Scanning inside compressed files
This discussion was created from comments split from: 🔬| The F-Secure Safe "Virus and Spyware Scan" App?.
Help, my program (F Secure Internet Security) has changed
My F Secure Internet Security has changed and I don't see how to run the long version of the check for malware. There appears to be only a "scan" button, which, I assume, is the short version of the scan. I have only a desk top computer, no "devices." I am using Windows 10. Please help me.
Stupid ****secure renewal reminders
Stop with the stupid reminders, its just motivation for people to right away unsubscribe and use other solutions. Also Ukko, **** you. Youre clearly workign for ****secure. You've 'tried' to resolve this issues with stupid answers but the answer is simple, roll out an update that enables the stupid reminders to be turned…
F-Secure account appears to be inaccessible?
I have just joined the forum so apologies if this is in the wrong part. I can't seem to access my account which I set up with TalkTalk using an old email (it has now been deleted) and password combination. I cannot reset the password because of course I have not got the email any more. My TalkTalk account is up-to-date…
Is this genuine ?
I have used F-Secure for years and tonight I got this pop up on my screen, i have never encountered it before and would like to know if it is genuine.
I`had a problem with F-secure: notice: your license is out of date - renew now /although license is valid/. Solution [for me works: Win7]: 1.Java update. 2. Uninstall F-secure. 3.Chkdsk 4.Install from F-secure account installation package.
F-Secure scans on HDD more as one archive parallel and so scan are slow
I have several backups from my website on a hard drive. These are tar archives with a lot of files. As soon as I scan them (manual scan), several archives are checked in parallel and you can hear the hard disk very clearly because the read head keeps jumping. I could see exactly with Sysinternals that 3 files are being…
F-Secure and Vivaldi
Hi! Can you make F-Secure extension to work in Vivaldi and bank protection? Thanks! Have a great day!
SAFE and DxO PureRAW on Mac
Hi, It seems that SAFE for Mac prevents DxO PureRAW from running properly on Mac (tested both on BigSur 11.3 and 11.2). PureRAW simply stalls, no excessive CPU usage or anything, and no alerts from SAFE. However, when SAFE real-time scanning is temporarily disables, PureRAW runs ok. Could someone in F-Secure take a look in…
How to transfer a F-safe protection on a PC from one Familly member account to another one of the
Hi, How to transfer a F-safe protection on a PC from one Family member account to another one of the same F-secure account? I was unable to do it! Thanks
unable to manually renew a subsription - error
Hi I want to manually renew my subscription as it expires today. Once I log in, the wind with "renew now" options pops up. I click it and I see informaiton about manual renewal error. At the first log in today, I had seen a window with the price and "buy" which I clicked but I had to return to the previous page to see the…
SAFE on Android - 20% Battery Usage
SAFE is using crazy amount of battery even when I am not using the phone. Anyone else have this problem?
Question about F-Secure DeepGuard alert
Hello everybody, Today, when I started my computer, I suddenly received a warning from F-Secure DeepGuard that it had "excluded an application" that would open a malicious website or program. This is a "setup.exe" file, see Figure No.1, but unfortunately no path is given as to where and which setup.exe should be executed.…
High disk usage
Hi my name is erik and some time ago my f-secure started to do 30% of my disk most of the time i have followed this forum and full scamed but i havent delited temporary files i would like to know if how to delited temporary files and if theres a bigger problem
Transfer one terminal PC or Smartphone from one user to another one of the same account
Hi, I would like to move on connected PC an Smartphone from one user to another one of the same account. Is it possible? If yes how to do it?* Thanks
F-secure and Windows Defender
Like so many other users i had problems with f-secure and Microsoft Windows Defender. I have tried all the tips and tricks I could find, but to no awail. Now i have installed Microsoft update 20H2 and Windows Defender is now disabled and the Windows Security can see F-Secure as the only and started antivirus defence. Try…
Restart required. Restart required. Restart required
Every time something happens a restart is required. Blocking unwanted applications requires restart. Updating requires a restart. What year is this, 2002? And the notification keeps popping up every 2 hours, and not in the background, NO, on the front so it disturbs everything u r doing. Is there any fix for this or do I…
macOS "Silver Sparrow" malware
Does anyone know if the most current Mac version of the software can identify the so-called "Silver Sparrow" Mac malware?
What technology is the anti-virus program using?
Hey everyone! Hoping someone can answer this question (bit more technical): I was wondering what kind of technology F-Secure's antivirus program uses? Specifically, I'm interested if a malware database is used or machine learning? Further, are these technologies cloud based? Any help anyone can give would be great, thanks!
Problem with Banking Protection banner after Windows 10 20H2 update
This discussion was created from comments split from: Windows 10, 20h2! Problems? Wait? Does F-Secure work with it!.
Im on way to buy F-Secure but i am see to price. I going to buy F-Secure for tree units price 275 skr but when im going to pay the price 465 skr coming upp and thats not okey.
Same problem(****) for me too
I am disappointed that it is... not clear or impossible to reduce the number of devices one is paying for (e.g. from 7 to 3) I am paying for 7 devices and my renewal is in 17 days. How do I downgrade to 3 devices? This should be as easy as clicking an option. Not having to look for it, going on a support forum, wasting…
How would one disable the renew license notifications each reboot?
I'm currently trialling F-Secure SAFE. I started the trial a couple days ago so I still have plenty of time left to make a decision. How do I disable the trial renewal notifications I get every system reboot? They're very distracting.
Hello, You have developed a security product for the company VOO (Voo Internet Security version 17.10). My question is whether this product is really reliable and can I trust it completely, or is it better to use another anti-virus? Thank you for your answer.
F-Secure Anti-Virus Databases are old: the latest database file is X days old.
FSaua-reset has done nothing, booting has done nothing. Last update that works is from before 1.4.2021, no idea why that is.
MacOS - SAFE preventing or slowing restart from sleep mode
I recently installed SAFE, and now how problems with my MacBook Air which either very slowly reopens from sleep mode, or doesn't open properly at all (I get the mouse cursor and nothing else etc) which means I have to force a restart. Does anyone else get this problem?
Want to buy license from FSECURE with discounts
This discussion was created from comments split from: How to upgrade existing licence from PSB Computer Protection to Premium licence..
Virus Scan Stops at 1.5m Files
This discussion was created from comments split from: 🔬| The F-Secure Safe "Virus and Spyware Scan" App?.
I have replaced a laptop with Freedome and reused the activation code
I have replaced a laptop with Freedome and reused the activation code. Does it deduct amount of equipment I can activate? The old laptop will be cleaned and the Freedome will not be used there anymore.
F-Secure and ZoneAlarm Pro firewall Incompability issue !?
Hi, I want to ask if F-secure can run along with ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall because F-Secure Deep Guard inspection, network behaviour monitoring and ZoneAlarm Aplication Control ? Can i run the too along if i trust all F-Secure Processes and allow inbound and outbound conections ? Or Do I need to turn off Aplication control? I…