verbinding geweigerd ( meaing : refused by ... ) I really have no idea how to solve the probem, can you please advice me ? My computer : Windows 10 home computer, 64 bits, browser chrome., 5 months old ! Kind…
Pc installed
Hello, I would like to know on which PC my Abo ist used. Do you know where i can find these information ? Thank you
Block Discord chat service
Hi My son is using a chat website called Discord and I need to bloack it. Discord is not linked to a particular server and so is not possible to block on Microsoft family safe. Is it possible to block Discord using F-secure please?
F-Secure products on Mac and duan screen setup
This is a small thing, but annoyingly indicating some QA issue: when using F-Secure prodcuts (SAFE , ID Protection, Freedome) on macOD Big Sur (v 11.1) menu bar icons for ID Protection and Freedome get distorted on the screen that does not have focus active. This happens independent of the application in which the focus…
F-Secure secured the Award for the worst on AV-Comparatives Enhanced Real-World Test 2020 – Consumer
https://www.av-comparatives.org/tests/enhanced-real-world-test-2020-consumer/ F-Secure couldn't score decently because its wasn't good in any given test
Traficom detects Gumblar Malware Traffic Coming from My Mac, but F-Secure Scanner Detects Nothing
Hi All, I tried to find out help to this from my Internet connection providers, but they could not help. I also tried to find help from the F-Secure chat, but the chat person did not want to help. I use the DNA Turvapaketti, which is of course the DNA product, but it uses F-Secure virus detecting technology and database as…
Is this resolution still valid? (WAX***.TMP)
In this discussion it turns out that the alarm was recognised as false. ( WAX***.TMP) So is this resolution still valid, where F-secure product recognises a WAX*.tmp -file as trojan? The WAX*.tmp file can't be found.
🔬| The F-Secure Safe "Virus and Spyware Scan" App?
The F-Secure Safe "Virus and Spyware Scan" is how I protect my laptop. Thus far, every time I run the scan, over 1.5+ million files are scanned and no threats are found. This is awesome. I trust F-Secure. However, I have a total of 1.7+ million files on my laptop. QUESTION: Why does the F-Secure Safe "Virus and Spyware…
App and file control
I have this problem on my F-Secure safe app. When I install app or file f-secure deletes it. When I go to app and file control it doesn't open it. How do I fix this problem. Thanks!
Banking Protection
If I want to acess my PayPal account, I have to switch off Banking Protection. Stange enough, Banking Protection works well with my other online accounts. What is wrong with PayPal?
Unable to add exceptions
Hi, F-Secure Safe is generating false positives for RootsMagic software, so wanted to add an exception. According to the help files this should be done by going to "Tools" and then choose "App and file control". However, there is no "App and file control". (See screenshot). I am on OSX Big Sur and - yes - I have admin…
Can't connect to Community without VPN
Hi. When i try to connect to the Community i get the Connection Refused error 2 different ISP tested with Edge and Chrome but with VPN it connect without any problem. Tried flushdns and iprelease etc.. didn't work.🤔
F-Secure SAFE slow down my VMWare Fusion 12 with the VMWare sharing folder.
Hi , After I installed F-Secure SAFE, when I'm using VMWare Fusion and connect to a VM and sharing folder with a usb device, it is very slow to browsing directories and files in the sharing folder in the VM, e.g. click the directory name to go to the directory content, whatever there is no files or sub directories, it will…
Safe banking not working
Hey all, Recently I have installed F-secure SAFE on my PC. F-secure is working fine, except that I can't get the safe banking protection to work. I have tried accessing numerous banking websites from my own country and from the US but I can never trigger safe banking to start. I submitted 1 banking url to F-secure to make…